Why is it illegal for people under 18 to have sex?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dow, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    First point - couldn't agree more. I think it's a little odd at times, I too hold that in this case personal responsibility and parental/education guidance is really the key ethical basis. But I've always thought of the law as a blind benchmark to way off against this personal/educational/parental responsibility thing, and to cover instances of actual exploitation and avoid any possible loopholes when it does arise. The fact is that (in England at least, and I would hope in the US too), it's hardly common for 2 consenting underage people to be prosecuted for having sex, so it actually works out rather well.

    Eh, idk about 'for no real reason'. Challenging laws that don't practically apply to you at the time is a valuable part of social conscience imo. In fact, you could even say that it's more valuable to have people who the law doesn't strictly apply to in terms of situation thinking about it and questioning it, since it's definitely no guided by emotional reactions of feeling screwed over in your current situation. It shows a desire to question that which you see as wrong even if you're not affected by it, not just that which you feel is currently screwing you over.
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    if two people who are underage are boning and both sides are totally down with it, then whotf's really going to find out? I doubt they do undercover sting operations to catch 2 minors having sex. As long as the parents aren't ****ing retarded or dont know about it then who cares about the legality. Be smart, wrap your junk, and everything is cool.

    The statutory rape **** is an issue though, the laws most states have for it are dumb as ****. Having a set cut off is retarded, two people could be a month apart but if one is under that cut off, it's rape. Age of consent here in Michigan is 16, although a parent can file a restraining order when their child is under 18.
    #22 CHUCK, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Normally, I'd agree that it's a good thing that people actually care about things, even if they aren't affected by it. But the thing is, this classmate of mine bitches about everything. Dress code is too strict? *****. Why our private school makes us go to chapel? *****. Why we couldn't bring anyone younger than us to our sophomore banquet? For ****'s sake, he didn't even go to the damn thing and he still bitched about it.
  4. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I went to a catholic middle school and we had a whole class(for a whole year) about sex and STD's
  5. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    There would be more having sex not the same = More Teenage Pregnancies...
  6. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Do you honestly know ANYBODY who would let the law stop them from having sex if they wanted to?
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    It does stop some, believe it or not.

    But I agree, it does not stop many. At least the parents can't sue the government or some **** like that.
  8. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    Because someone could get pregnant REAL young. And that's just f*cked up. Even with protection sh1t happens.
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Guys, I'm fifteen. So I'm going to lay down all the conditions that would have to be right before I, MYSELF, PERSONALLY would have sex or any type of intercourse with a girl while under 18.

    For me, as a fifteen year old, these are my conditions. This is under the assumption that I started dating the girl today.

    1. I'd have to have dated the girl for at least a year if SHE wanted it before I'd be okay with doing it. So if I've dated my gf for a year, and one day she asks me to do something, I'd be okay with that. I'd be 16 and 1/2 by then, which would be totally fine with me.

    2. If number one never happened, I wouldn't EXPECT my girlfriend to put out until I had dated her for around 2 years. And then, I really wouldn't think it's a big deal at all. I would be 17.

    3. In both 1 and 2, I'd have to truly love her and have protection.

    I don't believe in waiting until marriage for sex because over 50% of failed marriages report that part of the reason was the sex. Sex is a huge part of marriage.
    #29 ZANDER1994, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I fail to understand the reasoning behind "it's going to happen regardless even if it's illegal, so let's just make it legal".

    Robberies still happen even though it's outlawed. By the logic stated above, we should save the resources and make it legal, because we can't keep people from doing it. Rape happens even though it's outlawed. Murder happens even though it's outlawed.

    A better, more reasonable statement would be, "It's a victimless crime. It doesn't make sense to punish people who are consenting individuals that made a conscientious decision to have sex."
    Basically, if you're going to make something illegal, you have to crack down on it. Otherwise don't make such a big deal about it. And that's where the statutory rape law is flawed.
  11. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    you must be gay like sarge. rofl, kidding. Not every guy is driven by there penises so im beginning to learn..

    i actually didn't have sex until i was 18(i dated a girl who would only go to third base for a year and a half.. GREAT handjobs /optimism), but if the opportunity came about down to about age 14 id be all up on that. It didn't come easy being a fat kid growing up, so i hate seeing wasted powers :p NO LAW would have stopped me in such a hypothetical situation. I'm a fukken horndog.

    Nemi brings up a great point with the robbery analogy. i personally say keep the laws there just because, can't hurt. Now statutory laws should be tweaked. It's not like they crack down on sex like they do with murder. They don't really affect me anymore anyway. Now piracy laws... that's a little different, still related. Just another thing that's illegal but everybody does it anyway.
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    It's avoidance of the sex subject that makes horny Catholic school girls 4x more likely to have anal or oral sex.
  13. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Okay, first of all, think your threads out for once, you never seem to.

    Laws are not global.
    The USA is not the only country in the world.
    Even within the USA, laws differ from state to state.
    In many countries, the age of consent differs drasstically.

    I will provide a link for you that lists various ages of consent around the world.
    Link. Click this for an education.
  14. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    For me, sex should be a form of love. It's something you earn.

    But nowadays, it's kind of like, something fun to do in your spare time, or just another thing that comes with the package of dating.

    I mean, yeah, I'm fifteen, and it's probably one of the top three things I would like to do at any given time, but I'm not out seeking it. And if I'm going to do stuff with you, I'd like to know that not only will you do that stuff with me, but I can count on you as a true friend. It's like giving a part of yourself to someone. It's nice to know that you'll have sex with me, but what I'd really like to know is if you'll hold my hand and tell me you love me, and actually mean it.

    I don't understand why people casually state that they've had oral sex, and don't consider it a big deal compared to the real thing. It's still a pretty big step to physically give someone else an orgasm. I mean, sure you can't get them pregnant, but it's about the same showmanship of trust and love nonetheless. I treat it like sex without the risk.

    Laws for what a person can and cannot do with their body is a touchy subject. Laws for what a person can do that in no way risks anybody's lives but themselves is another touchy subject. With these, you just kind of have to make up your own opinions based on your morals.

    There are no real laws. Your morals are your only laws.

    If you drink, are you going to get drunk? Are you going to drive? Are you going to drink with OTHER people who may get drunk?

    Or are you just going to sit on your couch and have a beer or two with a movie, not get drunk, not drive, and be with responsible people who can handle the idea of a beer?

    The two are very different, yet the law does not differentiate between the two. Only morals do.
  15. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    oh jeez not the "SEX underage" discussion again.

    I feel this has been discussed so many times in OT.
  16. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    In California there is no illegal age to have sexual intercourse.
    Even if there was, me and my girlfriend wouldn't give a flying ****.
  17. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    That was cute...

    That's great! really it is.
  18. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i agree with radiantrain, you are too cute. I do completely agree with what i bolded though.
  19. The God of Grunge


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    Promiscious sex in people as young as 15 prooves how our society is becoming more animalistic.
  20. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    And the more we become like Beasts, the less brain power we use.

    So this would be an equation which proves that our society (In America at least) is slowly but inevitably dissolving into a bunch of animals... Not really but Mr. Mojo brought up a good point I guess.

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