This map is part of the H3FF Map Pack. For more details, you can view the map pack Here Hexogen By TaK and Baron Recomended Gametypes: This map is most akin to Narrows in both appearance and play-style. However it does have its own unique feel, as spawn killing is kept to a minimum. The map geometry allows for many interesting routes and firing angles. The map is made up of two bases connected by two Narrows style bridges with a giant hole in the middle. The spawns function similarly to Onslaught - when you kill them on one side, they will likely spawn on the opposite one, but unlike Onslaught the firing angles of the map make it very hard to actually spawn kill them. An exception to this is when you are pushed very far into there base, this causes them to spawn underneath and then they can push up top behind you and get the jump on you, so be careful how far you push. Weapons List: 2 Snipers(Located bottom base) 1 Custom Power-up(Located bottom OS bridge) 1 Active Camouflage(Located bottom camo bridge) 2 Maulers(Located on side base, camo side; 0 spare clips) 2 Plasma Pistols(Located on side base, OS side) 2 Carbines(Located on the ramps down on each bridge) 4 BRs(Located at the middle pillar on the sides of each base) 4 Plasma Grenades(2 at each top bridge) Overview: Overview with top floor removed: Red/Blue Plasma Pistol: Blue/Red Mauler: OS/Camo Hallways: Looking in from front base/Looking out from start spawn: And finally a call-out diagram on the overview: Updates: Map is currently in v1 state, updates listed as they come.
the design itself looks interesting aside from the fact that there are alot of corner blocks, but anyways i like how you have incorporated capture the flag into this map, i tested this map like 5 minutes ago and found it very fun, agian great map
Jezz i can really tell that you have wored hard on this map You have a top level and a bottom level which is very neatly interlocked ( Lot better then i can do) Whith the custom power up what is the traits of it cause it could really efect gameplay. Anyway this map is very neatlly put together no many people use custom power ups so im suprised 4/5
It is safe to assume that since this in the MLG section of the forums it would use MLG specific game types. Also note if you click on the icons under recommended game types it will take you to the game types.
This was one of my personal favourites from the map pack. I loved the layout and lines of sight on this map. Only thing I can recommend would be to perhaps put a very slight gaurdrail around the front of those outer tin cup sections. Even if you could still walk over it, it would be nice to feel that "bump" to tell you that you are about to walk off the edge. Also, leaving the tin cups like that looks somewhat unfinished.
The layout itself is pretty marvelous and reminds me of Narrows. But I don't like maps that are restricted to team gametypes such as Team Slayer, CTF, or Assualt. The corner pieces add a nice cover/ramp depending on which side you are on. But on picture one the top floor, the middle corner piece on each side is pointing towards only one base, and that sorta subconciously messes with me..
very nice looking map. deffinitely going to give it a DL. I think it might be interesting to put a man cannon in the middle give it a narrows feel. Would take a lot of fine tuning to get the angle down. I also agre. e that there should be a small ledge at the end of the tin cupto give it a more finished look
I'm kinda confused by this, and while team game play may not be your style, that is what this was design for, MLG team game play. Also, note that there are two corner pieces interlocked together so you can ramp up on either side. $30 for the man-cannons we don't have, also I doubt that it would significantly improve game play to be worth it. Also for anyone else mentioning the railing at the end of the tin cups(heres looking at you zonked) we would love to do this, but budget is tighter than an misappropriate reference I can't make on this forum. This is however one of the things we strived to create but just couldn't afford no matter how hard we tried. Defenitly in the works for v2.
In a nutshell, this map is everything Narrows should've been, and nothing it shouldn't have been. Excellent job Tak and Baron.