Official Conquest In Matchmaking Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gunnergrunt, Sep 5, 2009.


Which variant of Conquest should go in Matchmaking?

  1. Conquest v3

  2. Conquest v4

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    The Official CIM Thread

    The Goal

    The recent release of Action Sack has given rise to some of the most popular custom games. Action Sack has made it possible for anyone with a top-notch game variant to get their game into Matchmaking. Only the most addicting and perfected game variants have a shot in becoming part of the Matchmaking rotations. Not only do custom game variants enter Matchmaking through Action Sack, but also through the Double Experience playlist. Griffball is a prime example of a community-made gametype that has become very popular. It has it's own slot in Action Sack as well as a turn in the Double Experience playlist now and then.
    What does this have to with Conquest? It proves that a popular gametype like Conquest has a decent shot of making its way into Matchmaking. The goal now is to make that happen. We want to get Conquest in Matchmaking.

    The Plan
    This definitely won't be easy. There is still much preparation ahead. We need to select the best Conquest maps, provide tons of information about the gametype, and show a huge amount of community support. Here is the plan:

    1. Gather as much information about Conquest as possible.
    2. Select Conquest maps that play perfectly without fail.
    3. Show a large amount of community support.
    4. Present Conquest to Bungie.

    The Group
    We have started a group on with the sole purpose of showing support. The group is called Conquest In Matchmaking (CIM). This goal of this group is to gather as many supporters as possible. It will also be the place where we post our selection of Conquest maps and the gametype itself. If you support the idea of Conquest in Matchmaking, please join CIM to show your support on Bungie.

    The plan is not set in stone. It is simply an outline. The community plays the biggest role in achieving our goal.
    There is much to discuss here:

    1. Comments/feelings about our goal.
    2. Suggestions to make the plan work.
    3. Which gametype we should use (Conquest v3, or v4?)
    4. Pros and Cons of Conquest in Matchmaking.
    5. Which playlist would be best?
    6. Testimonials and Conquest experiences
    7. Favorite Conquest maps?
    8. Is Conquest v5 an option?

    Q: What maps will we see in Matchmaking?
    A: Its up to you! As a community with a knowledge about Conquest, we need to pick at least five of the best Conquest maps to present to Bungie.

    The Gametypes
    There are only a few major differences between Conquest v3 and v4. Here they are:

    - standard damage traits
    -custom powerup (10 seconds of invulnerability with 75% damage)
    -Respawn time: 5 seconds

    -75% damage modifier
    -custome powerup (30 seconds of 50% leech)
    -vehicle operation disabled
    -respawn time: 10 seconds (synchronized with team, and spawn on captures)

    #1 Gunnergrunt, Sep 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I'm sure you're aware of this thread, Conquest In Matchmaking. I think that you guys have real high hopes for Conquest to squeeze its way into MM. I myself would really like to see it happen, because I'm sick of Sumo. It's just not fun anymore. This thread seems more professional, thats clear. My concerns however are that Bungie is too... close-minded about the situation. I really hope that we knock 'em dead with our Conquest Maps beautifully crafted by the Forgehub Community. I see myself entering Action Sack, and saying Veto for Conquest, lol. I'm also glad to see your determination in getting Conquest recognized by Bungie. I'd love to join the group.

    Gunner, I have to ask a favor however. I'd really like it if you would help me finish my conquest map in the Sky-Bubble of Sandbox. It's a work of art, but since it's my art, I'm afraid it will never be finished. :) So, if you would help create my vision, then we have one more Conquest map to persuade Bungie with. I'll show you a Forge-through and you can decide. Thanks, and Good Luck.

    Add me: Given To Fly 93
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha why yes, its one of my resources thanks!

