Mythic Map Pack/Halo 3: ODST Rant

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LivesOn, Sep 5, 2009.

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  1. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    Gonna keep this short and simple.

    People think that they are smart for buying Halo 3: ODST to get the Mythic Map Pack. Well, they aren't. Do they really think that the game will still be popular when they get it? No, they will be wasting their money.

    Halo 3: ODST is just an expansion they are trying to pass off as a $60 game. As far as I know, anyone that preorders it is either rich or stupid.

  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Games are normally £40 in england. It's £30 over here for ODST.

    Stop whining about a game on a community which is all about the game dumbass.
  3. used man

    used man Ancient
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    why arent they smart? it has a full campaign and a extra co-op gametype
    wait, what game wont be popular? if anything ODST will boost the amount of people playing halo 3 live

    how are they wasting there money?

    I will admit that the game could have more, but it is not an expansion. when you think about it, this game has more content than any older RPG game, and no one called those expansions.
    now your just being an ass.
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    Hold up guy above me, halo 3: ODST is a campaign expansion, that is the first thing bungie told us about it, therefor it isn't a full game, therefor it shouldn't have a full games price.

    And not everyone lives in europe, us in the us have to deal with the fact it will be $60. My point of view, if you just want the maps wait for the map pack to release as dlc... Duh, you'll save about 35 bucks and you won't have the extra crap you don't want.

    Good job voicing your opinion, everyone has their opinion and you guys should accept that and leave him alone if you don't like what he has to say.
  5. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Its all good man, you need to chill out, ranting makes Roche a sad Panda.

    Senior Member

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    ya know most video gmes dont even have multiplayer at all. ODST has not only the campaign, but also the Halo 3 multiplayer (believe it or not there will be people who purchase ODST who don't have H3) AND the all-new Firefight. Oh and we musn't forget about the Reach beta.

    ODST has more to offer than most video games out there. People who have little *****-fits like this never even take that into consideration. Look at games like Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Fable, and countless others. By your logic, none of those games are worth $60.

    You, sir, are a troll. Be gone.
  7. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Yes it is. Originally it was planned to be a four-six hour expansion. However bungie has since that announced it is now the length of a full game.

    I think the $60 is fair. Upon first examination you seem to be paying for just the game, and an extra Halo 3 disc, with extra maps you might or might not already have. But really the extra $20 is coming from the maps. People without access to Xbox Live can now play these maps. It is also good for people with new xboxes that live with brothers and sisters and parents and roomates. With multiple accounts. This disc makes it so none of those annoying download rights problems appear.

    While most of these seem useless to someone who has live, they accomplish a lot more than we see. Microsoft is just adding the bonus disc to the main game. So we are only paying $40 for ODST. $20 goes strictly for the Halo 3 DLC disc. And I think it's worth it. IMO.
  8. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    *sigh* another ODST rant...
    Get over it, I guarantee a week after release you are getting your grubby little hands on it thinking "Why did I ever rant about this"
  9. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    GRRR, I am so angry because I clearly only bought ODST so I could play on 3 more maps in Halo 3 multiplayer! It makes me mad that I had to pay so much for 3 maps in a game which is going to go from the Top 10 most popualr games on Xbox Live to totally unpopular in the space of a month! I hat u Bungee!


    Seriously though, ODST is not just an expansion. When ODST was announced it was a Stand-alone expansion and was still called Halo 3: Recon. Since then, ODST has been developed in to a much larger game, to the point where "expansion" doesn't really suit it.
    Plus, ODST is not just 3 Mythic maps, as you seem to be saying. You forgot to mention that ODST also comes with a campaign which is technically shorter than Halo 3's (if you go by how long each level takes to play and how many levels there are) but it also has the alomost totally open New Mombasa to explore between levels and all the replayabilty we've seen in Halo 3.
    Then on top of that, there's Firefight.

    So thats a new campaign, an expanded multiplayer and a cross between the 2, Firefight.

    Yeah, its totally a rip off. Bungie is just greedy.
    Pffft. I'd give you the finger but you wouldn't be able to see it.
    I preordered ODST several months ago from I got it for £29.99. Less than a week later, I got an email from Game saying that they'd raised the price to £35 but I wouldn't have to pay any extra.
    Rich? I paid less than a lot of people who pre-ordered from Game.
    Stupid? If I hadn't preordered I'd have to pay the full price!

    So go taking your ranting back under the bridge and join your troll friends who hate anything.
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