New Forge Glitch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jex Yoyo, Sep 3, 2009.

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  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    How will making the objects respawn at 10 seconds make the glitch easier?

    Don't the OLN objects have to wait 30 seconds to appear anyway?
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I will test this tomorrow but Setting something to spawn faster so far... has at least spawned faster for me. You could play with this so that they actually spawn in a cycle;for example the OLN objects could be set to spawn 10 seconds apart from each other till 180(10,20,30,45,...) It is also noted as an unusual time set for something to re-spawn so I picked it for that point..(hey this is OLN Don't delete it).

    Making the canvas is really up to who ever wants to... I'm going to post a working one tomorrow for the communities but think of it this way I'm just trying to see if you could build a canvas to set all of the OLN in one round.. making this Glitch 10x easier for the purpose of forgers time, you could make this glitch even allowed for a lazy map makers contest possibly. Thou I would suggest taking the time to line up things to the best of your abilities, and then gauge the possible method you would like to use.

    Yo-yo, do you mind me making a canvas, I understand this is yours and you should deserve all the know credit... I know i will note openly you discover it as well send you a link to my file share.

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    I cant get it to work on Foundry. Im using default Foundry, and can't get it to work
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I tried it already... It is because the OLN object on Sandbox fall into a new odd group of objects. They somehow pick up the traits of objects that can keep re-spawning. Boxes on Foundry have not ever de-spawned. Sadly I feel that Foundry will still have to use the old method. Unless we could use the trait with the PreDLC!? Just wondering on that thou...maybe we should take a look at that... as well I wonder if objects other than the OLN are effected to this. I'll post any updates as they arise. There is much to learn with this, I feel forge is alive for me again.

    -keeping you posted- Gopher
  5. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    Edit: didnt notice you edited and noticed You don't need 3 objects, with one on 'yes' respawn.
    But on a quick note, It works every time for me and I dont set the respawn to 'never' when they respawn. I just grab the first box i had set the respawn to no on.
    Works every time for me.
    Heres my way
    Find object to move. Set 2 for no respawn and 10 second respawn and runtime min to highest number.
    Move them, doesn't matter where.
    New Round
    Wait for them to spawn, grab the first box I had set the respawn to no on.
    Wait and it no clips.

    but heres an Advanced for Fixing a mistake or doing multiple items quicker.

    If you make a mistake and want to re-do the merge with the no clip, no new round required.
    grab the no-clip box again, place it down again, it should 'despawn' and you cant pick it up again(might take a few seconds or a few grabs and releases)
    go to your second box(the other one with "no" respawn) pick it up and move it somewhere.
    As soon as the first box respawns, pick it up and wait. It should no-clip again. You have to pick it up as soon as it re-spawns(within 2 seconds ish) or it will just duplicate but not no-clip. if it does this, just repeat the steps again for the 'fix'.

    And if you plan on using more of the same object for the no clip
    You can actually take every double block in a line,
    set their respawn to no and 10 seconds set runtime min to highest number
    pick each one up then drop
    restart round
    Pick up first one after they respawn,
    wait. it no clips, place it and change spawn at start to yes
    restart round, pick up the second box in the line, wait, it wil no-clip, place it and change spawn at start to yes
    restart round, pick up third box in the line. Ect

    :) worked like a charm for me.
    #125 iTzSilverandrew, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009

    Senior Member

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    All canvases are carry the same OLN traits
  7. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I was talking to Used Man earlier today and he did do this glitch on foundry so I know it's possible on Foundry, probably every map.
  8. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Edit: nevermind, then :p
    #128 iRaynne, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    To all the people who asked my permission to do something, so far the closest thing to Illigetimate (according to the forum rules) would be the two random threads that had other people trying to make a guide. At the moment, tylyer1's guide is the the quickest and most accurate, minus a small little detail. Untill we get something more effective, that is the guide that people should go buy. Also, I would like to know how, if at all, this idea could be put into forging 101, or 201. I still dont think its ready, as this glitch is just 2 and a half days old, but once we discover everything there is to know about it, I dont want to go around asking what to do like an idiot. I want to get that idiot part over with sooner.

    One last question; Should I change the title? If I do, some people might not recognize it and get upset, but also I agree that the current title is rather lame. Im stuck.
    #129 Jex Yoyo, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  10. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Don't worry sir, we've put together an article based on the current thinking in this thread, and it's ready to go into forging 101 tonight. Full credit for all involved is included right at the top of the article, of course. If and when you gents discover anythin new, or refine the technique, we'll update the article as necessary.

    This is a fantastic new glitch, and everyone here has worked really hard to get it understood in such a short space of time. Awesome work guys.
  11. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Yar, we're going by the title "OLN Merging." Seems nice, short, and to the point.

    As Shock mentioned, this is an awesome discovery that does have the potential to revolutionize OLN forging. Keep up the testing, there might be more than what meets the eye. I'm crazy impressed.
  12. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    I think it is very necessary to make it not respawn because then it will duplicate 100% of the time. If you don't it will only be 50%...

    EDIT: OMG I found a new way to do this that works with ANY objects, on ANY map that has immoveable objects. I don't know if I can upload the tutorial today, but if I do, it will probably be around 8pm central time.
    #132 tylyr1, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  13. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Once again, I'm gone for a little while and something amazing happens. But, I totally cant wait till you release this. If what you say is true, god I dont even know what to think. That will make it so much easier to do all sorts of cool little detailing on your maps. Also, I did find a trick that makes it easier to use. When you duplicate the object, it changes your speed and look options into the THEATER CAMERA settings. If you change them so that you move really slow and you lower your look speed, it makes thing way easier. Also I will fix that.
  14. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Wowza, I'm looking forward to seeing this!

    People have been debating whether this really will 'revolutionize' forging, if tyler1 has discovered a way to do it with any object then it will shut a lot of those critics up.
  15. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Wow, completely take back what I said in that case.
    Miracle Week of Forge!
    This is awesome.
  16. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I kind of don't want a better way to forge...It's really selfish but, because forge was so hard to do in the first place means that it filtered out everyone who wasn't extremely dedicated, and now anyone may be at par with someone who has logged days and days onto forge.
    #136 MetaWaddleDee, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  17. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The ability of a forger is limited by the tools available to him, yes, but also by his or her ability to design and refine a map intelligently for the game and target audience. If anything I see this the other way around - it will make it easier for experienced forgers to create new maps, who otherwise would have staying in retirement from overwork caused by the tedium of traditional merging techniques.
  18. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    go with foge hub tylyr. And come back ASAP
  19. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I am about to shed a tear, and I'll cry a river of tearful joy if this will indeed work with any object. Life will be... so... easy. For the past several hours, I have been trying to accomplish a merge that is, in all practical purposes, impossible. Now I see a hopeful light at the end of a very long tunnel, an escape from my pain and misery, a door that lays open and beckons me to cross its threshold to finally move on.
  20. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I guess you're right, but now what was once impressive merging, is easy...
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