Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Wai thank you :)
  2. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
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    Sourdaur, thank you. Although I am not Christian, you have demonstrated exactly what Christians and other religious people are supposed to behave like. You obviously know your religion and accept it because you actually know about it, unlike ER1C0, who is just arguing.
    You are actually a good role model, and now we all have a good and reasonable person to debate with, now that ER1C0 "left" and jedi is nowhere to be found.
    If I could, I'd +rep you lol.
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Please don't judge me.
    I'm leaving because I too have lost faith, and according to the Bible you aren't supposed to be around people who don't believe in God, so I'm just doing what the Bible suggests. Maybe you should too.
    #2763 Monolith, Aug 29, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  4. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    What? Where in the Bible does it say that? And since when does posting in an online forum qualify as being around people?
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    The internet is serious business, gui.
  6. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Damn, I really wanted Erico to answer Pigglez's (?) post.
  7. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    As did I... as did I. I posted that and he waited an hour, came in, ignored the previous posts and gave his little interpretation of the debate instead. Which confused me, the Atheists in the debate aren't claiming things like Pink Horses (which I know was an example). You're the one claiming a God... how can we be portrayed as the ones claiming preposterous things? But oh well... maybe someone else will answer my post, or like every other post I post, it'll just be ignored and sink deep into the debate for all eternity.
  8. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Good your debating skills suck go take a class in your high school and learn some proper strategies.
    Yes I can tell I'm person D and I at least use grammar and good sources and back my arguments up with researched facts from multiple creditable sources instead of using one biased source.
    Well if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Thats a ***** way of debating "well I have no argument so Im going to say your wrong and leave"
    You only answer half the arguments any how and then they really aren't arguments when there's nothing backing them besides your "faith".

    His reply would be backed up with his "feelings" and not facts anyhow so it would be like talking to a donkey.

    Don't throw out insults and bad representations of people without expecting a response just because you disagree with them.
    #2768 Eyeless Sid, Aug 29, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Isn't his interpretation of this thread completely opposite? Like the religious people see the pink horse instead?
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Why there's religion:
    People like stories [bible] The stories helped people set up a moral standard they wanted to follow and teach their children. They needed to have questions answered that they couldn't answer them selves so they see something they don't understand and turn it into an act of god or the devil. So they used Jesus /god /devil/and the bible to answer unexplainable problems because there was no other source at the time to do it. What he did was give people a scape goat at the time since they didn't have the knowledge to answer things themselves. It was the first teacher in a sense it says "well if you don't know how it happens then its an act of god or that its an act of the devil" if it had a negative affect.People stay in a religion because of the fear that is installed in them about going to hell for eternity.The unknown draws people in and fear keeps them in.
    My opinions not fact:
    I think its the oldest con that many people get suckered into.
    I think people should be respecting the historical figures who actually changed the world to what it is now much more than a man who has been used to con and mislead people into believing that hes their savior.

    This is a rehash of one of my older posts that were shrugged off by simple one sentence answers.
    #2770 Eyeless Sid, Aug 29, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  11. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Have you ever seen the big bang, have you ever seen our planets forming?

    Then you agree that it did happen...

    Have you ever looked in a mirror and realized that it looks exactly like you, only it has flaws... It does not talk or act on it's own. This Reflection is you, but it is not perfect. Does this situation sound familiar?

    Or maybe he just lets us choose our paths on free will.

    Others grow wiser while other suffer, obviously he knew they would do it, but if they were not born they would have neither gone to heaven nor hell.

    When someone stole something from you did you learn to keep it safe... Is he lazy or just trying to teach us all something. If he is Omniscient then he did this because we are not Omniscient, we still choose regardless if God is Omniscient weather we are evil or not...

    Exactly, but do we know that it is part of a plan. We don't so therefore we are still choosing what we want, we still have free independence while the only person to know where we end up is God.

    Yes, because if they are not born then nothing will have happened regardless. Without "evil" we as humans can not grow, Hitler was evil but he allowed all of Europe to become one after the war. He took America out of Poverty. Without sacrifice we can not grow.

    Don't know

    #2771 RadiantRain, Aug 29, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  12. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    That's like building a wind-up toy, knowing EXACTLY how it works, winding it up, and being pissed off when it hobbles away. If he knows EXACTLY what we're going to do, shouldn't he have made it so that we don't harm others?

    If god is omnipotent and all powerful, we DON'T have free will.
    #2772 Transhuman Plus, Aug 29, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  13. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    But we think we do, I don't feel like I have a straight path, I look and I see how I do in High School proud of my work and what not, I still am not 100% on my career but we are guided towards one thing.

    You don't learn to protect you belongings until someone steals them from you, you learn through evil...
  14. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    My response in blue
  15. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Yes epic win...

