Sandbox TrenchWars 1918

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment and all but you broke the rules. You negro bumped this map. It had fallen far behind and you just brought it right back up. We were sort of just letting this map die out.

    I guess you didn't know that what you did was wrong but please actually read the rules before posting. :)
  2. Forge Titan

    Forge Titan Ancient
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    + This seems like an interesting idea, but I realize a few things...

    Grenadier Class: Take assault grenades off, give this one a brute shot, 2 frags, and 2 (amybe 1) plasmas.

    Heavy Weapons Class: Keep, except give them a rocket launcher/fuel rod/ splaser and a trip mine. This would allow for the inclusion of tanks, as well.

    I'm giving it the DL now. Well, actually when I get on and dl everything else.
  3. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    For the assault class(you called it the grenadier class) you said to take away the the frag grenades. Then you said to give them 2 frags? Does that really make sense? Also sticky grenades??? That would get a little bit cheap wouldn't it?
    If I were to give them a brute shot, wouldn't that take away the fact that this is supposed to be a little bit realistic. Anyways, a brute shot would not be a good counter against any of the other classes, as all the classes were taken into deep consideration to figure out what would be good counters. And, the assault class is meant to be an all around good attacking class. The brute shot would take that away.

    For the heavy weapons: Number 1, it is not really 'the heavy weapons'. This class has simply a shot gun and a machine gun turret. Both close range, am I not correct? So if they instead had the choice of a laser, a fuel rod gun, or a rocket launcher, wouldn't that completely take away the fact that the class is really a defensive class? With the weapons you suggested, this class would be just be the uber pwnage class. The classes need to be balanced, not have one class just rape everyone else.
  4. Jo351

    Jo351 Ancient
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    I love the idea of this map and I have played it many times with my friends since downloading. My only complaints have to be that the sniper is a little over-powered, along with the 2 Banshees. Interlocking on this map would make it all the better, as grenades like to fall through cracks in the floor which is quite annoying for the assault class as this is their greatest asset.

    I would gladly do this if you would like. I would give the map back to you to test and save under your name, because I don't want to take credit for this awesome idea.

    Gameplay: ++++
    Novelty: +++++
    Ascetics: ++
    Overall: ++++
    #84 Jo351, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  5. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Actually, sure! You can interlock it and change whatever, but we don't want to take credit for your interlocking. Thanks, though.
  6. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    Very sweet idea. I absolutely love it. It's sexy, incredible, even. Wait, am I turning into Snagglepuss?
  7. Forge Titan

    Forge Titan Ancient
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    If they only have a turret and shotgun, and you intend to keep it that way, then it should be the CQB class. Heavy weapons is the demolition class, usually. And I said take away assaults nades, and make the grenadier class. And it would not be a choice of 1 of the 3 everytime, I meant you choose 1, and give them that, the MG, and the shotgun, because unless your sensitivity is really high up, you can't turn the MG fast enough to kill the banshee.
  8. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Chris, you are being really defensive in this thread. Try to listen to other ideas.
  9. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    I guess your right about changing the name. When I post the new version then I will try to remember to change the name. Im still not completly sure what you mean on the grenadier class.

    Do you want me to take away the grenades for the assault?
    Do you want me to make a completley new class with the grenade launcher? If that, the its impossible. There is not enough budget or stuff limit to make four moor spawn rooms.(When the new version is released you will know what I mean by 'four' spawn rooms.

    Sorry about the heavy guns class. I really did not know what you meant. Although, as I said before, I really do think any of the weapons you said would be over powered. Since the new version is just about done though, I do not think I would be able to tie in a heavy class.

    My sensitivity is on one, and I can turn and kill the banshee fine...
  10. Ezra Zaire1

    Ezra Zaire1 Ancient
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    This is map very well made, and my friends and I love this! After playing this map a couple of times, I've been wondering what if there was a hill for the 2 middle trenchs. Not a huge one but just a like a story hill. At the very top ou might add another trench? Thats just my idea, but how about we you guys or someone can mix up the terrain you know?
  11. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Nice map its like the game 5/5 today im going to make a new map this and my history class inspired me to do it so this is going to be a map from the History of WW1 :)
  12. xXAntagonistXxx

    xXAntagonistXxx Ancient
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    +I like the idea of classes in halo, I played once with about 8 people. The gameplay is pretty good. but its pretty weird just seeing the whole huge blank map when you walk out of the teleporter. Pretty fun though, one thing that gets kind of annoying to me is getting out of the trenches. 4/5
  13. Tequilha

    Tequilha Ancient
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    I love the idea of this que'd for DL 5/5 ^^
  14. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Thanks for all the good comments guys. Although no one really gave any constructive criticism. So are you sure there is nothing that I can change. Say something quickly because the new version is almost done.
  15. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Awesome idea dude! I like in the beginning that you can have different king of classes instead of whatever you wanted. 4.5/5.
  16. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Great map, just tested it out, i really works best with a big party though
  17. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Will there be any changes based off the new game that came out (trench wars 1944)? ie: new classes, new maps, altered game type?
  18. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
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    Possible improvements: cut out banshee and replace it with wraiths for artillery. Then, to make it appear that the wraith bullets arent blue, place a oldtimey and black and white effect on to give the ww1 vintage effect. If I remember correctly of 1918 (Game on Armour Games) there was no planes involved in the game. The map should be made so that the artillery is blind but can generally shoot long range mortar shots. That could get interesting. Other than this, very well built map with fun gameplay that visits a very interesting part of history. Is there a zombie mode built into this, since I imagine that would be pretty neat.


  19. Madz

    Madz Ancient
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    EPIC MAP one thing though. in the game i remember morter stikes. mayba a fuel rod cannon or something on a platform high in the sky for mortar strikes would be a welcome addition. 5/5 good job
  20. Ezra Zaire1

    Ezra Zaire1 Ancient
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    Well I think the map is quite good, and fun. Me and a friend of mine replaced the 2 cental territories, and made a 3 story hill with a trench at the top, and a tunnel down the middle with a territory in the tunnel and the hill. I have to say it really changes the map, and made it even better. Me myself aren't a good forger, and it's alittle crappy, if you can make different terrain you know? I won't take any credit though for the whole map. Just my little hill =D

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