the left side looks strangely empty.. also, the render looks kinda out of place, and your lighting could use some work. but the colour of the sig looks great! i like the teal stars they look good
Kninja's right, the render looks out of place, and the effects/smudging to the left of the guy would look better being smudged towards him, instead of away. Neat sparkles, though, and good color.
I see. Either you chose a bad stock or you didn't render it well enough, or something, because "It Don't Work."
Ok the left is to empty and you need more light. Last of wall the weird writing near the bottom i would suggest have it running all the way along.
It's not a render. It's a stock. As in stock picture. Loshon. How is that constructive?.. Thanks animal. I agree. I might add some more lighting. However, I think I'll keep the text as is. I like it ;p The left side is somewhat empty to create more depth. It's suppose to be somewhat peaceful and calm also. If i filled that up with useless efx, then it becomes chaotic. I think the lighting behind him as in the light on his shoulders and necks doesnt need to be there.. So I might make a V2.