Just thought I'd share this with the world. You know, 'cause everyone loves Sushi =D [bungievid]92961547[/bungievid] Download 720p
*EDIT* Sorry bout previous comment, didn't realise Sushi was a well-known member around here, thought it was some local account. Ooopss Sorry GWS
Thats one of our members here... Lol, i feel bad for Sushi. When i get my xbox, we need to have a sniper game like that ;D
Haha sorry if I came across a bit harsh, I assume that owning Sushi is a private joke as he's not that good with a sniper (or so I gathered from the video, perhaps he was just having a bad day lol). I suppose I should have viewed this from a less serious point of view. *Edit* Sorry all, didn't realise GWS was so well known around here. How much of an ass do I look now? :lol:
Don't be hating on GoodWhaleSushi! Me and him are good friends even after all this time. I've been friends with him since TGIF #6! GWS is so pro (maybe not so much on sniping) but just because of his epic voice. People say I have an epic voice but no... The real person has to be GWS. I <3 his voice and he <3 my voice! Both of us are epic win actually.