I think that the fourth Halo game should take place on the planet: Reach..... oh wait.... Bungie also announced that Halo 3 was the last game in the series (Reach is a prequel) Also: 14-24 players? that would be insane lag....
more than 18 would be lag, but the game work fine with 16... and yeah, that's the place halo reach is supposed to take, to further (or re-introduce) the story. after all, halo 1 just sorta tossed you into the story at the halo event. reach is a good place to start the whole thing off.
I think halo 4,according to the Legendary ending of halo 3 is that the chief lands on a covanant controlled planet.Perhaps the covanants earth or home planet.
The covenant have no home planet, there "Earth" was a chunk of the prophet home world, High Charity (Which was destroyed, courtesy of Master Chief), the other covenant races have their own home worlds still intact, but the covenant doesn't have 1 general "Earth" anymore.
non the less whther its a home world or not,i think the cheif may land on a planet inhabited by some life form in the covenant race
Bungie are done with the Master Chief, videogame wise. Neither game in the series had a major design change over the last so too many of them exactly the same will get stale and I serverly doubt Bungie would get the mix right for a 3rd person. Thats why they are doing ODST with new features. They have that solid gameplay intact but are making it more realistic. Leaving the door open to........any future. But who knows..........except Bungie of course And also, if anyone brushed upon their homework, how good will the training missions be for Reach? They could actually be setting that up so you have ODST style health up until you get the MJOLNIR
Im pretty sure that High Charity wasnt the Covenant planet, it was only their Capitol. If I could create another sequel to the story- I would say that the planet in the background of the Legendary ending would be a planet that was where either the Sangheili, JiroHanne originated. Or something that deals with the Forerunners. But a Halo 4 would seem a little bit stupid because Halo 3 was labeled with the motto "Finish the Fight!" and the fight isnt over then.... Kinda seems stupid...
I second mr mikelp, let it be. And btw the different Halo models for online (except Master Chief and Arbiter) wouldnt be proportionate to Spartans or Elites. It would go against the feel of Halo. And why do you use ineven numbers in the maps? And when you go into Slipscace, it doesny go slowmo or blurry. TBH the only idea I would give to Bungie would be the Forge model ones. That is a really good idea and entirely feasable. I really think they would try it in one of their games.
The covenant is a religious group of aliens, meaning they all have there own home planet. All covenant planets, there is no covenant home world because they are all different races. The covenant holy city High Charity was the capitol of the covenant basically the city of the covenant. So when it died the covenant died. And not to mention the elites won so its basically join the elites or die. As for halo 4 it will most likely be a new story line incorporating the mc but you won't play as him. The speculation of the next game is you go back in time to the Marathon series but thats just what i heard.
the cant just drop off the halo story after the halo 3 legendary ending. because if they dont we'll all just have to assume that cortana sat in a computer next to a frozen master chief in a big chunk of spaceship for the remainder of time.
Actually Cortana most likely won't exist in the next game or if she will she will be dying (going rampant) The Ai like her are more advanced then normal but only have a life span of 7 years. At the end of halo 3 (according to the books) she will be exactly 7 years old. Meaning she will start to become irrational, she will be confilicting herself all the time. It's kinda hard to explain but if you read the books then look at the marathon series its all explained very well.
She is technically already rampant. Some of the stuff she says on the cortana level. Yes. halowiki'd. Good explination, and also adds to what I was saying about what cortana says.
ive never really understood cortana. the fact that shes basically a computer program. yet she can learn, but at the same time be fed information. she seems to have no limit, but then she does. then she can die? plus what could gravemind do to her? is he like a super hacker??? lol