I hate Facebook!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I actually despise facebook. Yeah great idea, lets share my photos on the internet and give all those rights on that photo to facebook, forever!
    Thats my first hate with it.
    My second is uploading.
    My mum uses the site and she has no fkin clue about computers, she will be like, I cant upload. So im like okay then, ill help you. The uploading features changes like everyday, im not even joking, they have so many plugins you have to install just to upload some damn pictures. THEN. Theres the uploading itself.

    Seeing as tough its uploading at http speed, it obviously will take a while. I dont mind uploading a photo once in a while to other websites like photobucket etc. But when your uploading over 100 10mb pictures (so around 1 gb) through http. It can disrupt everyone elses access to the internet.

    So yeah, 2 people in my house who ****ing overuse the houses bandwith, talking about bandwith, my sister is the one uploading 1 gb of photos and doesnt expect its her thats crashing the internet like every 5 seconds because everyone else in the house is trying to connect, she is also the one that thinks at the same time that because I just got her to stop downloading a 1.5 gb movie, that its perfectly fine to go disrupt my gaming more by uploading some damn ****ing photos. **** you!

    Anyone else with problems like this?

    I may just block facebook on my router settings just to piss them off, then put it back on so their like OHH WTFF I CANT GET ON, then when they ask for my help ill be like, erm yeh **** YOU STUPID *****! :)
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Sounds like you hate your family more than facebook.
  3. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    When my mom is hogging the connection, I wait until she's off. Patiently.
    ..and if you're not paying for the monthly cost of electricity and internet, and you still have a problem with it, get a job and move out.
    At least she shares it with you..

    Oh, and to your last statement, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't kick you by the time you turn 18. I may not like my mother, but I still have the decency to respect her and her house rules.

    You're a menace to society, a boy on the hood!
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I agree with Jimbodawg, if it's free don't really expect to get the best out of it. I doubt you hate your parents to the extent on which you made it sound, but calm down it does not help you to think negatively about your parents because they probably love you if they even let you use the computer.
  5. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Also agreed. You have the luxury of free internet and you are expecting that you can horde the internet with gaming. I understand thats a lot to upload at one time but doncha think you should give up the connection for them every once in a while. You aren't the only one using the internet.
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    If you don't want people to see/use certain pictures, then don't upload them. It's really that simple.
  7. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    They probably suspect that your gaming is what makes it slow as well, as they 'know so little about computers'. But (As far as I know) they don't complain and ***** about you in the internet about it.

    On another point, uploading 1 gig onto the internet via. https isn't going to be done in ten seconds, you could try doing so on any site, I don't think facebook is the only culprit worth taking your bandwidth issues out on.
  8. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I don't like Facebook either, but I do like the idea. Ads need to look like ads instead of like part of the site. Uploads and plug-ins for uploads need to be fixed. And apps need to stop infecting other people with stupid messages and making people invite friends.
    Personally I have been planning to buy Facebook and deal with it or just shut it down, but there are better places to throw several million dollars into... like a fire.
  9. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I hate Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and any other social networking sites.

    When I say I'm anti-social I mean it.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Facebook and pretty much every social networking site really just sell your data to advertising companies. No biggie.
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Yeah but how else am I going to keep in touch with all the people I go to school with over the summer?

    I mean, with myspace, I can just send a comment, and ask for a schedule to see which classes I have with the person. It's easy. I don't have texting, but even if I did, I'd still use myspace for stuff like that. Not only that, but it provides a nice IM. So I can talk to people who don't have AIM or MSN.

    So tell me, if I'm on forgehub, looking at maps, why would I want to also have my phone out talking to someone, when I can just click to the side and talk to them on there?

    It's like Youtube. It's a medium to exchange info through.

    If I went on vacation, and people ask me about my trip, BAM, I could just upload it to myspace for everyone to see, with pictures, videos, bulletins ect.
    #11 ZANDER1994, Sep 1, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2009
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I didn't say don't use it. Hell, I use Facebook. Not Myspace. But Facebook is notoriously bad with manhandling their user's personal data and selling it all over the place. Don't really mind.
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I remember how just a few days ago I got one of those inbox message thingies, and everyone else that received it got like emails and such because of it. So all the comments were 'Quit Commenting' etc...
    They have to make the setting button in 107 Bold Font in the middle of the screen, because teenage girls will miss it.
  14. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I like facebook. However their ads make me want to punch a puppy off of a moving donkey into the Grand Canyon. @OP I'm sure your sister likes to leave herself logged into facebook at all times. Just wait till she leaves it on and delete her account. Problem solved. You could always set permissions on what she is allowed to use on the computer also.
  15. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    Facebooks so annoying, all people do is waste there lives away on it talk about it. I mean whats there to do, upload photos so your friends can say yep that looks like you. Except photos all you do is message each other, when they cam just use msn or text.

    God damn you facebook, you ruined the internets.
  16. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Yes Tz, that's really gonna help the real problem...

    Anyway, Facebook needs to distinguish ads from the rest of the site and maybe make a few other adjustments but truthfully it's not all that bad.

    And just cause you put your pictures on facebook doesn't mean that they own it... It just means that it's on their site. You can take it off any time you want.
  17. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Subject A: Social outcast
  18. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    You blame facebook for ruining the internet because people waste their time on it? People would waste their time on the internet if facebook was around or not. I like, it saves me money because I dont have to text and everyone has all their photos up.
  19. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Just chill the **** out and stop complaining. Your mommy pays for your internets, so she has the right to do **** on it.
  20. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    I have always hated facebook. I just dont think it is cool. I know people who tell me that your retarded since I dont have facebook.

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