My friends are in a band called The Hereafter (metal) and I figured id try and try to whip up a logo for em, maybe give them some ideas if they consider to do it, considering they are doing well with their music career, with attending gigs and opening for shows and whatnot. Anywho, here are some designs that I have created, some I've just put alot of effects such as gradients and bevels/emboss, and some are just your plane jane idea. So, I just want you guys to tell me which one looks the coolest, keeping in mind the main thing in all of them is the T and H. So, just give me some cnc/feedback! Spoiler v1 Spoiler v2 Spoiler v3 Spoiler v4 Spoiler v5 Spoiler v6 Spoiler THANKS
i like v1, v2, v5, and v6 the first one i dont really like the way the T and H blend, though.. i would suggest maybe making the H fade into the T at the part where the H beds in to connect the two lines? v2 is probly my favourite in how it looks, but its harder to distinguish the T in the logo.. but it looks cool v5 i like the concept of the T and H, and thats why i think v6 is one my overall favourite.. v6 uses v5's text, but the texture and effects on it look better.. my top 2 are v2 and v6
Alright thanks guys, I was talking to my friends/band and they like them all lmao, but they also liked v5 alot, so I figured I'd work with that... Do you guys have any suggestions on how I could make it better? What I should add/take out etc. Thanks
Alright I added a texture to the T and H, I also expanded upon the little circle..added some more birds etc. I also created a wallpaper hehe. Spoiler I still have the wallpaper psd (of course) so if you guys think anything should be modified/fixed/whatever, please comment/give me your feedback! Much appreciated.
wow i really like it, good job. although i think a rock band would want a grungier background for a wallpaper
I'd try and keep it simple, 2-dimentional (within the image ofcourse) and sharp. You want something that can be recreated, resized, re-edited. If you make something too complex, with bevels and shadows and textures, your going to run into trouble.
lmao yeah true true, hows this you think? Spoiler I see what you're saying. I'm just trying to make it something you would recognize..maybe I could even do without the whole red/black gradient circle in the back with the birds etc. I mean, I want to have the logo as something simple yet creative and interesting at the same time. If the bandfans are bored in class/work/where-ever, this shouldnt be that hard to remember/doodle (the TH design): Spoiler But the texture I put on there also gives it a creative grungy type feel that just seems to suit it lol. But yeah thanks for the insight regarding bevels/shadows etc, considering those would be hard to replicate etc. Thanks for the feedback