Sandbox Obelisk

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ONeill117, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    The forerunners who built this place of prayer left in a rush... but what they running from?
    Map by ONeill117 and Sando365

    EDIT: This map has now been requested for use in the PSL (Pro Swat League)!

    Download Obelisk

    This map is a standardly small, semi-symmetrical, 2-base map in the sky bubble. I say semi-symmetrical as both sides of the map are not mirror images (like The Pit) but are exactly the same as you look at it; it has rotational symmetry (like Plurality). Not only this but the bases are slightly different in structure and size. This is set up primarily set up for small Team Slayer gametypes, especially doubles, but FFA can get awkward with regards to spawns. It is also set up for multiflag and assault (i think) and i mite edit for KoTH. Plays well with SWAT, Snipers and even MLG (with a tweaked weapon set). Very versatile for such a small map!

    The game tends to start with a rush via one of three paths to the middle structure: the right path takes you out to sniper; the middle path, down to rockets; the left path to overshield (above rockets). After this initial rush, the prevailing team eithers tries to hold down mid (difficult) or drops back to hold their base. The bases are not only attacked via the three paths (two of which meet at the front of the base anyway) but there are two easy jumps on each bases for ease of access. All in all, gameplay is constantly moving as power weapons respawn and (as far as I know) the spawn points are placed well to limit/remove spawn killing.


    An overview from Red Side

    An overview from Blue Side

    Looking down on Mid (with overshield and rockets)

    Overview of Red Side (EDIT: the gap in the middle has been fixed)

    Overview of Blue Side (Snipers are located behind the slit wall on the left)

    Top Red

    Top Red (from behind)

    Bottom Red (through shield door)

    Bottom Red (from behind)

    Top Blue (EDIT: blue light has been centrally aligned)

    Top Blue (from behind)

    Bottom Blue (including mancannon)

    Bottom Blue (from behind)

    Three of the 5 aesthetic structures around the map. These really add to the feel that you're not alone

    EDIT: I have no photo of the tunnel section (where rockets is). Hopefully the third picture gives you the basic understanding of how that looks...

    Weapons (number/spare clips/respawn rate)
    BR x8, 2, 60
    Carbine x2, 2, 45
    Sniper x2, 1, 120
    Rockets x1, 0, 150
    AR x2, 2, 30
    Brute Shot x1, 2, 60
    Mauler x1, 0, 60
    Plasma Pistol x1, n/a, 60
    Plasma Rifle x2, n/a, 45
    SMG x2, 2, 45

    Equipment (number/respawn rate)
    Plasma Grenade x8, 10 (20 for grenades in base to reduce SPAM)
    Power Drainer x1, 90
    Regenerator x1, 90
    Bubble Shield x1, 90
    Overshield x1, 180

    While this may seem alot for a small map, playtesting shows it works very well and certain weapons certainly spice up gameplay (eg, Plasma Rifle/SMG combo on way into base)

    I think that's everything, I will reply to your comments so please write something!!!

    Love, ONeill117

    Download Obelisk
    #1 ONeill117, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  2. CaptainSnowy

    CaptainSnowy Ancient
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    Nice map, looks like some of the ones that bungie likes to add to the playlist. I'll probably end up downloading in like a day. The entirety of the map is well made and looks like something I'd play on for whem my friends and me just gata fight eachother. And i'm very jealous of you for this. I can only think of basses with roofs and defences and stuff never intrecate walkways or random cover and the like that makes maps good. Great work on it though 5/5
  3. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    this map looks very well made i like how \each one of the two bases looks different but is balanced to the other one. i personally like the looks of the blue one better from the pics. I have not played this map yet so i can not judge it one playability but i will and might get back on that but from the pics it appears to play well. On asthetics i give it a 5/5 great work and keep on forging
  4. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    haha wow, i didnt know this map would go down so well (in your opinion anyway!) yeah it is quite fast paced at times but can slow down to base-2-base combat. I had to be weary of spawn killing/holding out in the other teams base but there are 8 (i think) neutral spawn points in the maps middle, close to sniper, rocks, and overshield so it balances well. U've made me realise that this map plays similarly to Narrows, though different in style. Thanks for the comment. Btw, do you think its worth submitting it to ATLAS?
  5. CaptainSnowy

    CaptainSnowy Ancient
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    I would, for many reasons.
    First of which is have you looked at the favorites lately? At the very least if it doesn't make it to the playlist it'll make the fav's and get it some publicity. Second It would make a nice refreasher for stuff like rumble pit or Team Doubles, though slightly bigger than what they useally have in the playlist. And now that I think of it it looks like one of the maps I've played on Swat. There was something else but I can't remember what. But I'm definatly downloading it sometime soon, have too many maps that I still have to check out first.
  6. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    thanks for the support man, yeah i forgot to mention that it is set up for multiflag (which works on doubles) and assault. i wasnt sure for KoTH... maybe one hill in each base, one bottom mid, one on each snipe(?) idk.
    then it would be perfect set up for doubles you know?
    i no what you mean about bungie fav's they've been getting worse and worse...! do you know how to go about to submitting to ATLAS or Bungie Favourite's?

    also, could you comment on this map again once you've played on it or even playtest it with me if you want? GT: ONeill117
    cheers man
  7. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    I love maps like this with different floors, big and with un-bordered pathways. This one looks epic! nice job, definate dl
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub. You'll notice alot of maps here to you may seem "Bungie worthy". Also, alot of maps have bases with roofs and catwalks and cover, that comes with being a semi-good forger.

