Foundry Vexxum

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by DeKnoZx, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    This map is part of the H3FF Map Pack. For more details, you can view the map pack Here

    Designed by xZonKeD
    Forged by xZonKeD

    Background Story: This map was started back in January when I was still in "my stage" of starting 10 maps and never finishing anything. I had about a quarter of the map done at the point when I stopped forging on the map. After the completion of Reflux there were some problems that Unreal Design had with family manners and people going on vacation and what not. These problems made it that Unreal Design was only going to release 2 maps when we had an estimated 5 at the beginning of the map pack. So with this in mind I set out to finish another map for our team.
    Since I only had a week and a half left until the release of the map pack I decided to pick one of the many maps I had started but had not finished. Pushing myself to do something I have never done before (Designing and finishing an entire map by myself) I made the third map that Unreal Design would release with the map pack named Vexxum.

    Description: Vexxum is an asymmetrical Foundry map that was influenced by Hang em' High's base designs. Vexxum has 2 asymmetrical bases that are compiled up of four floors. The first floor being basement; the second being where the flags spawn in Capture the Flag; the third being the main transition point of the bases connecting to the second level, top middle, the fourth level, and the one of the corresponding side bases; and lastly the fourth level which is where you capture the flag in Capture the Flag gametypes. Depending on the base there are corresponding side bases in which are connected to the to the main base. Red Base is connected to sniper side while Blue Base is connected to rocket side. These side bases are long streets help keep areas of the map flowing into eachother and help eliminate choke points around the map.
    Being a Foundry map I know this map probably won't get as much attention as the other maps from the Map Pack that are Sandbox maps but I tried my hardest to impress with trying to make something new and unique along with presenting the map with some of the cleanest forging and asthetics ever seen in a Foundry map. So I ask that even if this map is a Foundry map please still give it a chance and even though I forged it in a week and a half I promise the forging on it will amaze you.

    • 6 Battle Rifles
    • 1 Carbine
    • 6 Plasma Grenades
    • 1 Rocket Launcher
    • 1 Sniper Rifle (1 Spare Clip) -120 Second Respawn
    • 1 Red Overshield - 90 Second Respawn

    -->All Updates Will Be Kept In The Bottom Of This Thread<--
    • Beta to Release Version

    Overview of Bottom Middle

    Overview of Bottom Middle 2

    Overview of Blue Base

    Interior of Blue Base

    Overview of Red Base

    Interior of Red Base


    Rockets and Bridges

    Snipe Corner

    Overview of Snipe Street

    TheEpicCiabatta's 3 Bridge Geo's

    Walkthrough Video: Vexxum Walkthrough Video

    Gameplay Video: Reserved

    Additional Information: This is my first map that I have ever designed and forged solely on my own so it is a rather impressing feat. for me to have finished. This is also my cleanest and I am saying this as least cocky and full of myself as possible, the cleanest Foundry map out to date. This map put all of my skills as a forger and my OCD out there and I created something to show that Foundry isn't dead and people really shouldn't just give up on it altogether. I hope just because this is a Foundry map everyone doesn't just say, "Wow i'm not downloading that piece of garbage, it's on Foundry." and they actually give it a try.
    Special thanks go out to TheEpicCiabatta for his 3 amazing Bridge Geo's on Snipe Street, DeathStarsOG for helping figure out what was going on with spawns for Capture the Flag, xPurpleHazen for helping establish an idea in my mind of what I wanted for the Bridge area, ALT0191 for helping come up with the Blue Base "wall" elbow which leads up to the third level of Blue Base, and Yourself714 for helping create the LOS blocker which is now made out of 2 'B' Signs even though I never used your sign geo to get the bridge for it. It's the effort that counts and I thank the three of you for your help.
    All feedback is welcome and I know there can be some changes to this map for the better but since I was so pressed with the deadline there wasn't much redesigning I could do in such a short amount of time. Also there are 2 or 3 ways to break the map that if it really becomes a problem I will fix in a later version of the map.

    Beta to Release Version:

    • "B Sign" LOS blocker has been added between Snipe Street and Red Base
    • The 2 Snipers with "0 Spare Clips" have been moved and combined into one sniper on Snipe Street with "1 Spare Clip".
    • Flag Spawns were moved down from the fourth level to the second level to make flag runs harder and also gives a player more options as to where you can run the flag.
    • Spawns have been tweaked and adjusted through testing.
    #1 DeKnoZx, Sep 5, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2009
  2. b0b43

    b0b43 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Zonked, your DL and Map Pack DL links are broken <.< I don't know why it doesn't work properly when you copy and paste from to FH because they both use vB.

    For anyone curious, the download link is here

    And a link for the map pack is here ( version) and here (Forgehub version).
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Ah, somebody put this map on during a custom game, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The aesthetics and layout of the map are greatly unique, and all the areas played very well. My favorite part was the B sign over Sniper street, which gave you a possible sneak attack from the top. The wall corner pillars were also great points to hold during a fight, and the little overhang on them serves well as a quick ninja spot.

    I didn't even notice that Geomerge in-game, possibly because it wasn't pelting me with BR bullets. However, It is a fantastic merge.

    Overall, Vexxum is a great map for MLG. I'd easily recommend it to a friend.
  4. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fixed the links. Thanks I would've never noticed. But that's stupid to begin with.
  5. Landon Dao

    Landon Dao Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice geomerging and interlocking. Very well made map. 5/5 I love you originality.

    One thing that looks awkward is the picture with the B signs. The stairs looks a bit cramped or it could be from the angle or something.
    #5 Landon Dao, Sep 5, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2009
  6. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    yeah i agree, idk they just looks awkward to get to and really tucked away and grenades would get up in your face. other than that forging looks perfect, best job i've seen to date!
  7. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Zonked, you're amazing.
    Now, I can't believe you made a map out of those amazing merges that you showed me. But, It looks like it turned out great.

