Sandbox Hydroxide

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Benji, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hydroxide is a symmetric map built in the crypt. It is designed for Capture the Flag, Slayer, King of the Hill, and Assault.

    Weapons List
    Assault RIfle x2
    Battle Rifle x6
    Sniper x2
    SMG x2
    Magnum x2
    Needler x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Mauler x2
    Sword x1

    Grav lift x2
    Power Drain x1

    Mongoose x2


    Weapon List By Area

    Top Base--------------------BR x1
    Inside Base----------------BR x1
    Needler x1
    Mongoose Cave---------Mongoose x1
    Plasma Rifle x1
    Mongoose Shelf---------BR x1
    AR x1
    Narrow Cave---------------Grav Lift
    Narrow Shelf--------------Magnum x1
    Mauler Spawn-----------Mauler x1
    Bridge-------------------------Sword x1
    Bottom Mid----------------Power Drain x1
    Sniper Tower--------------Sniper Rifle x1



    Action Shots


    #1 Benji, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  2. Indigo

    Indigo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow that bridge is really cool and I like that sniper tower the interlocking looks flawless from what I can tell from the pictures 8/10.
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahem, I'm sorry if you don't like what I'm going to tell you but I'm going to be brutally honest because this is not your first post.

    This map sadly suffers from the problem that most crypt maps nowadays suffer from, luckluster structures and not ample cover. Many maps that suceed or are liked by many people have at least one unique feature, be it a magnificently built tower, a purely gold room, or even a base that flows like diarhea. However Hydroxide lacks these things, making people have second thoughts about playing the map again. Making things that look good and function gives players the opportunity to see different things giving the map much much more replay value.

    In addition, the map is in severe need of interlocking some things (not everything has to be), possibly geomerging some things, and possibly adding windows into the front of the bases.

    One last thing, if you choose to do a v2 please take one sniper off, as it sits the sniper can dominate a whole match.

    Overall, 3.5/5. Better luck next time, it plays ok, but you could do better.
  4. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the advice, but im going to say a couple things.
    • I don't see how the crypt specifically suffers from lackluster structures and a lack of cover. The pallet of Sandbox is the same for all three layers. You can make the same structure on all three levels.
    • Although ill admit the map could use a tad more interlocking, it isn't a gameplay breaker. Theres only a couple places where grenades can slip though cracks
    • If I made a V2 and took out a sniper, how would that help balance? The remaining sniper wouldn't have anybody to be able to counter him. He could sit in his base and pick off anybody who gets too close, without fear of being able to be killed in one hit
    • Finally, I don't think you actually played this map at all. I checked your recent game history, and you don't have any custom games played on sandbox today. So unless you were on your second account, im calling BS. even if you played local, you can't really judge a map designed for a 4v4 match playing 2v2.
  5. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    Love it! Original, nice geometry, and seems balanced enough. Not too many weapons, not overpowering vehicles, and everything about this map screams nom nom nom. Don't listen to RC. He's just being a hater. 4.5/5
  6. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Lol, you checked his recent games

    Now about this map, i for one think that it looks pretty nice. i have to agree with RC on the fact that there is not SUPERAWESOMETHING that stands out for this map, but it seems like a very solid map. the sniper may be a little overpowering with the limited cover, but im not 100% sure because my Xbox broked ='(. Also the bases look great with the placment of the lights, makes it look pretty awesome. i'll have to say that this looks like an alla round good map, room for improvment, but an all around good map. 3.6/5 ( i wanna say 4 but..........)


    Many maps that suceed or are liked by many people have at least one unique feature, be it a magnificently built tower, a purely gold room, or even a base that flows like diarhea.

    fantastic line dude.
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When I said take out one sniper I didn't mean to just do that, adding a counter weapon would be necessary, and yes I did play it on a second account because I have my full limt of custom content on my normal one. So don't be thinking you were smart looking at my recent games, if you really wanted to know if I played it you could have asked.

    Also, I didn't mean that the crypt has different palatte, I don't know where you got that from. pretty much I ment that most crypt maps lately have sucked and seem the same in some way, at least you borke out of the mold of having bases in opposite corners.
  8. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ahh, i was that close to being cool
    oh well

    But it seems to me that youre just annoyed at crypt maps in general. I was just saying that you can make mostly the same structures in all three levels.

    But what advice do you have about the snipers. First off, i have no idea what weapon i would use. second, this map is inverse symmetric. The mongoose is always on the right side of the base. so if the sniper was on the tower on the right side of their base (left side for the red team) they would always get the sniper by using their mongoose.

    Finally, i don't think that the sniper is overpowered. It only spawns every 150 seconds, with 1 spare clip. The tower it spawns in isn't defensible at all. I never had issues with it all during my tests.
  9. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    From xForgery:
  10. Ninjakitteh18

    Ninjakitteh18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Love the bridge idea! I'm going to have to dl and check it out for myself.
  11. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Appearance- 1.6-Monument
    game play- 1.6-Heave On Forge
    Originality- 0.4- Unique
    presentation- 0.4-Entertaining

    Over all= 4/5

    I have to say I love these 3 things right off the bat. I love the idea, structures, and weapon lay outs and with those three things the map was good but the map could have easily been great with a few added things. Like windows to the middle sections of the bases. The map felt like you were always running to one spot of the map to get shots off because there were only a few good options. I just feel like the map needs a few more spots were people can sit back and hold off the base and windows would make that possible. Also we felt that the ramps up to the sniper rifles could use side railings for cover because everytime a player went to get the sniper rifle they got rapped with hot lead do to lack of cover. Other then that good map game play was good, just about everthing was good.
    Nice job. :)
  12. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    I'm glad you liked it

    Thanks a bunch for the review; I'm glad you liked the map.
    However, i purposly left rails off the sniper tower to keep it from becomming too powerful-the sniper is pretty good on this map. The window thing is a good idea. I'm going to have to look in to that.
  13. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i love the bridge on this map.. i think that will create alot of different methods for any different gametype.
  14. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, I designed this map with a couple different gametypes in mind. Try playing king of the hill on it.

    Also, do you have any constructive advice i can make to help my map?

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