Not to sound like a **** or anything, but this is a bad way to get a little recognition... and besides, you should want recognition. It should come to you, not the other way around. Also, it is true we don't have a "Goodbye Forum" --but that's more or less because people leave sites like these without saying jack. It's not like most of us should (given there may be a few out there) care anyways. I know I don't... and it's also not like you're leaving FH (unless you are) so you wouldn't really be in the right to post a "good-bye thread" in it.
I haven't forged in a while for similar reasons, but that doesn't mean I've completely quit the controller and sold my Xbox. I Forge because I find it fun. Making a map that everyone else likes is far less important than making a map I like.
I agree, I play other games now. Forge is just one section of a game, and I choose to play other sections also.. like matchmaking, customs, etc.. I can see how you don't care about this thread, but I don't care about other people's maps.. yet I still post to be nice. It's just a nice factor. I'm leaving forge, I've been forging since h3 first came out, now I've stopped. I don't see the harm in having people see that I've stopped. It's just a notification that you won't see my maps. If I hadn't made this thread, then close to nobody'd know.
In reality, if you haven't made your reputation of that being a great forger, than it is obvious that going off and makig a thread like this would have the responses that you've been getting. That being," We don't care." But, have fun with the other features H3 has to offer.
You could go onto machinima stages if the machinima gets well known you might get recognized yourself just a thought. I really wish the good forgers would quit quiting. Theres not that many good maps coming out any more and the lack of people who care about maps makes it hard for noobs like me to improve.
I pity those that feel the need to publicly denounce a casual pass time, just like I pity the homeless begging for spare change. Oh but they are so dirty! I just have to spare them a coin! And this the beggar knows, and this the beggar takes advantage of. I throw him my pity on the ground on which he sleeps, and he picks up my kind offering between his grimy index finger and thumb, before depositing it into the chest pocket with a hole. Yes, my pity falls through this hole like a coin in a slot, and there he is the next day, week, month, year; as dirty as before. He spent my pity, and bought my distaste.
I gotta be honest, I'm not sure I even know you forged at all. I think I may recall coming across your name a time or two, but I mean...I scan the map forums a decent amount, and if I don't really remember what you've done..that's not really a good sign. However..if you are a casual style forger..that could be why...I mainly run through MLG and Competitive. Good stuff catches my, that's how you get recognition.
Extended Metaphor ftwwwww. Sad to see you're giving up forge, and I agree with the other posts about doing it for yourself rather than everyone else. I, myself, have to remember that now and again. Good luck making vids.
I have way more accomplished maps in casual than in competitive. Although, I did do one of the 1st sky maps, which got me a lot of downloads... if anyone remembers lol. Thanks.