Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    No, because they have done very little study into it because of all the religious hounds who attack anyone involved with it.
  2. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Well I say they should conduct a full experiment on the whole cloning topic. I'd like to see how long they can get a CLONE to live. But as I was saying before. How come scientists can't create a human being from scratch? No clones, just from nothing. I will state again that we are more advanced NOW than we have EVER been in the world's history. If we cannot create life now, then who did? Just one little white dwarf that somehow got there coincidentally?

    Please just read this and assess. God, or a creator or whatever you want to call it HAD to have made things. The world. The 'white dwarf" aka big bang. You can't just have nothing then something without a God.

    Does a car make itself? No, it has auto engineers.

    There has to be a God or something like a God, would you not agree?
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    It'd be nice if everyone would stop attacking Religion and actually debate.

    You are supposed to disprove God not insult Religion or Religious people.

    Also Religion has little to do with Human Cloning.
    Cloning Fact Sheet
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I agree.
    Children aren't welcomed here. The title of this section of the debate says this area is for intelligent people only. Don't take it personally. Actually, please do. Confirmation Bias is common in religious people.
    I can't blame you because I was there once.
    Anyways, my argument was kind of ignored. I'll re-post a link of it to see your opinions in a second.

    Edit: Here it is

    No, this is not technically true. You can't prove this nor can you 100% disprove it. We don't know if there is another more advanced planet 10 billion light years out there that could have the answer. The fact is the big bang theory sounds more valid than the opposition.
    #2864 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 3, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  5. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    You're doing it backwards. You are supposed to find evidence of something, and come to a conclusion afterwards.
    We don't have to prove that something other than god made the universe. You have to prove that god did. By that I mean, you have to show clear evidence each step of the way, starting by listing proof of god and building up to a final conclusion that this evidence points to god's existance.
    You are taking the idea of god, and looking specifically for evidence that appears to support your conclusion. Why do you believe that god made the universe? What proof of do you have of things like god's omnipotence and role in creating things like the holy books? If we assume temporarily that SOMETHING had to create the universe (although I would argue against that), that something could be anything. It isn't proof of God.

    O.K. Explain to me how this is proof of the Christian god? Couldn't it be just as likely that the wind is coming from a different god? The problem is that you are seeing what you want to see. If a group from some other religion heard the same story they would take it in the exact opposite way: that their god is blowing wind at you/them as a warning.
    The only reason you saw what you saw was because of your biases.
    #2865 RabidZergling, Sep 3, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  6. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Just because we can't create a human being from scratch doesn't mean God did it. You need to read up on the Big Bang because your description of it sounds uninformed. Science has given us the Big Bang Theory as the definitive way to explain how the universe was created. It does nothing, though to explain what caused the Big Bang or why it banged in the first place. The Big Bang is a reality, so get over it, and let's move on to something that can be argued over. There is definitely room for your god in the who and why part of the banging, but you must realize that is one of an almost infinite amount of causes.

    Your analogy is human centered just like your religion and your view of the universe. Try to ask instead if a mountain makes itself, or a cloud, or an atmosphere, or a star. The answer to all of those is yes. The universe from the very beginning has been able to create itself all on it's own using only the laws of physics and time with no intelligent guidance necessary.
    #2866 makisupa007, Sep 3, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Big Bang THEORY, how hypocritical can you get, you believe in a THEORY then claim it to be true. ALL THEORIES are not confirmed to be fact. That is why the word THEORY is put there.

    Then you call us centered and our views centered!
  8. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    You don't know what meaning that word carries in the scientific community. Regardless, every shred of observable evidence points towards a distant past where everything in the universe was much closer together and even further back was all compressed into a single point before exploding outward in a rapid, accelerated motion.

    Science does't get it's answers from an ancient scroll or from sitting in a room guessing at it. Scientist use the scientific method to study and observe the universe using repeatable experiments until they have arrived at a conclusion that matches observable reality. Even then the word theory is tacked on with the understanding that an idea can change and adapt as new information is discovered. It is flexible, which is the opposite of religion.

