Apo + CS3 Wallpaper version (1600x900): Spoiler Daylight by ~The-Whispy on deviantART Daylight Wall by ~The-Whispy on deviantART
is that your fractal piece? sorry il bet Apo is what you use but idk what Apo is.. anyways, i love the colours, it reminds me of 300 for some reason.. the persian empire
I thought it was related to something like that, like a persian rug? apo is aphosis (rusty spelling) it's a fractal program. Oh yeah, CnC, ;]. Looks really good . Your very talented at LP's, keep it up!
Apo is short for Apophysis, which is the program. And this type of fractal is a sort of take off on a Grand Julian.
Holy crap... that is amazing. Did you follow a tutorial for that? I have done a bunch of fractal work with Apo, but I have never been able to get that particular effect... Really nice job!
I didn't follow a tutorial per se. I read some articles in which some artists talked about how they created their fractals, and then I went and used some of the same techniques. However, this tutorial does a good job of describing most of the techniques I used: Julia Uncovered v.2.2 by `ClaireJones on deviantART