    Edit: Erico left? Awesomesause! Never thought the day would come. Since when were you posting non-bias links in the thread anyways? Your childish if you are reading this, obviously we never gave you 1-2 sentence responses to go up against. I'm a little glad your out of this debate because now we don't have to worry about you asking several questions and answering them with "no GOD..." and yes, the bible never said to not hang around atheists. Now we can truly proclaim that you are in fact delusional! Yes!!!

    If I am Person F, then Im happy your gone. Stay away. Please. Like forever erico.
    #2775 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 29, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  16. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure that there is a more evidence for the big bang than there is evidence for everything in the bible combined...
  17. Purexist

    Purexist Ancient
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    It's pretty sad that we live in such a decadent society that people can sit on their computers in their modern homes, after a meal of foods that have been shipped halfway around the world, and they sit there and **** on everything that science has done for them, insisting that religion is the answer to everything. Want to be true to religion? Stop using your cellphone, satellites are blasphemous to the flat-earth worldview. Better not follow the calendar for your timekeeping, because the concept that the Earth revolves around the sun is also heresy. Best to stop using medicines too, we all know that prayer is the only healer worth anything.

    Oh, but religion doesn't preach an Earth-centered universe anymore? They've given up on the flat-earth approach? Wow, look at that. An ancient, antiquated, brutal document about a death-dealing god invented by a pariah class people to feel better about their existence turned out to be wrong? So why do you think it's so damn right when it comes to creationism, persecuting homosexuals, and the age of the universe?

    If you think religion is the answer, just wait and see what happens to the next generation of Americans forced into the brainwashing christian agenda of their parents. In 20 years, that whole segment of the country is going to be so ****ing dumb, completely incurious to the nature of the world around us, and the rest of the world is going to eat them alive. They'll fight and scream and most of all, pray, but the damage is done. All that religion does is stagnate, distort, and kill curiosity. So next time you start preaching, remember that every time the bible has postulated something, science has knocked it down, unequivocally. If you want to be religious, go be Amish. The world belongs to science now, you're an anachronism.

    If you think that scientists in the fields of evolution, geology, cellular biology, astronomy, physics, psychology, and epistemology are all wrong, and you are right because you say that god did it, and it says so in the bible... You are a waste of skin.
  18. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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  19. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Adaptation to modern and "Proven scientific benefits does not mean that we need to stop believing in a God.

    Because once again what science proves is what Religion removes from their books once you disprove God I will gladly be an Atheist.

    Ha, Ha now you're being stupid, are you blaming religion for creating a more idiotic America. Blame laziness, for that not Religion as it has nothing to do with it. What, I'm sorry but I thought we were forced to take Science, Biology and Math to Graduate so I don't get where you are getting at that we won't be "Curious.

    I believe in a God, and I believe all the scientists are right.

    The Difference is I believe that a "God" set these rules and the "Scientists" discovered them.

    Stop the blatant insults as it is not necessary because all those insults made you lose that little special touch that would have made you sound mature.
  20. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I'm going to completely apologize for going off topic on the God debate, but I feel I have to, because to be honest, I'm ****ing sick of how you guys are behaving.

    I read ER1CO's example of how the debate thread is run, and while completely biased, I also read some of your guys' posts, and to be honest, you might as well have posted two word responses to his arguments (This is not everyone, if you are getting defensive, then it's probably you).

    You know a point of a debate is to have someone to discuss a controversial topic with you, using your own, and their own means of evidence, by asking someone on the opposing side to leave, because you do not agree with what you are saying is stupid, who will there be to debate when he's gone? Sure there will still be others, but you are not victorious for causing someone to leave, in fact you are the opposite. He's a winner, he knows to leave when the other side is too goddamn stubborn and rude to know that a debate is supposed to be friendly and factually based.

    While seemingly you guys are of course "scientists" for saying the existence of god is impossible, so you are going to reject any form of information he brings, even if it is legitimate, and well researched. If you are one who thinks that only religious people are close-minded then you better goddamn get a ****ing mirror, because you idiots are saying the exact same things about yourself.

    So congratulations for driving someone out of thread meant for debate, which he provided, and you guys rejected. It sickens me that I even am taking your side (in the debate, not in this ****ing nonsense). Maybe you should learn to grow up a little bit if you don't think you can handle an opinion other than your own.

    I would also love to continue on with the debate present, but I do not think I will be able to make a constructive post on it, so I believe I'll just leave my little spiel about how you guys have been acting. If anyone objects to this, then go right ahead, but don't make a big issue out of it. This thread is about a debate on God, and it should remain that way, even if I have deviated from that path.

    Once again I sincerely apologize for this outburst, I just feel it was a topic that almost had to be mentioned. If I had a person to debate with I most surely would at this time, but I do not.
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