ok, that was easier than I thought... Got two types set up. one using a crate and another using a dumpster. Basically what I said early, same mechanim as the elevators someone else has made except turned on it's side. And in place of a grave lift I have two man cannons. That gave the objects enough speed to kill. Not 100% of the time though. but will add a third man cannon and see what that gets me. Link to Vid in my fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=29523117 Photos will have to wait apparently. My computer is acting up so posting them isn't working right.
Hey, Waylander can you join our site so we can discuss this stuff someplace other than this poor guys thread?
Lol who's elevator? I am just interested in finding that out... also Good job....Cant wait to see it posted...
I don't know who came up with that one first but I've seen a few threads and maps that talk about them. If you're online now man I'll send you an invite.
I think I can do that... but I am under a different G-tag to night... can't get on till about an hour ... are you still going to be on than? tag- g8114