    Now as to actually rating this map, I'd give it about a 6.5/10. Your crafting needs some work. Apparently you know what interlocking IS but not how to use it very efficiently. I recomment Forging 101. But also, learn how to use guide blocks because they're really effecting in forging. You should make a worthy V2 applying real forging methods. Until then.
  9. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    ok, I would appreciate if you could point out WHERE the crafting needs some work? and WHERE you think I havent used guide blocks or interlocking efficiently? i will, of course most likely come back with a V2 so a vague comment such as yours, whilst appreciated, isn't very helpful. Also I do know how to forge so please dont 'recomment' Forging 101 about things that are 'effecting'!

    I appreciate what your saying but I 'recomment' a dictionary and some evidence!

    #9 ONeill117, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  10. Esposito 14

    Esposito 14 Ancient

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    haha lolz yeah u r rite.

    wow u just keep the great maps coming don't you?! the positioning on this map works really well as you've got the perfect amount of time to get to the central structure for cover if you need it, and i like how you've got edges on so u can't fall off. im gonna go crazy and give this 5/5!

    BTW i sent u a FR on xbox live so we can make that map together, accept?
  11. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    haha thanks for the comment, i tried to not have too many un bordered pathways, (who likes falling off?) so most bits are actually borderd with the exception of the bridges to the right of the bases which are meant for quick access to the base, not combat.
    you can also jump from these bridges to the bottom of either base.
  12. Esposito 14

    Esposito 14 Ancient

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    hi me again. i was just thinking, when i played this map I fell off loads, that might be because I have a bad sense of direction but u no...

    my ideas include, putting some barriers around the central structure.
    and barriers (out of wood bridges) on the area near sniper with the large wood bridge

    think about it
  13. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    haha yeah that can happen, IMO the significant fighting areas are bordered, and I tried to make sure that there were no long stretches w/out barricades (except the wood bridge I described above). also, the middle section is sort of meant to not have loads of cover in the rush for Ovi, but ill think about that idea.

    My main concern is, once barriers are involved u get this shape ,_, which allows grenades to get in, and stay in a lot more easily. its hard to get the balance right. finally, this isnt intended to be a mega BR 4-shot strafe-like-crazy map. but a unique take on base to base combat as either side advance to safe spots (bottom mid/sniper)

    i hope this makes sense?
  14. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    In regard to you asking where the forging appears to be a bit sloppy,

    In your third picture, (looking straight down) you can see your path slowly moving over bit by bit on each block, guide blocks help keep your paths straight (or even with a curve if applied correctly.)

    I am willing to bet your wall floors are curling on you and creating bumps, using tall or huge blocks for floors create a much better result.

    I'm sorry, I just don't see what the other's raving about this map are seeing, I am almost positive I can see a couple of bumps in the map that might even send you off the edge.

    6.5/10 as well, create a v.2
  15. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    He took the words right outta my mouth. I think your bases are both totally epic wins.
  16. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    actually, after following an extensive guide as to using double walls on Bungie [dot] net. the wall floors are perfectly fine.

    also, which bit in the third photo? it all looks relatively straight to me...
    due to merging in different areas, some paths may have to be a little crooked in order to join up, you must remember i was at my budget/object limit!
    finally, unless you point it out to me, im pretty certain that no bumps 'send you off the edge'!

    thanks for the comment, and a v2 might well appear once i've had more feedback
  17. Esposito 14

    Esposito 14 Ancient

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    well done with getting your map into PSL! good stuff!
  18. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    First thing: You need at least SOME guardrails if you want to build a skybubble map that uses multiple catwalks. A lack of them will put many people off instantly. Those aesthetic structures around the map are not really necessary and I'm sure you could use the items to improve the overall gameplay of your map.
  19. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    yeah there are quite a few guardrails, in the places that lack them, its usually done for a reason

    to the right of the bases (with SMG plasma rifle combo) the intention is run-n-gun into the base as quick as possible as these paths lead into the base and also can be jumped from into the bottom of the base.
    with some places, the addition of guardrails makes it like this ,_, with any grenades easily getting caught in between, which, on thin bridges, makes insta-1-shot. which i did not want to happen.
    However, a lot of people have mentioned this so if/when I get round to a v2, the aesthetic structures will have to go1
    thanks for the comment!
  20. Esposito 14

    Esposito 14 Ancient

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    i just played this for 4v4, and it was SOOOOOOOO much fun, really good job!!! 5/5

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