    I'm glad you support our cause and I hope you plan on joining the group as well! As for your map, I'd love to help you finish. That's what I do! We're gonna need as many perfect Conquest maps as we can. And even then, I'm betting only the few best maps will be selected for Matchmaking.
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I feel that both V3, and V4 should be in Matchmaking. Thou this is considering to different play lists. I feel V3's Setup is much more Social and would play better to a semi competitive motive. I feel V4 is the much more Conservative demanding Serious gameplay for the match to feel fair and sporty.

    So this vote is a bit like apples and oranges.... but I voted V3. I feel that a V3 update would have to happen as well since the Custom power would also need tweaking for any... Matchmaking list.
  5. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Interesting, G043R... So you would rather Conquest v3 in something like Action Sack, whereas v4 would be more suited for Double Experience weekend?
    I will put a list of gametype traits up soon for anyone that does not know the main differences between the two
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    As much as Forgehub loves this gametype, Im not sure if this satisfies all types of players. Bungie gave Territories a chance when Halo 3 was released and the numbers said that no one likes it (i do understand the difference between Territories and Conquest) ... As fun as Conquest is, I dont think that some groups of players would want it to show up in Team Throwback or Squad Battle. I personally wouldnt like to see it in Action Sack and would rather it be in Throwback, Squad Battle or BTB.

    I think that this would be much better in its own playlist- either bring Team Control back as a permanent playlist with Conquest included or just simply make Conquest as a Double EXP weekend.
    #6 Loscocco, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  7. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I've wanted Conquest in Matchmaking for so long now, unfortunately most Conquest maps use the budget glitch :(.
  8. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's a good point you bring up, Dave. We will have to weed out the glitched ones before we choose the final set of maps to present to Bungie.
  9. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Conquest FTW!! About the gametypes, i would just put both in. The is little difference in both gametypes and its funner playing a different gamtype rather then the same one. Also we should make a list of all of the conquest maps and and have a vote of which ones we think are better for matchmaking.
  10. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey I'm glad you are using the CIM sig, JumpMan! You're right, we should have a poll and discussion thread for the maps to. Once we selection which gametype to use, we can narrow down which maps work best with the chosen gametype. Then I'll set up a thread for it
  11. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    You could've asked for my permission first. Although I did let the old thread die...
  12. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Permission to start a new thread? I told I was going to in your old thread lol. I didn't think you would mind. Plus, I have a link to the thread you started anyway. Its in the resources section
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Nah, it's fine. My thread was dead anyway.
  14. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Update: I have included a section about the differences between the two gametypes. This should help everyone decide which version of Conquest they prefer
  15. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Yayz, go conquest.

    I belive a petition is in order.
  16. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Our petition is our group really. The more people that join the group, the larger our support list gets, the better the petition

    Also, there will be a Conquest Customs game night every week, hosted by Phoenix of Wei. More information is posted in the CIM forums
    #16 Gunnergrunt, Sep 11, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  17. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Is The Station in the list for conquest maps?

    Aside from that my personal gametype vote goes to V4 mainly for the reduced damage(making the sniper 2 shots vs 1 headshot) and the team spawning which leads to more back and forth team pushes. Either way getting conquest into matchmaking for action sack or double xp would be awesome.
  18. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    We haven't compiled a list of maps yet. We need to tackle the gametype before we know which maps to select (some work better for one version than the other).

    During our Conquest Customs, we discussed which gametype would work better and a few interesting points came up. Conquest v3 has team changing enabled. That might automatically disqualify it for Matchmaking right?

    Some people like v4 because you can't get a single headshot kill with the sniper. If we were to combine both gametypes and create a Conquest v5 (gasp), we could leave the damage at 100% but make players immune to headshots. Win win right?

    What do you guys think
  19. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    i agree. if conquest is to be included, i think it needs its own playlist. Its a great game though. Someone submit this to Shishka's playlist group thingy.
  20. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We don't want to submit Conquest to Shishka quite yet. We're not ready for that. We still need to decide which version of Conquest to include and which maps to use. Once we get to that point, we can present Conquest to Bungie

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