Walnutapoils A view from the streets of my new map... yea i said it streets.... cough cough urban. this is all you see for now, i hope to be finished by early oct, late sept. asymmetrical btb map very urban. yours trully. Walnutz
Damn what a teaser ;p Needs moar overviewwwzz Shouldn't it be Walnutopolis, or Walnutopoils is really its name? lol Looks awesome so far. Urban maps are sweet.
You still did not answer my question -_-" (Joking on the frustration but serious on the statement) lmao XD
Looks nice and cityish so far, nice teaser pic, feels like bungie took it themselves and said here noobs feed on this. Looks liek a good forged map, some cqb and long range from what I can see.
Whats A Walnutapolis? I haven't seen this, Paulie. You need to show me because I can't see anything from the pic. And, whatever happened to your other urban map?
haha i think its spelled with an o idk XD she watched me build parts of it lolz but she didnt wanna try to work on it XD its burning in the garbage it was a fail XD this is similar but is going to be all around much better.
Looks good but I don't really see the point of you posting this.. are you asking for criticism or just compliments?
thanks its going to be on a large scale i want the people to know im making a new map so when the time comes to test i have people ready. plus some people wanted to know when i would make a map again. so heres there answer.
BTB map in the crypt ey? Very interesting, I can't wait to see more pics as it is rather hard to give you any criticism from only one
Me Miraj silent death and sharp were screwing around on this map, i saw everything that was layed out, one word. GIANT ****ING CRANE. thats all.