YouTube - Station Fire Time Lapse Sunset 8/29/09 Amazing Slideshow Fire Fighter's KIA, is it Murder? Spoiler MSNBC Basic Information Spoiler Wikipedia Why did i post this subject? I chose this subject particularly because it has effected our families immensely. My mother has 5 horses up in the area burned. She loves training and riding them, there basically part of our family. Well, around an hour after the fires started earlier this week, we went to go evacuate our horses; but we couldn't. Police officers as well as fire fighters blocked the road we take to get to our horses off. My mom try pleading with them, and they threatened to arrest her. We returned home later that night, my mom worried shitless. Someone could have taken our horses, our stable could have burned down with them in it. It was a long week. Everyday my mom has been talking to people effected, trying to find out were our horses were. Well, today we found them. A random lady, we have NEVER met or seen, took our horses to her house, 3 hours away in Temecula. She didnt steal them, she evacuated them and saved there lives. My mother doesn't even recall how she found them, we basically just came across the woman who took them to her house. So, the fires are still going on. Over 150,000 acres burned still. Im not to sure about the containment size, but i just know its huge. If you live in california, you know about this fire. I just wanted it to share with the community. And i also have a question for debate. The Fire was Arson. Meaning somebody started it on purpose. The fire killed two fire fighters as said above. Should the person be charged with two counts of Homicide? They are going to no matter what, but what is your view on the subject? Post. Thanks for reading guys! Just wanted to inform you all.
Of course they should, only idiots start fires! It's sad that people lose their houses and their family because an idiot decided to "play" with fire.
I say Arson is just as bad as murder. It's unintentional murder, but can you really expect a wildfire to not kill at least one person? Either this person better be extremely mentally destroyed, or they knew this would happen. I say throw homicide charges on them. Anyone willing to start a wildfire doesn't deserve time outside of prison anyway. I really can't say for sure until I hear whatever they have to say, but I'm not going to give this person the benefit of the doubt.
I always hate reading stories like this because my dad and brother are both firefighters. I swear, if one of them ever died in a fire someone purposely started, I would kill 'em.
I agree with all of you. The son of a ***** deserves to Rot away for starting this fire. And Nor, same. Well i would help. My girlfriends Brother is a Fire Fighter currently up there fighting. I would be furious if someone intentionally started a fire and it killed a friend or family member.
Arson is just as serious a crime as murder and the justice system demonstrates that by having very similar maximum sentences for arson and murder ( a life sentence is available to the judge in cases of arson if he feels the fire was the sole cause of someone's death ). It is absolutely sickening that a human being is capable of such destruction and I can only guess that whoever started the fire didn't intend for it to be so damaging and fatal. I guess we can only hope for no more fatalities and a limited amount of damage.
Playing with Arson in a dry woody area is the stupidest thing to do imaginable. Those convicted deserve life in jail, IMO. I mean seriously. What about a situation like this though?
That's really a whole different subject in itself. I mean, the kid didn't purposely set fire to his house. It would be ridiculous to charge him, he is six and probably didn't even realize the extent of the fire and damage. His parents will ground him for a looooonng time tho. This fire, the Station fire, has burned over 50+ Residential homes, countless animals, and has caused two Fire Fighters to lose there lives trying to protect others. So really. Its two different cases.