No really Gopher is back from a wonderful world of dark decay. I don't know how much the community has changed but I'm working on making this place picking up in the Forge Debates. So with out further adew I'll be around the forums again as well If your ever in the need of some forging advice or a Round of campaign... I'm your man. PS for those that don't know me I'm one of those old members that went away for 6 months.
Welcome back! Stay with us this time! Don't leave! "One of us, one of us, one of us." Lol @ all the colored members welcoming you back even though it's on the public forum.
Thanks for the warm welcome back guys.... the reasons left was because I needed a break... both from the site and for Personal reason... Adue Ado... BOTH of you... I'm looking at being a bit more in the Forge Discussion again in some creative write up. Check it out, there is this college stuff where I can write with out Ellipses now...! I'll keep them every so often for my Fans but There will be much less of them in the forum. Also since I have some mods, will there be any issue with my second account? There are a few that know about it but I didn't create it out of spite nor did I do anything with it that broke a rule. So, if you can please inform me the proper procedure to handling it. As for the Comment with Colored members, think about it Matt, if you guys haven been here a year and known me you either stop coming meaning your still Gray or been promoted because your active. I know I been gone and missed so much even in 6 months but I noticed a few promotions, downgrades, returns from retirement, and most likely people joining. I been on a journey as it were, I been traveling around the community learning some crafty new ideas that will be compared to Marco Polo's Return... just wasn't 10 years... or macaroni. Maybe I should edit in here all the things different that i have noticed since I am back?
Ya, but you spelled the word you were trying to spell wrong. He just told you that another words was correct.
ohai GO43R! Welcome to the Ghosts of Onyx! Er... I meant ForgeHub. Actually, the Forge discussion has really picked up as of late.
Rofl, G04, rofl. I am one of those fans, but college can change a man. I've missed your ... around here, welcome back but it's not like we've been out of contact or anything, so don't expect any tears.