People justify homosexuality, why not pedophilia? But that's an entirely different debate. Also, if someone is charging at you with a knife, I believe it would be acceptable to kill that person for self preservation.
Because it's raping a defenseless child. Most of the time they kidnap kids, rape them in their basements, and then kill them. You can bet your ass that more than half of those lost children are somewhere buried in a pedo's backyard, or chained up in some ****ed up guy's soundproof house. They're sick. So sick, that I don't consider them human. If someone ever touched my kid like that, I'd kill them myself, no questions asked.
I have no sympathy for them. None. If you have ****ed up fantasys about that ****, then yeah, get rehabilitated, but that's if you haven't actually done anything yet, and think you're having some bad thoughts. But if you actually RAPE A CHILD, then that's too good for you, because you're consciously doing it.
Raping a child is evil. Not a mental disorder. I don't care how bad you want it. You don't do that to a kid consciously.
DNA can prove you've touched something recently, it's not very solid. E.g. You can prove that somebody has touched a gun recently. Does that mean they fired the gun? Not at all. Also, how does the court tell that they aren't lying? What if the person who admits it isn't guilty? "Why would they do this?" you might ask, they may be under pressure, maybe they're undergoing psychological changes, maybe they're threatened (e.g. if someone tells them they will murder their whole family if they don't claim it was them). Also, does murder really do justice for someone who murders? What if the Court makes the decision too early? Do they really not feel sorry carrying the body back to their family and saying something along the lines of "We're sorry we made a mistake."? Who are we to say who lives and who dies? Who are we to compare people's lives?
Yeah, that evidence alone would be inadmissable - at least here in the UK. Too unreliable unless you have fluids or a hair follicle.
Exactly. Zander, you are looking at this from your own perspective which I'm presuming is someone who is of a sane mind. Yes paedophiles should be punished for their actions because many of them have a conscious. However, you aren't considering from their perspective. I've watched interviews of paedophiles ( I study forensic psychology at uni ) and they state that they are compelled by extremely forceful urges which are almost irrestistable. In no way am I condoning the utterly horrid things some of them do, I'm just saying that theres more to it than them being 'sick ****s'. As for the murder question, I also study criminal justice at university and there are generally two types of murder. The first being 'Pre-mediated', where the offender plans the crime and intends to harm the victim and the second being 'Crime of Passion'. This constitutes a crime caused by emotion, a spur of the moment/unplanned offense. I believe that a small amount of murders which fall under 'crimes of passion' are justified. However the offender should still be prosecuted, just not as harshly.
There are times when you would be right, but there have been people killed by the death sentence who were innocent.
Yes I am aware of these incodents but these executions were done in the infancy of DNA which has greatly improved since then also the justice system has also improved even though I dislike the years long wait some have on death row. Some are there for quite some time with they have appeals made.
Raping a child is the only crime that has NO excuse. Nothing you said about them having intense urges and whatnot matters. Youre trying to tell me that an urge can simply make you ignore the screams of a child as you hold them down and rape them? Thats pure evil. Until youve looked into the eyes of someone you love and they tell you theyve been molested you have no comprehension of the matter. None. So unless YOU have id suggest you stop feeding me "they have an illness" bullshit. I have. So stfu.
Like I said Zander, I'm not condoning it. Your right, some people are pure evil and cannot be helped. However, some of them can be helped and rehabilitated so generalizing them all as 'sick' isn't going to solve the problem. I don't think what I said was bullshit, I understand that you have had some personal experience on this matter and that makes you very passionate about it. That doesn't excuse you telling me to 'Stfu', I'm expressing an opinion just as you are so I would appreciate if you accepted that even if you strongly disagree with me. I don't think we can posssibly understand what goes through some people's mind when they are commiting these crimes, especially those that suffer from mental illnesses. Like I've already stated, by no means do I think that this makes what some people do justified. I think its our responsibility as a society to look beyond the surface and try and understand what has gone wrong with these people, what has caused them to commit these horrendous crimes. Thats partly why I'm studying Forensic Psyhcology at universiry, I'm very intrigued as to what makes a person criminal.
i really would not have a problem with it if it is done for the greater good, if you can save more lives than you take, it may be worth it