The Outback Created by Nuvnuv123 supported gametypes: Slayer, Team slayer, FFA supported players: 2 - 10 * I have made some changes, due to the amount of replies, suggesting that I change a few things. 1) I have changed the map so that there is a little more cover than before. For example, i deleted the two y - intersctions on either side, and added some geomerged stuff, and put more respawn points. 2) There are new locations for the rockets. I deleted the overshields. 3) I have put a new structure for the needler spawn. It is where the red side y intersection used to be. There is also a geomerged block on the blues side which holds the needler. 4) The banshee now has more room for a safe take off, I tested it out a couple times. These are some of the changes to the map. Hope the map is more enjoyable, I tried my best to change a lot, while still trying to stop the oln from messing up things. Hopefully it should be more updated when you play. Thank you! Description: Back in the beginning of August, I started working on the template contest. I decided that I should put my best into this map, and try to create new structures, as well as implement new forging techniques into this map. For instance, I did a few geomerges, and for me, geomerging is the hardest thing to do on sandbox. So, I feel proud and honored to introduce my map, The Outback! Games: Unfortunately, the testing for this game went towards slayer, and FFA, and team slayer. There was a glitch in forging, were when the gametype was set to capture the flag, the flag did not spawn in the map at all. I checked in the crypt, but no, it wasn't there. I assumed it was an OLN glitch, but I couldn't fix that in time. But team slayer and FFA work perfectly for this map, for that is what it was built for. Map: The map consists of 2 bases, built with similar arcitechture in mind. One of the bases though is bigger than the other, yet, neither shows prudency over the other. The center structure is a fine work, I spent the most time, making sure everything was forged cleanly, and smoothly. I tried m best to balance out the weapons, and it seemed fine in the testing. Unfortunately, I lost the video of team slayer, so I had to invite my friends who only played FFA. We played FFA for a while on the map, and it was pretty fun. It was completely new for the others, because to them, the sniper and banshee were everything. But I quickly took action, and brought the heavy weapons into the battle, which evened out the gameplay by a lot. The banshee tower conists of the template, which also houses the spartan laser, and a plasma pistol. Weapons lists: Battle rifle x6 Carbine x2 needler x1 plasma rifle x3 spiker x3 plamsa pistol x1 mauler x1 sniper rifle x2 rocket launcher x2 (0 extra clips) spartan laser x1 missile pod x2 Vehicles and equipment: warthog x2 banshee x2 power drainer x2 bubble shield x1 overshield x2 plasma grenade x6 frag grenade x4 Now for some pictures: Sorry, some of the pictures got lost and deleted, so bare with me here, and try to use yur imagination please! Thank you! Here is the download link: : Halo 3 File Details Thank you! ( action shots in post below).
pretty good map, but you said you were proud because you geomerged...did you merge anything other than that one block and tube in the same picture? Also if you don't know, you can merge Y tubes pretty easily by having someone else host your map in Forge, then you can Double Tap A on the bottom of the tube and it goes in.
Ya, well, for me geomerging is tough, and I am not a good forger at all, so this is like a feat for me. =) But thank you for your criticism.
Nice Looking Map. Could Be Made Into An MLG Map Very Easily. Just Remove Some Weapons And The Vehicles And You'd Have My Download. Otherwise A Very Good Map For Looks And Playability. 9/10
I really like the structures in pictures 2 and 4, but, it seems a little open. I mean, once you step outside each of the bases there is very little cover. Thus, someone could easily just pick up the sniper, run out into the dunes, and have no trouble seeing the entire map through their scope. Not to mention the banshee flying up everyone's asses. I'm thinking you rushed it. I had to test my template contest submission THREE TIMES before capture the flag finally worked on it. If it just works for slayer, then whats the point of posting it? You should have waited to fix that first, or allowed yourself some time to fix it and test more.
