Survive on December 21, 2012 The date is December 21st, 2012. Everything is gone. Natural disasters have destroyed millions of people, towns, and entire cities. The world is in peril. This isn't a zombie map. This, is a survival map. Gather food, buy weapons, and hotwire cars. Do anything you can to survive. COMMENT PLEASE This map was something that came to me about the 2012 doomsday theory. I don't believe in it, but I wondered: "What would happen AFTER all of the destruction?" So, I began to think of ideas. And I have so many. 1. You begin. You are alone, in a huge desert (or what remains of a neiborhood) and you are healthy, for the most part. armed with a rusty pistol, you set out. (your health decays very slowly, to simulate hunger and exastion) 2. After wandering the wastelands, you come across a small house that survived the destruction. (sort of) Kicking in the dor, and yes, that's in the map, you discover some supplies! 3. After searching a bit, you realize you are very hungry. Spotting some food, you pick it up resisting the urge to eat it now. Also in the house, you find a pump shotgun with only 6 shots in it, a flashlight, and a....Key? You have just one pocket, so you decide to eat the food now. Your health bar is full! 4. Grabbing the key and shotgun, you exit the house, only tho find two survivors fighting, one with a pistol, and the other weilding an AK-47! The pistol user is hurt, so you shoot a few rounds into him. After he falls, the other notices you, and opens fire. A few shots hit you, but nothing is fatal. Then "click-click" the other survivor's Ak-47 is empy! Fear in his eyes, he runs. You shoot your shotgun after him, but then you realize you're out now as well. 5. You search the fallen man's body, and get some of his pistol ammo, and his food, replenishing your health bar of the health you lost in that battle. (50% leech.) 6. You see a light in the distance, but decide to head away. Climbing a dune, you spot a small, dark, campsite ahead. It consists of a puny tent, and a pond. Wait, what? Water? Hurring over, you take adrink. Aaaah..... Your thirst quenched, your health bar is replenished, and you move a bit faster, too. 7. You find molotov coktails, and pick them up. Gunshots ring in the distance. You need ammo, and fast. Caught out like this, you'll die. 8. Taking one last drink, you set out. Walking for what seems like ages, you find a few ruins along the way, but other survivors must have already searched them. You've lost a lot of energy. You're moving slower, and you are hungry. In the nick of time, you see a building. 9. Locked! You can't find a way to get in, and... wait. Your key! Placing it in the lock, the door opens! The key breaks, however.... inside, it's very dark, fumbling around, you find a flashlight. You turn it on, and it lights the whole room, but goes out a few seconds later. 10. Inside, there isn't much. Just some pistol ammo, and....Money? No food, but you pick up the money anyway. Walking outside, so very tired now, you are about to set out, probably toward the light you saw earlier. But, huh? Waht's this? On the side of the building you were just in, you see two machines labled "weapon vendors" you now notice the "weapon shop" sign on the building. Curious, you wander to them. Deposit money, it reads. You picked up 100$ inside the building, so you put it in the machine. At first nothing happens. 11. But then an Ak-47 pops out! Excited, you grab it. You are going to kill someone for their food. You need to. Hey, more info up soon, but so you know, all of this actually happens on the map! Comment. Sorry for the lamness of this post, I'll fix it up soon!
Obviously, some of the exact items and mechanics you described to be featured in your map are not available in Halo 3. However, I presume you're substituting them with similar items in the game. I can already think of a few you would most likely utilize, e.g. the health source being simulated by Custom Power-Ups, etc. Regardless, I noticed you were planning on having the ability to unlock passages via keys and you were going to have flashlights in your map. I do not know how you would simulate these ideas in your map. Do you have something planned for this or what?
im thinking the flashlight is a flare since he said it goes out fast and for the key it could be like a radar jammar you throw in a hole and it unblocks a teleporter wen it breaks or something idk. but if you can pull this off it would be epic. also i think this would make an awsome machinima
Ok: Flare:Flashlight Radar Jammer:money key: gravlift (lifts up the door) Regen: food Custom powerup in shield door: water Now I KNOW: "Regens no work Lolz" but i've found a way around this. I'm cool like that. Oh, and due to filters, Flares don't blind you, just light stuff up.
Oh, I see. Yeah, I just couldn't think of a way you could simulate a key or a flashlight. I presume the reason the flare won't be so bright is due to a light filter, right?
Wow, I guess great minds think alike, i had an idea like this, no storyline though, but how on earth did you get the regenerators to work with health decay?!?! Please it would help my map, and others as well!
I don't know though... Flares don't last for too long nor are they effective because they blind you as well. How about a plasma pistol? When you charge it, does it act like a flashlight? I like this idea, it's original. I thought it'd be like an infection, but more of a FFA survival, right?
True, but a Plasma Pistol would also deplete the 4x overshields a bit too much. I thought of that as well, but.....
Ah, right. I forgot that they had shields. You could make it an honor rule or something, but idk. I guess flares sound more reasonable now.