Phone is on Hold Too Created by Sotha Sil156 Recommended Players: 8-16 Required Gametype: Phone is For years, mini-games have been the vibrant life of countless custom game parties. "Phone is on Hold Too," a clear prodigy in both game design and map mechanics, will make you hang up on your mother and pick up the controller for an extended amount of time. Unique is an understated label for the map (and its name); no other gametype plays just like it. Players are on the constant move trying to evade the elusive predators who, riding on some nasty Prowlers, truly put the "splat" in "splatter." The map itself is a colosseum of sorts. Inside, the hopeful survivors must navigate through the erected pillars that prove to be the only source of cover from the prowlers. As the game progresses, the pillar supply dwindles, and both Spartans and Elites will have to rely on outwitting the camo-infused prowler riders. Guaranteeing an immense amount of laughs through the initial awe from the innovative forging, "Phone is on Hold Too" is the ultimate Halo party starter. Download Hold Too Download Phone is Original FH Thread If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
I honestly found this map really boring. If you are the driver, you cant see anything and it is difficult to maneuver, and if you are human, A) there is nothing to do once you are dead but wait and B) even when you are alive it's not very entertaining.
Wow, this is random and unexpected. I always thought this was a fun game to play, but not feature-worthy... none the less, congrats Sotha. I'll go ahead and see if he's on Live now... to spread the good news.
so sotha is premium now? or did that one map get featured? ahh well id doesnt matter, i like the game, i find it fun, but seriosly, prowlers? and whats with the name?
Congrats Sotha! Although I didn't ever see this getting featured on here, it still is pretty entertaining, and it really isn't all that bad when you are dead waiting on everyone else to die...
This works well in some games, like Cat 'n' Mouse, Tremors, etc. because if you died as a human, what is there else to do if you are infected, and there is less distractions for the infected so they'll eventually go after you. This is Sotha's first feature (Congratz, btw). I find that this is the type map that I want to see more of in Sandbox. Creative Mini games that are really addicting. I hope to see more.
Eh... the map was good, but not something I'd want to play often. Unlike some of the better splatter games such as tremor n' mouse or valley of the beasts, it has no variation. It's just hide behind a block, go in teleporter, and rinse/repeat. Sure, it's forged well, but the idea was overdone and had little potential in the first place. It is an interesting use of the never-respawn function, though. Overall, I was really surprised this was featured. Reading through the over-exaggerated description was worth a laugh, though.
Hmm.. I didnt think this would be featured. I actually played this and found it kind of dull... But i suppose people have their opinions... Anyways congrats to who ever made the map.
I agree. I've played this before and it was fun but nothing exceptional. I don't think this should be featured. So many more maps are better.
i actually like this map... alot... even when it was in square form... but obviously im a rare-er type of breed... i deleted it when everyone in my parties "vetoed" it over other featured mini-games like skyline.... too bad..... in any case though, it is an original idea, gratz soth
I supported this from the beggining, so all I have to say is congratulations, I've always enjoyed playing with with you and/or others.
I made this game on Avalanche like six months ago. It was called Snow Plow. I never published it. A lot of people DLed it though.. I am not saying you took the idea. It could be chance. Either way it doesn't matter. I liked the game then, and I like the game now. Congrats on the freature. I will have to try your version. Everything is basically the same, with the exception of the shape of the arena.
Really? I had no idea you made this already, otherwise I would have just been happy too play your version. I would love to play your game sometime. Though I posted the first version four months ago, I think I started it a month or two earlier, so we may have developed the two ideas around the same time. Your's was probably first though, considering I most likely didn't take two months testing the first version, probably somewhere between 3-5 weeks. My idea developed from a two team game that involved players pushing blocks around in vehicles to allow and restrict the movement of people on their team and the other team (probably would have been VIP). That didn't work, so I made it infection, for which I wanted to use prowlers because I've always wanted to make a game with prowlers. I didn't like the blocks respawning, so I set them to never respawn. It was by accident the blocks disappearing actually made the game unique and fun. _________________________________________________________________ As to everyone who doesn't particularly agree with the feature, it's cool. Unlike conventional maps that get featured, which most everyone who play competitive games can easily enjoy, minigames are often a hit and miss. Many people don't like minigames period, and for those that do, oftentimes they don't like that particular type of minigame. I will admit there isn't much for the humans to do, but if they aren't trying to teleporter camp (sitting next to a teleporter until they are about to be splattered, then taking it and running to another teleporter), they won't get very bored. But there still remains the fact that everyone runs at 75% speed, which can be a bit boring. I wouldn't have had that if running any faster made it too hard for the prowlers. I suppose that if you want the humans to be able to run faster in games that you play, raising the amount of starting zombies would help balance it. The game can support up to four zombies after all. I honestly didn't expect Phone is on hold too to be featured either, but I'm glad that minigames, though not very often, are still being featured, even if it wasn't the best minigame out there, especially for people with less specialized tastes. Thanks.
Sorry, but this is probably the least creative feature... I've played it and it does seem pretty boring. It's just another knock off of cat n' mouse which, by the way, there are waaay too many of those floating around. I think a feature should be original and creative....this is neither.
I personally find the idea pretty cool. I've played it and liked it, but it isn't something I would want to play over and over again. The fact that this was featured though, obviously speaks for itself. If it was downright horrible, it wouldn't have been.
Well, that is an opinion. For example: I thought that Wishbone was below average, yet it got featured. However, I have learned to accept the FH feature process, because after all, how can someone's map getting a little extra attention hurt anything?
True. It is all opinion based. But here is an example I want to try and use (although it might not be the best one) Two people are trying to get the same job. Man #1 gets the job over man #2. Even though some may think that #2 is better than #1, and visa versa, the fact that #1 got the job obviously means something, right? Again, that may not be the best example, but hopefully it helps.