Wouldn't it be simpler, and indeed better, to simply explain it in the OP instead of asking people to message you?
I don't think it's necessary to create duplicate posts. I suggest either deleting this thread or your other one. If you're not sure what forum to post it in, simply visit the customer service and ask there.
I'm guessing you feel some sort of thrill by knowing something that someone else doesn't know, and would like to know. It kind of makes you look like a noob.
ok fist you need to make a map on blackout that has a bof infront of the smoke then write something on it and then delete the box and shoot a plasma pistol at it while juicy is on then go to theater and go into the plasma shot and it will turn that purple its hard to explain
I gotchya... I think he means you need to put a box in front of the smoke stack type rock thing on Avalanche, write something on top of the box with weapons, delete the box, put a Juicy FX thing on the map, shoot at the smoke stack with a plasma pistol, then go into theater mode and go inside both the plasma bullet thing and the smoke stack, so the screen will turn purple. Yea, it's a bit confuserating lol.
There's already a guide on how to do this lol its called the blackout sky effect. Its a few threads below this one.