...but after 5 years of owning an Xbox 360, I got my first RRoD. Pretty disappointed but not mad like I thought I might when and if I got it. Fortunately the Xbox I have is still in the 3 year warranty. It couldn't have come at a worse time. My WoW subscription runs out tomorrow and my Xbox is my fall back. Guess I get to go with my fall back fall back, the Wii. Tomorrow I get to suffer through the process of talking to some guy in India to get it sent off for repairs.
Go to Xbox NXE Hardware, Xbox LIVE, Games & Media Support | Xbox Support in whatever locale your in, sign in, and request a repair. Very simple. Not like the old days
I remember my first RRoD...Sigh 4 months in of getting my xbox...But now I have a new ones thats held up for 16 months....and its starting to make a clicking sound I just hope it doesn't die on me before ODST...else I 'll be all like GAHHHHHH for like 2 weeks after ODST comes out.
Wow 5 years is really good. But it depends on how much you played it. Mine died in 2. And jeez if yours died in 4 months you mustve been playing it alot or had on of the first versions.
Heh. I was wondering if someone would pick that up. My brother and I bought an Xbox. When I went off to college, two years ago, I got my own. Adelyss, I hate you. I didn't think of that. Damn it, if i'm not able to play ODST on lauch day...
Buy a new one, it'll "probably" last longer and you'll get to play ODST on launch day/morning/night. Now I'm worried about getting RRoD before Modern Warfare 2/ODST... I got it just over a year and a half ago, I believe...
I got mine back in November of 07. First box got the RRod within 2 hours, took that back, had the next one for 18 months, got the 74 error code (same thing), then now....it works all right. LONG LIVE FORGE....
First, I don't have the money for a new one. Second, its the Halo Edition Xbox and I'd like to be able to get a new one.
ah i remember my first rrod, back before the days of halo 3 and when alot of dudes played farcry instincts predetor online, then it happened, one chilly day my bus 3 hours late, i went inside to tunr on my box and whatdayyaknow? yep excatly it happend. then my second one was this past may, playing, playing, playing, power surge fried it when i was going for my 37 in lone wolves. i was pissed, years ago. warranty didnt cover it because of the power surge (blame it on stosh... idk y) so that night, my dad drove me in because my car was at the shop and i got a new one for less than the old one cost to ship it in so now i have a broken one im thinking as giving away as a gag gift, and the shitty arcade that is in the rec room.
Thats an awesome run i went through 2 in 4 months -_- But now i havn't had any problems "knock on wood" But i got a wii and regular xbox so idk i guess there is always h2 haha.
unfortunatly my friend is going through the same thing had a 2 year run but now he has no xbox and no fall back
Well right now I have one xbox with rrod and another that works I think I found out away to fix my other one so once I do that im gonna sell it.