Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    My problem with people is not the fact that people believe in a god, it's that they single out a "right" god. Everyone else is wrong. When there's absolutely no tangible evidence for that god.
  2. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Think of the possibility "IT" (the universe) was just there.

    The circle continues...
  3. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    God made us knowing everything that would ever happen. Everything we create, all of the bad things that happen, he is behind the strings. He's technically the gun and the wielder.
  4. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Please eleborate.
  5. Arthur

    Arthur Ancient
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    God was not created he was just there. What you are saying is true yet how can these people not look around and wonder? To see everything around us and not seek to find out if their belief that there isn't a God is false. Many scientists have tried to prove their isn't one yet all they have come upon is bigger and bigger mysteries. They can't explain it. All it does prove is the possibilty that there is a Divine Being out there.
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Now you're just jumping to conclusions.
  7. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well on the contrary scientists are getting closer every day to finding our origins which will provide us with either a being or an event. We find our beginings and we find our creator of what caused us to exist. More likely than not though when we do it will end up in the paradox form I explained earlier.
    #3067 Eyeless Sid, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Religion is a tool and people use it as they will, some for good and some for bad. I would say the same for science if people stopped using it to answer all their problems when it won't help them in the long run.

    Don't blame Religion it did its job, it's the responsibility of the people to make the right choice.

    Aren't the Atheist in this thread doing the exact same?

    You have Tangible evidence but you use the same principle.

    He gave us the knowledge to create these things I doubt he wants us to kill each other.

    You blame Religion for killing people in the Crusades and stuff, but you never blame the people.
  9. Arthur

    Arthur Ancient
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    Am I. It is quite possible. Yet from what little I know of the world. People seek to be proven right. It is in our nature. Scientists for instance. Yet even when they are proven right a whole other world is opened up with bigger mysteries. Those bigger mysteries were made by something. Be it a Univerese or Divine Being. They were made by something much bigger than we are meant to udnerstand.
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    To be honest, I think most people are just frustrated agnostics. And we start from an un-biased viewpoint.

    Well, at least some of us do.
  11. Arthur

    Arthur Ancient
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    When they do find it I belive it will be much more than we bargained for. Mortal men are not meant to understand the workings of the Universe nor the divine.
  12. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Religion was a tool at one time but has out live that value. It was used to unite people in a similar belief and to give morals. There are plenty of other ways now to get the same thing from and with less devotion needed. Religion was the first science basically but it was simple. Something unexplainable happens its an act of god or the devil if its a bad thing. Science is replacing the fictional stories and fantasies with what we can see every day and actually touch and experience for ourselves you just can't do that with religion anymore.The answers are being answered by someone now and its not god its logic. After all the disproving of the stories and the time difference you just don't get what the characters in the bible were thinking. What we do and what they did are completely different now. Religious people still help still care and all the good things but the bad is not going away and people die and take other lives away every day in the name of a god and thats just stupid. I see science as the future of humanity while religious traditions and thoughts keep us in fear and in the past. If we want to survive as a species we need to evolve and move on and if we need to leave something in the past so be it because once something becomes obsolete it will be replaced by a new model and thats what science has done. Not entirely but it has made large strides form once being condemned by the church and been called which craft or devil worship or what have you. I don't want to continue hearing fire and brimstone as a reason to believe in a god when we could be doing so much more as human beings. Sorry for the rant take this as you like its my opinion .
    #3072 Eyeless Sid, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  13. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Nope. I blame corrupt organized religion (the people within) for the crusades.

    Btw 2 off-topic questions:
    what's with the 5+5=10 tag?
    Why does this thread move at 80 mph at night?
    #3073 P3P5I, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  14. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Eyeless Sid, you brought up a very valid opinion. Religion kind of answered everyones questions many years ago. One could blame **** on the devil, act as if it was gods punishment, or act as though something they did wrong in the past caused this happening. Now, as time goes along, we have gathered evidence to contradict this.

    One study conducted recently had several people at their deathbeds. There were two independent variables and a control. One of the people was prayed for and was able to see this occuring. Another wasn't being prayed for but was told that she was, and the control wasn't being prayed for and was never told so either. The study concluded that prayer had no affect on the people whatsoever and believing in god didn't have any impact on the result.

    My conclusion: prayer doesn't change things. At least look at it as a moral boost instead of thinking god will make things all right. Or go to the extreme and realize there is no super being out there, or anyone who will protect you.
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Religion still exists today and is still a tool today, it still unites people and still gives morals, so that argument is completely invalid.

    You act as if though God does not exist, you don't know that. Which is why we are debating, maybe all the bad things do happen because of the Devil or Punishment, and the good things happen because of God or Reward.

    There are thousands of people each day who feel there is a God.

    Or maybe our logic is answering what God gave us?

    There are also thousands of people who die in the name of science, look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki... Look at the Terrorists and thanks to science 9-11 became a reality. If you blame the people for abusing science then you should also blame people for misusing Religion.

    Science is going to get us all killed, Religion is also adapting with humanity. We don't need to evolve, really we don't we have no threats.

    Science has always been accepted by Religion, Romans used science and math immensely and they were all Christians, the Papal States used science and math profoundly and they are the capital of Christianity.

    Exactly, Religion has been tainted by man, just as science has been. (Atom Bomb, Organized gangs etc...)

    5+5=10 does it not?
    I don't know?

    Only small portions of the Bible have been contradicted by science.

    Do you see how evil science is, conducting experiments on people on their deathbeds...

    Religion increases Moral, Science so far drops it.

    Also stop saying their is "no" God, you have yet to prove it.
  16. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Do you see how evil science is, conducting experiments on people on their deathbeds...

    That's not "evil", that proved to the world that no god heals you, that there are no miracles in the world, only coincidences. Can't you see the point of the experiment. We already argued how corrupt gods morals are, so who are you to judge science? Who are you to ignore a valid scientific argument? Are you against the face that you are getting disproven so your only continuous argumnet is "Science is wrong and bad". We have had science since the design of paper, in order for the bible to be written. This science must be bad as well. Paper can cut you so it's evil.

    Religion increases Moral, Science so far drops it.

    Religion doesn't increase moral. At least not all of them. You can't argue that and just turn around and look at your own. Besides, that's an opinion on it's own, give me survey results of ALL religious people asked this question and then we can determine if religion gives good morals.

    Also stop saying their is "no" God, you have yet to prove it.

    I was responding to an opinion, but part of my argument was partially fact. Noone can disprove god...yet. Again, we have strong evidence to contradict the existance of god and the truth or the bible (metaphor or not). Want me to show you proof? Check back on the links and photos within the last 308 pages...
  17. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    My replies are in red
    #3077 Eyeless Sid, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  18. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Because you're an Atheist, we still have millions of people who get their morals from the Bible.

    How would you know that, have you talked to someone who died?

  19. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Science is not supposed to have morals. That is not what it does and not what it seeks to produce. Science seeks to find understanding and mechanism not what is right and wrong. That responsibility rests in different areas of study and with society itself.

    Stop saying there is a God, you have yet to prove it.
  20. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    #3080 Eyeless Sid, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
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