is being sold right now. If any of you guys have never used the site, it captures your halo 3 videos for you, similar to gamevee. It used to allow one free capture, and then you had to pay from then on, but now it's being bought out. I'm really hoping someone will buy the site and make it free. It's not some guy in his basement capturing videos. He uses some kind of program he made.
Advertising? and also how much does it cost and why would you pay if theres another free 1? NOT YOU FRESH , I AM TALKING ABOUT ZANDER
It's not advertising man. People have known about gamevee and eat-halo on here for a long time. They're pretty big capturing sites, and they are the ONLY sites with a rendering program. That's like saying talking about your halocharts stats is advertising. Gamevee was bought out and people freaked, then eathalo, which used to be free, started to charge money now that Gamevee was out of the picture. But now eathalo is being sold, as it says on their site, so maybe someone will buy it and make it free again. There are no free rederers? Bungie only allows 5 minute videos per month for free, and then you can buy extra minutes for money. I don't want to spend 200 microsoft points for 5 clips.
Wow. I've never used eatHalo and I only used gamevee once to see how it worked. I have my own capture card so I don't need to bother with sites like this but I'm quite interested in where this goes! Thats a big package he's selling!
nice hope the service becomes free. Plus the xbox must be modded if its automated. Theres no way you could have a system like this without the xbox being modded
google chrome sucks ****. If they had their way, the internet would cosist of google and youtube. Someone is probally trying to kill the site with fake reports to google.
Here's an idea: Buy a capture card. Then you get free limitless recording forever. No questions asked.