These maps don't look like they are even close to forge-worthy, but they look really fun!: One question. The Mythic Map Pack was the last map pack that Bungie said they were releasing, will people who do not have Halo 3: ODST and only Halo 3 be able to play them? There is probably some easy answer that I overlooked, but I really do not want to look through tons of Bungie weekly updates.
The other 3 maps for mythic will be released as a dlc later on, those who have odst will be the first to play citadel longshore and heretic. Longshore would be fun to do some sweet geomerging to the bridge deal and make an infection map. but heretic, um not its midship forging that map would almost be pointless.
I'm quite sure that Bungie have No plans on releasing these maps as a DLC pack. If those plans have changed then I request a link before I believe it.
They probably will be released maybe a few months in. I mean, look the Mythic was only for people who got Halo Wars: LCE. It could've stayed like that, cause they still sell collectors edition. But they released it onto the Marketplace. Sure the ODST will probably be a DLC later in like, 2010 like, a month before Reach.
They said that Longshore holds many secrets- which could mean that there is something worth forging. Im pretty sure that the dinghies can be forged and float in the water.
Yeah i was speculating on the whole they will be released later but like everyone else said since they released the first three on dlc like what 3 months after h wars they will probably do the same with odst. There not going to be like oh only the people who can pre order odst get to get these maps. Bungie isn't like that.
I'd assume that the water isn't blocked by an invisible barrier. Or perhaps a secret building similar to the crypt.
Well then how would they implement them into the matchmaking playlists without making lots of people dissapointed? And they would lose sales from the people who aren't buying ODST.
... If the maps ONLY came with ODST, it would force people into buying them, and I'm pretty sure bungie did mention there were no plans for these maps being on the marketplace. Sold as map pack=The money goes to microsoft anyways.
i heard when u get halo 3 odst, there are 2 disks: the first is the campaign and firefight thing the second is i think an updated halo 3 disk with the new maps on.
You do get 2 discs, i don't see why they wouldn't be on the market place, arn't they the same price if you went to say best buy and bought the disc compared to just going online?
They almost absolutely will release the maps as dlc within 3 months of the release of odst. If not, bungie will potentially lose players. I am almost positive that bungie will release the maps as dlc within three months of ODST's release. If not bungie could potentially lose customers in the future... releasing as both dlc and on ODST would maximize the amount of people that could play the maps, therefor keeping halo matchmaking the most popular thing on xbox live.
Yeah, I was half asleep when I typed that. But I saw the february thing too, don't remember where though.