This No-Clip glitch works for all objects, has been streamlined to perfection, and it amazing for cleaning up those hard to reach areas. Credit is shared between me (jex yoyo) for finding it, Fritzer for advancing it, and tylyr1 for perfecting it (also, diger44 added quite a few helpful tips.) I underlined tylyr1 because he made this successful for spawned objects. One final note; Please take the time to read the tips section before you post any questions, and if nothing in there helps, any questions should be in this thread. I read every post in it (mostly because I feel responsible for upkeep) and make sure that I reply to any questions that pertain to the glitch. Making another thread is simply a waste of time, and not very intellegent because its much more likely to fall off the first page than something thats been stickied. Also, the final thing is that ABSOLUTELY ZERO MLG maps came out before this was discovered, and none of them use this. They still get all the credit for doing unbeleavable things that people shouldn't have been able to do on forge. This morning something monumental happened; I accidently discovered a glitch that will completely revolutionize the way we use OLN objects. It basically makes them easier to use then normal spawned objects. What it involves is duplicating the object first. One object floats around, ignores any barriers, and eventually disapears. The other, an object that you will still be holding, turns into a completely no-clip object. You can put it inside an object you have already placed, or you can float it in any position you like, twisting it to suit your needs. It will stay exactly like that. But, the best part is how it becomes the easiest geomerge ever. You can take the time to line it up, because of the no clip. If you not happy, just move it a little bit. Its amazing. This works on all dlc maps, and can be used with any immovable OLN objects. Furthermore, tylyr1 may have discovered a way to make this work on all objects, even those that you spawn. The first video shows you how to do it with any normal object, and the second tells you how to do it with OLN objects. Its different, and who knows, you may need an OLN. How to glitch a spawned object YouTube- Ghost Merging Tut - Make any Immoveable Object No-Clip How to glitch an OLN object YouTube- Halo 3 Forge OLN Object No Clipping Additional Tips This next thing was created by me, but here is a superguide that diger44 made. And he seemed like he really wanted to get this tip up on the front page... The next has a video explaining my idea. Oh No!!! It wont let me embed!!! I wish I knew how to fix this. Its probably caused by being in the spoiler, but I dont see the problem. I already have two videos working... Having trouble with objects randomly dissapearing? We found help for that too... This tip really helps with accuracy. Remember, just because this is fast doesnt mean you should rush. You can still tell the difference between maps that took a while and those that were made in a day. However, this bracing method only works with non-OLN objects. OLN objects will automatically reset their vector and orientation. How to dummy an object; Thank you for posting this, because i really didnt think that it would be a problem. Once again, I assume and skrew myself over. An alternative way to dummy an object, one that allows you to preform the glitch with spawned objects slightly faster. Need it just barely in the ground, but still want to get the most out of it? Well, thank diger44 again. What I found on youtube: Spoiler If you invtented TV you must be a trillionaire!!! Yeah, my Youtube account is named TheRandomChair. lol
Checking this out now, will be back to tell if it's real. Edit: This **** is real, but I can't figure out how you did it, text steps for now please.
EDIT: For the sake of humankind, you'd better look at this glitch. It is unbelievably awesome... and that's coming from the king of awesomeness..
I'm rendering it for you in SD because I can't get on the box till tomorrow morning, and this might help every one else that wants to see it. This **** better be real though. [bungievid]92590057[/bungievid] I came. Does it still stay there when you save/quit. This is how forge should have been. Umm... not working? The code is [bungievid] [/ bungievid], right? Is the vid on FH working for anyone else? It says system:exception: 3001 for me. EDIT (Shock): Has to be in your fileshare.
You have my attention... as well I move that this tread become Sticked it will become popular soon. As far as i can Tell it is messing with the OLN. If you cause one of the objects to lag and disappear ... as you pick it up possibly that object will some how reappear with loose barriers... I'm guessing here Death Yo Yo ..did you 1. Set OLN object not to spawn, as well have enough of that object for it to have the odd effect of the OLN to dispawn 2.Reset round 3.Ither forcespawn or mess with the object as it is force spawn causing it to disappear. 4. After Object Disappear... you went threw a teleporter to another OLN? Or a prexisting similar object which caused the OLN object to return with the new Glitch property? IF you can Save that Entire File and post it... I'm willing to help you fine tune what you did. Gt G043R
Seconded. I think I know how he did it though, but I can't test my theory until I get my xbox back. :<
This is quite amazing, its just like forging but only 20 times epic-er, if you figure out how to do this, you'le be one amazing man...
I'll make a video for you tomorrow when you figure out how you did this. GT: AmercanPsycho If you want to, I'll record voice so you can give a voice walkthrough.
Okay, I looked over the video a lot and how I think you did this based off of repeatedly watching the video was that you picked up the item, put it behind the teleporter and it cloned another one in front of it that was no clipped (because if you try to but an object behind something, it will always bring it to the front while you hold it.) That, or it was mass amounts of lag though the former seems like the most logical to me.
This was always what I thought object placement in forge should be like. I'm sure now that this has been publicized, someone will figure out how to do it on command. You, sir, will forever be the groundbreaking hero that first discovered it though. I love you.
Oh my god, someone cap it already. I wanna see, and cant get on my box now! EDIT: Nevermind, saw it in rifte's Fileshare. One thing I want to see, what if he grabbed the object again? EDIT2: After looking at the vid, it reminded me of a glitch vid done by tylyr1. YouTube - Basic Immovable Item Dummying Glitch/Levitation Tutorial
****, now all the merging I did will look like it took less effort than I actually did. Great find tho. Hopefully I will be able to understand it better when I'm not so tired. Yawn. And silent death, I think it's buckets I shall come. It sound cooler and it has the same amount of inuendo.
Wow that is pretty sweet. No more complaining about a difficult geomerge now. Just wondering, have you been able to repeat this feat other than the time that it was recorded?