    If you want to have an "evidence off" on how the universe was formed I accept your challenge. I will list countless independent studies with physical evidence showing why the Big Bang is reality and you can provide a list of evidence showing how the world and the entire universe suddenly came into existence at once or in 7 days.

    You first.

    Will you concede that all of the evidence we have observed by pointing our telescopes at the sky leads to an expanding universe that was once almost infinitely dense and infinitely small?

    I didn't call your views centered, I called them human centered as in a human centered view of the know where humans are in the center, the reason for the universe existing. It's not an insult it's what you believe.

    SPAM \/
    #2868 makisupa007, Sep 3, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    The Big Bang discovery has been around for like forty or fifty years. The "theory" part is slowly being dropped. It's not really a "theory" anymore. It explains the expansion of this universe. This is not really a "centered" view. It is widely excepted. Just as evolution is now being widely accepted. It could get more defined as we learn more and technology gets better. I don't see how you feel that this is an attack on you.
  10. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    We are talking about this definition:

    1.A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

    You were thinking about this one:

    6.An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

    Big difference. Plus, religion is basically defined as the second definition. Think about how many religions there are and how they all tangle together. They all have crappy assumptions or biased beliefs. Simple stuff.
    #2870 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 3, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  11. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    That is what I meant indeed.

    Unfortunately, I don't control the theist-to-non theist ratio.

    You never said Human life you said "artificial", and I never said that A.I had been created, so don't misquote me.

    How you're born does not dictate whether or not you have a soul (which I don't believe in). Consciousness is consciousness. Is every child born through In vitro fertilisation soulless? They look regular enough for me.
  12. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Though i am a christian lolololololol i do not think that you should say things like this to people and this is a debate thread not a tell people they are going to hell thread but shoving your religeon down peoples throat like that and trying to scare them into believing what we believe is a terrible way to come across the topic it just makes them look down upon the religion even more. And any way just believing in God does not make you go to Heaven you have to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and admit your sins to him.
  13. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Exactly. Christians are afraid to speak out. I agree with your statement, but I am saddened that there aren't more christian debaters.
  14. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    And the other 4.6 billion people?
  15. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    He dies for everyone but only those who ask Him into their lives will be saved and He cares about each and every person so yes He is your personal and everyone elses savior
  16. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    You didn't answer my question. I'll rephrase it: what happens to those 4.6 billion people (when they die) who don't believe in the divinity of Jesus?

    The percentage of Atheists in America (depending on which survey) ranges from 4-11%. I too am saddened that there are not more Atheists in America.

    Why does it have to be Christian debators? So far 100% (or the vast majority) of the theist debators in this thread are of the Christian religion. The point of this thread is to logically debate on god, and believing in god is irrational (I'm not saying it's bad or wrong), so I would say the theists are at a disadvantage. The point of this thread has been proven since Nitrous first made this (I'm not saying lock it).
  17. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    oh i am sorry but i am not one to say according to my religion they go to the lake of fire where they will recieve eternal torture.
  18. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Then here's your next question (for anyone really): Do you believe it is right for someone who does not believe in god, who has spent their whole life helping others (went to Africa, purified water supplies, helped after Katrina) to go to hell, while at the same time a murderer goes to heaven for repenting his sins?
  19. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Well if the person spent his whole life doing things like that i am sure that he would have come in contact with someone who would have introduced him to Christ and if he heard about what He did and yet failed to accept Jesus into his life despite the many warnings of what would happen to him after death and yet he did not believe then yes i do believe that he should no one is perfect and every single sin is the same in the eyes of God. If that murderer was to become a Christian then he would go to heaven and deserve it more than the charity worker. Think about it Jesus spent all of his time teaching and talking with the prostitutes, adulterers, thieves, tax collectors, lepers, and basically the people who society rejected but He still spread His word to the Pharisees, and upper class people and yes allot of them accepted it but it was mostly them who wanted Jesus dead. They did good deeds like gave to the poor and such but if they did it to make themselves look good if you do good things but they are not for God then they really mean nothing. Well yes they are good they help people they save peoples lives but who are they really doing it for?
  20. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You can biologically clone someone (Make babies be born with exactly the same DNA) but they will grow up and act like totally different people depending on the environment they grow up in.
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