So, the map MLG Ons is really called Onslaught, right? Well, I'm just curious, what is MLG Amp's real name?
Forge discusion? Seems More like Halo discussion to me? Oh and so you know before you start a useless thread about it, MLG Ons is Onslaught
You're really not updated, aren't you? Visit if you have any further questions. Concern was already met. Requesting :lock:
inb4lock. but i have a question, why would you need to know this unless you where emelgee, and arn't emelgee players supposed to know what a map is called? also, i second the notion of a :lock:
We aren't. Our statements are completely sensible and helpful to him. I don't even recall myself or pinohkio expressing any form of frustration towards him.
to me it came off like you guys where attempting to belittle him. But i may have been wrong. its no biggy.
Yeah thats the vibe i got lol but hell they didn't mean it like that, its just like an oxymoron that someone who plays mlg wouldn't know the true names of the maps. But its not really a big thing, alot of people don't know there names. Just because they don't care its called MLG Ons or Amp to them lol.