Ok, thanks for the reply but I will be very serious when I say, I HAVE HAD IT TESTED A COUPLE TIMES. If you read the description, you would know that I tried so many times to have the flag spawned, I even deleted all the flag equipment that spawns in the crypt, but even so, it still didn't work, If you can find it for me, be my guest, but it didn't work for me. Also, I have put so much effort into this map, it is probably my best. And also, I have zero money left, so making more cover is a no -go. Also, the banshee can be easily taken down with a warthog, rocket, missile pod, and of course the spartan laser, for that is what those power weapons were put on the map for. Also, the sniper can be easily taken down by warthog, player, or banshee. I always hate how people fail to see how much effort the creator puts into the map, and they go and look at a featured map which is totally clean and crap, and make an assumtion purely off of pictures. I am sure you've downloaded this map and forged through, but seriously, I had it tested, and I LOST THE TEAM SLAYER VIDEO. I am not a very experienced forger, so don't rant on about how it lacks and whatever, just accept it and move on, and anyways, why go on about this map when you know it won't stand a chance against great slayer maps like the one you made for the template contest. I purely made the map for the enjoyment of the common player. BUT I SINCERELEY THANK YOU PERSONALLY FOR YOUR CRITICISM And I hope your map does well in the contest. <3 Sorry if my reply sounded harsh, just getting the facts straight. =)
I would actually like to help you with the flag. How about I send you a friend request and help you with it right now? Oh hello pinokio.
well, looks like zander has some competition, the map looks great, but the banshee side looks reletivley untouched. to geomertge good, just take your time, as you get used to it, you will get better. same with everything else. speeking of which, hello zander, rofl.
Pinohkio, Im on my Ipod too! The map could have used some more opportunity cost, one side, like Zander said, is almost completely empty. It sucks that you have more budget left, but it would stand a better chance in the template contest if you removed possible aesthetics and added a bit more cover there or perhaps a structure or two. I wish you luck and wished that I could download and play but I cant.
This map looks nice, but also looks very open. The Banshee seems like it could be overpowering in an expert's hands. Foman might get more than just a killing spree here. Also, you have many power weapons located within close proximity of other power icons. For example, our Rockt and OS are on top of each other and Your laser and Banshee are right next to each other. You should spread them out and creat points of interest so players use the entire map and have reasons to go places. The laser should be moved for another reason: Someone could easily grab the Laser, then the banshee, then who will be able to take out the Banshee besides the Wathogs?
The template contest map was built with the laser above the banshee, so i cannot move it. the rockets and os are perfectly fine, because the rockets have 0 clips, and while testing, it was ok. But I will admit sometimes it was annoying, but in a while I will think of a better way to fix it. I also have ZERO budget left, so i cannot spawn annything annymore. Also the oln is there so that messes up a lot of things.
Ah i see. That is poor laser and banshee placement for the contest then meh, with the vehicles on the map, you could even afford to mak ethe rocket 1 clip. As far as the OLN and Budget, deleting scenery that isn't necessary (aesthetic scenery) could help with that. If you can free up any budget, definitely moving the weapons around into different areas would be better weapon placement. I didn't mean to come across that the Rocket + OS was bad for gameplay, but it would be better to spread things out so there are more points of interest on the map, ya know?
First thing I can say just from the pictures is that, like others, you have not left enough forward room for the Banshee to take off. By placing the central structure in front of the Banshee spawn, it reduces it to a very slow and unsafe take off.
from the fact the banshee could be a major power weapon in this map, maybe a little unsafe risk is needed for the reward? The Banshee lazer thing isnt ideal but dont worry i've seen the template contest also, and it sucked a little. But you have built something good from it =D maybe once the contest is over you could bring out a v2 with better banshee/splazer placement.
If you play big team on your map you need mor covers not just merging object in the floor . for the rest its good the base are simple and for the banshee spawn you take the map of ZANDER1994 because he are the same with no deference but you add more stuff on it ! 4/5 because we need more cover !
this looks cool and from the other submissions i guess it should of won but its not as good as any feature i dont think but ok. i havent played it yet (although i will soon) it looks like the gameplay might flow nicely. i was gonna make a map for this and started won with an amazing defenders base and center structure. but i donk know if anyone has had the problem where a map deletes itself but thats what happened and i had to dropout dropout from the contest but i think my map would have tied or beat urs (maybe not in gameplay) but defiantly in aethetics and structures. anyways ill give a download and try it out.
i see that there alot of power weapons, but the vehicles equal them out, anyways congrats on your win,
sweeeeet map! Gameplay's so quick but its pretty open air. I dunno if that was done on purpose but my god it's fun! I'd tune down the power weapons a bit, personally. But either way works Congrats on your template contest win