Sandbox Tsavo Standoff

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xHBxSOLO, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    From what I see the map looks great but I think you should add more pictures especially for the bases. Other than that, the bridge is a winner. Even the little structures in the map look great and very unique and I cant wait to download this.
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    OMG YES!!!

    I looked at the first few pics, read your discription, and was sad because you combined two things I really discliked about halo. I was about to go and leave, then I notice you had the bases in a spoiler. I looked and was completely speachless. This is the second time in thirty minutes I have looked at an OMG AMAZING map. Its getting pretty awesome. This definately has my download, and I totally agree with Yoshido.
  3. revenger 514

    revenger 514 Ancient
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    this looks like a very cool map. both the bases are very cool and unique and thats one of the things i like in team maps. the broken bridge looks very real with all the detail. the interlocking and geomerging is striaght. i cant see any thing that would need to be added to this map its perfect how it is. great job.
  4. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    Thanks but theres always room for improvement. I can't tell if you downloaded im not saying you didn't but I would like it if future post people download first then post so you can see any flaw or just to see the map first hand
  5. Fiatluxmortem94

    Fiatluxmortem94 Ancient
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    Wow. I... I'm speechless. The archetecture is excellent, the whole map is good looking, the inspiration copied perfectly. Your weapon placement looks pristine and your vehicles look like they are balanced and good. great map! downloadin!
  6. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Alright, first off, I love the layout. I think it's possibly the best floor-level map I've seen so far. There wasn't much that I didn't like about it and can't really think of anything. So I'll just move on to what I think you can do to improve the map.

    Weapons. For the most part, they're fine but there are a few things you should change up a bit. For starts you should follow the two-grenade-types-rule. The rule is simple. Use frags and your choice of plasma's or spikes. The reason I say this is because in basically every bungie map you see it is like this and the reason they do that is basically because they don't want players to rely on their grenades so much. It also becomes a bother to shuffle through all three types. So, I'd say stick two types. (Frags and plasmas seem fair enough for this map). With that said the only other thing is the sniper placement. Placing it right in the sniper tower is a bad idea. It's like adding oil to the fire. A high point in any map is a snipers obvious place they'll go so what you want to do is place the sniper in a spot where it'll take them some time to get there. I noticed you put fusion coils in the towers as well; however if you wish to blow them up you either have to throw a grenade into the tower or be in the tower yourself. You may want to find a way to make them possible to shoot from other areas in the map.

    We played 4v4 so the spawns seemed fair enough and I hope that's true for bigger parties. I plan on playing at least 6v6 on this for CTF and TS (at least those anyways). So yeah, I think you've got a great map here, but like I said, it can be improved just a little to make it better.
  7. TChun21

    TChun21 Ancient
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    I've got an idea for you map.
    Possibly when the match starts, make an explosion on the broken part of the bridge to make it seem it just happened. (This would only happen once)

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    Not sure if you saw it or not but your map was on the Bungie front page in a video one of my frinds did for Fustoms Fridays with H3ITWP. If you need the link I can get it for you but you should be able to go to Bungie and check it out from last Friday's games. I think Urk posted it up on Monday so check there first.

    We all really enjoyed the map and thought the game play was good as I said in the previous post. I am glad some people are finally giving it the attention it deserves. Good work.

    Here is the link Linky
    #48 DEATHPIMP72, Aug 27, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Wow. I just creamed my pants. I REALLY REALLY hope, that this map is not unlimited budgeted. I REALLY hope that it's not. If it isn't, then it should be featured right now, and thrown into matchmaking. If it is, then that's a real let down. Since it's not enclosed, flickering is bound to happen. :/
  10. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    Im so very sorry this was my first time using the budget glitch so it won't be on bungie favs, but when i sketched it I counted the pieces and it fell under the object limit for a regular canvas so when i make the V2 I might just us a regular canvas.

    Wow, I had no idea it got that far, thank you so much for the link I appreciate it and also for the comment.

    oh and Vorpal Saint i appreciate your comment as well, for giving such a detailed review.

    Thanks again everyone.
  11. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    wow just wow that is all i can say this map is perfect in every way great geo merges great interlocking great asthertics great gameplay 10/10 amazingly done. i love the bridge in the middle it is what really sets this map appart. I remember first seeing this as a google sketchup and couldnt wait for it. once again great work

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    We ran this again and linked it to the Bungie updates also for this week. You will probably see a nise rise in DL's for it as everyone i our group really likes it and was voted one of the favorites of the night.

    We didn't run any objective so could you tell me what the map is set up for? I think assault would be a beast on this map depending on where the bomb plants are and flag would probably run fairly well also depending on placement.
  13. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This is beastly amazing aesthetic wise. I downloaded and I will see how the gameplay is for it. It looks like it should play smoothly, but I'll play it just incase. There aren't many ways into the bases though and the rocket launcher spawn is a bit open. Otherwise, this map is flawless in my opinion.
  14. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    Thanks again I saw it on bungie and you guessed right assault and CTF are in my opinion two of better gametypes to play on this map. Team slayer is my fav tho

    Yes, please tell me how you like the gameplay. Aestheticly thats what I was shooting for I like to make things that look appealing to the eye. I need to work more on making my maps gameplay focused. The rocket launcher was one of the changes oO SLiK Oo suggested to me because orginally the bridge held 1 rocket and 1 laser but that was a fail so he said drop a Wall huge in the ground to help the look of the wrecked bridge and it seemed ideal for a power weapon.

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