How awesome would it be to fight Flood in a Firefight map? Or maybe rebels? Firefight doesn't need to follow canon and can do whatever it wants.
I have a feeling Bungie already made a Flood Firefight, But aren't showing it to us. Flood would be the most amazing thing evar in firefight.
Well, it's not like Firefight has it's own brain, and can decide for itself. But I guess that Bungie could've done something, like maybe a wave of Spartan bots, for Halo 3, not ODST. That would've been interesting. As it stands, though, Firefight will be a great addition to Halo 3, and the new update with the stat tracking will only add to the fun.
Ehem, let me get this straight... You want to fight the flood in a game with ever increasing difficulty as a wimpy odst? Have you played the normal campaign? They get owned all the time, odsts will have a hard enough time with chieftains let alone flood because they have a much weaker melee. Just my opinion, I don't think they will because the flood never gets to earth until during halo 3 so it would confuse some people and make them think they were in campaign too.
You have to think about the timeline in odst. Flood have only been encountered on halo 1 you don't even know about Delta halo yet. So if there is going to be a flood version it might just be a new h3 update. Cause like said ODST's will have a hell of a time defeating flood. It's hard enough to fight brutes. Oh btw the elites and the brutes havn't started their little cival war yet, so why arn't there elites to fight in odst?
I complain about the elite issue constantly. Also, who gives a crap about the timeline? Firefight isn't in canon, or Johnson wouldn't be there.
Bungie probably doesn't want to much work. They already have 3D, very good models and scripts for enemy Brutes, grunts, wraiths, etc, in halo 3, but not for enemy Elites. However, there may be elites but they may just be hiding them. Also, I doubt there will be flood. The flood have only ever been to one position on Earth, and only at one time.
Yeah, i really hope for elites. But man imagine fighting a brute leader with the grav hammer then an Elite honor guard shows up. 0_o
Speaking of which on the hammer does anyone know if you can pick up the hammer or sword for that fact? i mean your and odst not a super enhanced spartan.
The timeline really doesn't matter for Firefight. I'd be happy if there was a Flood-themed map, or Elities. Hell, throw some Spartans in there, I'll take on just about anything.
Halo 3: ODST Video Game, Alpha Site Gameplay HD | Game Trailers & Videos | at 1:50 an ODST uses a Hammer on a Brute.
You can pick up the hammer. During the MLG event, Snipedown was running around with a hammer for a little bit. I don't even think there were swords though.
I think that they'd have put it in if they thought it would work, but maybe they realised that it wouldn't balance or play right. Personally I'd rather kill brutes than the flood.
I just think for the aspects of following the game, marines and odts's don't stand a chance against the flood. Well except for the one from the book, you know the marine the chief finds in the library. But really spartans are the only ones that can kick some flood ass.
Hammer, yes. Sword... I was listening to the latest podcast and they were talking about swords and hammers and they never said there wouldn't be any energy swords, they sort of said that you don't normally see Brute's wielding energy swords. Anyone else read or heard anything about energy swords in ODST? The podcast didn't confirm or dismiss them.
Well yeah that would look weird but what about the pikes? You know the honor guard pikes, brutes took over that position so you would think maybe they would have energy pikes or maybe just big pikes to stab you with.