If you are interested, tell me your price limit, and what you plan to use it for, and I can make you a computer list of parts.
I don't know anything about computers so I can't even give you my specs... But it's an interesting career that you want I guess... You know building computers.
No, I mean right here, right now. Just tell me what your price point is and what you plan to use your computer for, and I'll go online and find the best computer for you.
.WAT spam post.... Hey i already have a kickass computer but my graphics card needs help. Can you find me a graphics card for under 100 dollars thats compatible with an HP Pavilion a6700y? Preferably Nvidia so maybe i can set up SLI.
Just saying... Any price, runs Crysis on Very High all setting 16x anti-aliasing at at LEAST 45 FPS. Question 2: Is it possible?
Australian dollars have approximately the worth of 0.8 US dollars. So you have 1200 US dollars. That still enough for a top of the line.
Yes. but i'm just saying you still can buy an awesome computer straight out. I got a kickass computer for just 400 dollars
Sorry, my internet has been down, so I wasn't able to reply to you. I'm working on getting the list processed, I'll send you the list when it's done.
I've built computers before, but it's so much easier and time-saving to just buy computers manufactured already. For the things I'm doing, I don't have time to tinker around with every bullshit hardware misconfiguration. It's a scalability issue. If I need, say, three more servers, and if I built them myself, I'd have to worry about making sure every part and piece of each machine were correctly configured, and then I'd have to also configure the machines individually on the hardware side. If I just buy three identical computers, which have already been tested to be working, and have decent power for what I need them to do, then I can just clone the hard drive image to each computer and start them up with minimal config editing.