Released isn't your typical firefight map. Nor is it played with you typical firefight gametype. Thats right! Released sees its center focused on the Flood. Unlike the covenant, the Flood are not barred from any form of weapon, vehicle, or strange abillities. Rather than specific classes. Flood simply Spawn with a Random secondary weapon and go from there. They can also get camo or shields, going with the classic and new variations. The human holout Custom Powerups, as usual, are healthpacks. (No pure forms, aww...) And thats about it. For now... Feedback plz?
Okay, the concept is good, I give you that. The map, on the other hand, doesn't look good. It looks like you were lazy and bullshitted a map out of the default Sandbox just so you'd have something to post. Judging by the pictures alone, it looks like you made this map in ten minutes. I mean, you'd think that someone who could think up a concept like this would make a decent looking, somewhat original map to play it on but sadly, it looked like you were just too lazy to even give a **** and just wanted the satisfaction in knowing that you made this gametype before anyone else. I'm sorry but I'm not going to bother downloading the map for this gametype if the final version looks like this. I might consider downloading the gametype just because the concept is cool.
That map is still in the beginning stages. And yes, I based it off default Sandbox, just because I like of the bases (and to help with the OLN...) However, much of the scenery has changed dramatically. And the containment unit, as you can see, has ver little of the origonal base left.
No matter how much you like the default bases, a lot of people don't. Plus it just shows laziness. My best advice is to DL an OLN canvas and start up a map from scratch. I mean, people play custom maps so they dont have to play with the default bases.
I have to agree, the idea is really original, but if your map is this unoriginal your best bet is to make some story about how 'the predecessor of sandbox was once the site of many battles between...' or 'many years after being discover, this location has changed dramatically...' Or make some OMG awesome massive building that makes those two structures so obsolete that nobody ever sees them in gameplay. Bungie got it to work... But, overall this map seems like just slight changes. You might want to start with every OLN object moved to the side next time so you can try to get away from the bases. One last thing; Take the time to interlock and geomerge. It dramatically improves the quality of your work, and makes everybody happier with you.
I actually like the default base, as long as you tweak the base a bit more, but the reason I like it is because you won't have to learn a new layout, but a suggestion is to connect the missile pod and regenerator holes. well, I guess it doesn't matter because you already changed it. And is the hornet drivable?
WTF? Flood driving?!? No!!! No! No! Your screwing it up, amd I dont like the concept of random weapons, what happens when flood spawn with weapons that theyve NEVER used in campaign, like a spartan laser, or sniper. What do you mean flood doesnt have any classes!?!?? Pure forms, range forms, stalker forms, these are all different... All i can say is: Don't screw up the flood, and make them completely different...
Dude, this is borderling epic fail, but has huge potential to be epic win. I say we all just sit, wait, and give emotional support to him, and hope like hell he show some kick ass forging. Otherwise, I feel sorry for this kid. Edit: I just said dont be assholes. Yet.
Flood use Snipers and Splasers. Sniper flood are quite common in H2, which is also home to the driving variation of them. As I said, the only classes are similiar ones that I could get to work. Shielded, Invis, Driving, ect. All of these are seen in one game or another. CPUs are healthpacks, and flood can't pick up weapons (so they can use nades or equipment.) so I couldn't get pure forms to work. Although, Flood with Spickers are like ranged forms and Grav-hammer flood are like tanks I suppose. Don't call me out for campaign based crap, I played through all the campaigns and read all the books. I know what I'm talking about.
just gonna through my 2 cents on the table: All i want in my maps/gametypes is to have fun. So what if the flood have weaps they dont normally have? if its fun, i dont care. The map needs work, but this is a preview, so this isn't the final design, its probs a early plan (hopefully anyway) and "omg flood not like actual flood!!!1!!!" if it works then its fine. and i've seen flood with all sorts of weapons. Looks like a good concept, make the bases your own though. Also will this have guardians?
The current version of released is based off the level 343 Guilty Spark, two enclosed rooms within the Crypt with the second opening up later in the game. Quarentine will be a map set in a much larger and more open area based off the H2 level Quarentine zone. It will have the Humans atop a hill, exposed to the Flood on multiple sides. Neither of these will have the Laser towers as a factor. I also plan to make a map based on the Control Room climbing segment from the level Halo.
You know I'd really like to see some more unique infection. Halo 3's infection settings are terrible honestly..and to try to remake games with much better setups, it's usually not too successful. New, original ideas trump even the best remakes.
... What? I seem to have missed what you are trying to say? Are you insulting this or Complimenting it?
I doing neither. I'm just making a statement that Halo 3 infection seems to be thriving on remakes of similar styled games. Firefight isn't even released yet, why remake it? Not only that, remakes tend to be tiring, and to gain a level of real success, you need to be extremely accurate. Being unique on the other hand allows much greater freedom, coupled with the prospect of potentially a much more interesting game. I'm not saying don't finish your remake, but my recommendation if you want fame in the infection world is be unique.
lololololololololololololololololololololol I agree. As long as its fun, and it looks really pro, my vote says keep it.