I really want to get to lvl 45 so I can get my brigadier symbol, but I seem to get paired with really bad people all the time. Basically if you're good, you communicate, and are above a lvl 40 than I'd love to play with you, so long as you're willing to establish some basic callouts and warm up with some Social Slayer. Anyone?
I would love to join a good TS team. I too am trying to get to 45 for my brigadier. I communicate well and am skilled with BR/snipe. Currently a 43 in TS (and I should be higher). Send me a friend request at Super Trooper88.
Sweet thats one 2 more now. EDIT: @ super trooper, I'll friend you as soon as I get a new mic, mine broke just yesterday and I figure the whole purpose of assembling a team would be taken away if I couldn't talk to anyone on it.
Alright thats cool. Hopefully we can find more people, but if not, I can ask one of my friends if he wants to join us. I bet we can easily get to 50 if we assembled a good enough team. I always get tired of teammates who don't communicate.
Yeah I might know one person who could do it but I'm not sure. I'll have my week by next weekend at latest. Yeah the key to winning is definitely teamwork and callouts.
Hitthelightz, a team of four for TS is just brutal. You might not find it to bad if you are already up in the fourties, but I just recently started a new account and am playing TS with 3 good guys. We've played about..110 games..lost like 7..and I'm a 12. Last night we went on a 16 game winning streak before I went from and 11 back to a 12 (having dropped after losing one after being on like a 10 game winning streak). In doubles I played maybe..12 games? Maybe more like 17..lost like 4..and im a 13. As you can see..TS is not the way to go. Though, I hear if you go in as 2 you won't be treated as a full party and will level faster. If you are having leveling issues this might be why.
Well, i could help you since I've been going for the same goal, but something always stops me. The only problem is, is that I am a 32 (Yeah, Bungie hates me), but I already have the exp of a brigadier (515-ish), so i'd be a matter of getting the stupid skill points... You can add me at Eduardo Dubs I am currently a Major Grade 2 I have a hard time ''skill''ing up... Once i got nine kills in a row with a sniper, and when i was about to get my sharshooter medal, this guy came up real close to me, so I had to take out my shotty. I got the kill and the frenzy, but not the sharpshooter nor the skill in the end (I went 25kills-2deaths)
We are in the fourties... I got to 42 in TS in 100 games without a specific team, some of it with my friends, who are all under 20 skill lvl. E93, he did say you have to be at least a 40, but maybe we can see how you play with us.
I would love to play. I am a 45 (major) and know I could get 50, but I don't have any reason to play TS with the BS involved (equipment, radar, explosives, AR start, vehicles, etc.) unless I get a group of guys that communicate well. I play MLG, but I don't think I will be able to get 50 in that because of the steep competition. So, I would like to get a 50 in TS some time despite the shenanigans involved. As long as you guys know the callouts and have strats/setups, I am down. Just so you guys know, I am solid with the BR (out BR most anyone), sick with the sniper, good 'nader, not a very good support player (assists), good strategist, and conservative (don't die much but am normally second or third in kills unless we are playing 40s and below). I will fill in any role a team needs though. I just got the RRod, but hit me up on live in a couple of weeks. Edit: Looks like you guys got a group together, but if any of you other guys want in, just send me a request. I prefer 3v3 for TS also.
I think Lightz, Brute, you (Texas), and I would make a good slayer team. It appears that this won't be put together for a while, but I'll send each of you friend requests so we can work this out.
Sounds good. Even though my xbox is in the shop, I have/will go to friends on the weekends and recover my gamertag there. It sure would be a relief to have a team that was good, communicated, and understood the freaking callouts. Is it really that hard to figure out what the forest/jungle is on Guardian? I think we should easily be able to get the OP to his 45, and then, we could try to hit 50. I know that I could get 50 in TS (without a team) if Team Slayer had MLG settings, but I can't do it on MLG because once I get to the 40's, I start playing semi pros and pros. I can't really play on weekdays thought because I am having to hit the books hard right now. On weekends though, I am free most of the time.
Yea, same goes for me, I mostly only go online on weekends, so anytime on the weekend would be fine to play, and maybe a weekday if we plan it in advance. I really think that if we train together and become a good team, all of us will get to 50. At the moment I am extremely disappointed in my rank, and my brother used to play social slayer non-stop on my acc, so I have much more experience than I need (more incentive to get to 50). Anyways, I'd like it if we could get together this weekend to try some custom slayer or maybe MLG and see if we can get some teamwork going.
Yeah customs or social slayer is probably better because when you go back to regular slayer from MLG you have a hard time adjusting to radar, and warthogs, and ARs (I hate that weapon). I think I'll get my mic and maybe a better controller tonite. If we actually made up strategies, like where certain people would go at the very start and who takes what weapons we could easily get 50s. Late tommorrow night (EST) will probably be good from me after my lax game.
Alright, but how late tomorrow night, because I am in PST. Anyways, I am fine with anytime today or tomorrow. So if you see me online and playing Halo give me a invite. If I'm not playing Halo, it's probably my brother.
Cool, so thats about 12 o'clock for me, which will work fine. I've already played with Brute Captain, and Texas has yet to accept my friend request. I guess I'll just wait for your FR tomorrow.
My bad bro. I had a friend over, so we could use his xbox. But, my xbox came back from the shop. I am leveling him up to a 40 real quick, but I will be on soon so we can get a game. If we don't have 4, he is going to want to get in (he is about 40 good but plays smart). I sent your sniper account a friend request. Any one of you hit me up.