    First off, the corner walls in the first picture look great, 'tis a very unique pillar idea in my opinion, ecspecially for Foundry. The four double boxes in the bottom right of the picture "Interior of Blue Base" (you can only see three of them) are absolutely amazing. Three of them are merged into the wall and all of them are merged down and they are pixel perfect. The stairs in the picture "Overview of Red Base" are pixel perfect as well, they are merged down at an abnormal custom angle that is quite sick. The double boxes in the picture "Interior of Red Base" are pixel perfect too. There are two, and then two on an angle that interlock into two more, all of which are amazing.
    The rest is great as well, but I feel as if I have stressed my point of your amazing forging enough.
    Everyone check this out!
    I can't wait to do a walkthrough of this map to see how it came together.

    Great job again Zonked!
    #7 TKS x MoNsTeR x, Sep 5, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2009
  8. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    Haha thanks Monster. There's a rendered walkthrough video on Bungie the link is in the thread. That should satisfy you for now if you haven't already seen the map. Also I promise the rest of the forging on the map other than what you saw before matches the previous forging. I promise you will not be let down...

    Also to the other two above....
    The staircase is narrow but it is a staircase thick and also the widest it could possibly be. Grenades aren't really a problem because there is a pillar blocking the ability for you to do so. Also the stairs are there to get up to the next level quickly. It isn't used for anything other than a transitional point and I promise you, that you won't find the stairs while playing a problem.
  9. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Oh, I didn't see that.
    Vexxum looks so good. The forging looks seamless through and through and the layout is very unique for a Foundry two base but I love it.

    ZonKeD=best forger.
  10. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    Whoever re-did the walling off on the map thsnk you but I am not going to use it =\...
    I understand you re-did it with the new method and I will get to it in a later version but some of the things you did were a little unnecessary and mainly a lot of stuff was crooked and that's a huge no on maps I make. Sorry if I come off like an a s s h o l e but it is my map and I never told you to re-do the back wall but thanks away and glad to see some support...
  11. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Great job! I love the merged bridge wall and the upside down bridge platform in the back. i think they give the map an even bigger aesthetic twist than usually seen in an MLG map. Again, great job!
  12. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
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    Those are some nice block-off bridge geos.
  13. The Phoenix 9

    The Phoenix 9 Ancient
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    me bad keyboard

    Alright I finally got my keyboard working. I understand I had no right working on your well put together map. I didn't intend for you to use that version because like you said some of the forging wasn't PERFECTLY straight... I'm the same way. I more or less just wanted to show one way in which the problems of the map could be fixed. Closing off those open boxes at the top and finishing the side wall which i think needs to be done for the map to be in matchmaking (hopefully; this map is a lot better than some of bungie's favorites.) As the map is now though one who is skilled in the way of trick jumps can jump out if they desired then another person could throw the flag up and out to him and then wait until the end of the game. If you do need help, don't be afraid to ask, though I think you are the type who likes doing all of the forging. I think that we can both be reasonable people.
    -The Phoenix 9
    PS Great Map
  14. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    This is a stunning multi-level map on Foundry. Your Geo merging is excellent and smooth to the greatest point. Great interlocking. Good map design all around. I would be amazed to see you make this map on sandbox. Maybe do it on the regular floor, that way you could do all those Geo merges.. 10/10
  15. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Oh my, you resurrected this! At least I think I recall you showing me this? Anyway, clean as always. I haven't done a runthrough of it since I'm at school but at a glance it looks glorious. The multiple angular wall corners made me shiver in excitement.

    I apologize for not being able to supply a gameplay review or anything, but we all know what you're capable of on Foundry ;)
    #15 Solo, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2009
  16. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    haha thank you but all the credit for that bridge wall goes to my epic piece of bread, TheEpicCiabatta who is the most professional tear dropper in the world...
    On another note though the back bridge platform was actually a nearly thrown together idea that was made as one of the last things to be forged on the map. It couldn't have came out any better if I would say so myself. Thanks, and I used this map to be almost my goodbye to Foundry forging and I really wanted to show off all that I could do, especially before all of this Ghost Merging came about...

    ^^^Look up =]^^^

    Thanks again for supporting the map, and I completely understand what you are saying... But unfortunately I don't see this map actually going very far, as I said previously in the above replies; this map was actually my goodbye to Foundry and was made to pretty much show off everything that I could do in forge. Although the map did turn out to be more than I could've expected I don't exactly see this map ever getting into matchmaking... Everything that you have done is greatly appreciated though.

    Thank you very much, as I have already said this map was mainly made to be my goodbye to Foundry with everybody all over Sandbox now. I really wanted to show off everything I could do in forge with this map and I am very proud with how it all came out.
    I may actually think of remaking this on Sandbox in larger scale with slight modifications here and there but don't expect it any time soon because I will be taking a break from Halo and Forge altogether with Modern Warfare 2 coming out this upcoming Tuesday. Thanks again.

    Yes this is the resurrected map that I always showed up because of all the clean and sexy geos, especially that open double box ramp geo =P. Anyways it was all worth finishing and I can't wait to see your 1v1, 2v2 map on Foundry... Just like I said to monster I am going to friend request the two of you again since I removed you when neither of you were playing so yeah. Thanks again and I just hope this gets the attention I feel it deserves after all the effort I put into this map.
  17. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    I think there is way too much open area on the bottom of the map for an mlg map. Camping and spawn killing will be inevitable. I would love to see a v2 though.

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