Little blobs of play doh people, not saying I would do that, aren't living creatures. And we evolved from, far enough back, much more simpler, less complex organisms, like bacteria or other single celled organisms. And through millions and millions of years those organisms developed and slowly and slowly but surely came into more complex organisms, and all those millions of years later we are here. Of course, I'm not really an expert on evolution, nor is this the debate for that. That debate exists in this forum though. Go there to see what's been said.
Calm down seriously... You don't know him, I doubt you've talked to him. If you lived in a poor city and you needed children to help you would you be happy knowing that they would live their entire lives working just to help you get an extra $0.10 a day. No, God puts people here for a purpose, for all you know these Sinners may not even have a soul that will go to hell. Our closest Relative Species can't even memorize a word, we can memorize thousands if not millions. I'm sure you would, I'm sure that once you see that fiery pit you will plead for forgiveness.
Hey, look at all the awesome people in this thread who would be there, too. I could chill in Hell with Chuck and we could pull pranks on the Devil and whatever. We could have our own sitcom.
It can form from atoms and other things... but stop asking. I told you, I'm not an expert on evolution, and this isn't the debate for it. If someone else with more expertise on evolution wants to explain this to him, please do so. @Rain, I'm not angry, and I'm not saying that's even what God, if he exists, is like. HOWEVER, according to what Scopulus said about getting on my knees and worshipping him, and the going by the bible's description of God and his doings... based on those descriptions, that's the way God is. EDIT: @Nor... only if I get to co-star! I could be that guy who is in most of the episodes but no one knows his real name and he goes by some weird alias and then after the show ends, in the directors cut behind the scenes TV Special, we reveal my actual name.
From what we do know, pigglez does have an appropriate opinion on the matter. It's no different than you putting together what you believe god to be yourself. it's not about happiness, it's about the reality. So everything between us and them has to be alive too for evolution to be true? According to your book pleaing wont do anything. If it's an eternity i'm sure those there would find some way to make the best of it. People wont even remember what feeling good and what feeling life was like after enough time. It's all hell goers will know eventually.
Don't listen to me then lol. I'm just some no good redneck bible thumpin' hee hawing hick who lives in the bible belt region and all the teh heyup heyup herrr herr. No but seriously. We're did it all come from. There has to be an origin. If it came from the big bang , then where did the big bang come from? You wanted to bring evolution into it so I'd like some answers from you.
I'd like to answer that with a rhetorical "where did god come from?" because it's the same exact answer we'll give you.
What? And I didn't bring evolution into this at all... I just made a point in response to a question of yours saying that we evolved into what we are now. AND THEN. AND THEN, I said I am no expert on it. THAT'S FIRST. Then I said this isn't the debate for this discussion, there already is one. THAT'S SECOND. Then you ignored me and continued asking questions I'm telling you I'm not an expert on to answer, but in some sort of twisted, deluded idea that by ignoring my request to go to that debate and ask someone wiser, you would look like you are winning this argument against me simply because you are pounding on questions that I can't answer correctly for you. Stop now, and move on. OR, do what I said to do, go into the evolution/creationism debate thread, and ask there.
That isn't the debate topic. The debate topic is "does god exist?" not "where do you think everything came from?"
Fair enough my friend. If you can't explain the 'big bang' and I can't explain God's existence but we're all here for some reason and no one has any real valid answers then there shouldn't be a debate.
How does intelligence come from Atoms? You sounded angry, truth is if God does exist you're going to hell. Most of the Religious people don't say it on this thread. ??? His view is distorted and wrong, I don't go along and yell at Atheists and start insulting their parents because their belief is different, to call our God a Dictator is wrong. That you purposely created life knowing that they will have a hard and horrid life. Just to make your life easier. ???
The debate isn't supposed to focus though, on where God came from, but if it is likely or if he does exist, and I also think, if he should be followed and worshipped, because as I said, based on the bible, he isn't a God I'd want to follow.
If I wanted to make a point about this... I guess I could say, though it may (hopefully not) offend some, that fear controls most people's lives, and religion plays off of and bases it's central beliefs and ideas on that knowledge.