Sandbox Ulien Yaman

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Killor118, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Killor118

    Killor118 Ancient
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    Ulien Yaman
    Created by Killor117

    "Abandoned UNSC Training Bases"

    Supported Gametypes:

    • Capture the Flag
      King of the Hill
      Custom Gametype(s)

    These bases were used as old UNSC Training bases for training new UNSC Soldiers. But some unfortunate reason. The base start to break apart. So as this base is abandoned... Spartans are now using it for there own purposes... FOR WAR!


    This is Ulien Yaman (you-le-in. Yah-mahn). You can say its like Valhalla but in Air/Space. Quick List of some weapons are: Battle Rifle, Sniper (120), Spikers, SMG, Spartan Laser(150) and Missle Pod. There banshees at each base spawning at 180 seconds time. There are no Powerups. But there are Equipment: Bubble Shield and Power Drain. Here are some pictures for you. Video Coming soon.

    Red Base

    Blue Base

    OverHead - Middle Area

    Middle Area

    I've got the Powa!

    Have some Nade.

    Take it in the neck and the head!

    Download Ulien Yaman
    Download Ulien Slayer
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I have to say, this is actually a brilliant Idea. I really like that someone decided to make a big team battle map in the sky. Unfortunately, thats is the source of every problem this map has. Ill make a list for you:

    1. It is waaaaaay too small. The gameplay is basically vehicle rape for about a minute, then some lazer, then it turns into something like big team battle on guardian. You should be able to figure out the problem. This is caused by being in the skybubble, where you have no ground so you end up having to use lots of peices for that, and you have to connect every structure. This hurts almost every skybubble map, and you really have no control over it.

    2. OMG POWER RAPE. This goes back to list one, where its whoever gets the first power weapon gets an unbeleavable lead, then just span camps with there banshee.

    3. Even though it is small, you still have objects to make it almost twice as big, or add amazing scenery. But, the stupid OLN as well as the rather lame budget come in to steal this idea away from you. Sorry dude.

    4. This is the last one. This would ail the map regardless of whether you decided to remove the big team battle weapon and vehicle layout. The layout, is boring, plain, stupid, and mlg. Basically two bases with a structure in the middle. In fact, thats all this map is. Two really small bases and a little structure for random grenade spam chaos.

    Honestly, the forging technique and the amount of time it took to make this must have been tremendous, but the skybubble has too many limitations for this too work. This map has above average forging and brilliant idea, but let me add this; Build it on the middle floor with a third base off to one side, and keep you really cool structure in the middle. Also make it so that there is plenty of ways into the foremention base, so that its totally neutral. Do this, and you might easily have a feature headed your way. Remember the idea is an epic win, just not possible with the small amount of objects allowed on sandbox.

    Edit: None of these problems are because of you. You made the most out of bungies fail. Just dont want you to think I hate you... (idiot.)

    Edit:Edit: The last part was sarcasm.

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    Break it down so it can be like 4v4 instead of 8v8 on a tiny map like this and you definitely consider taking out the banshee because that could cause a serious spawn camping problem, same goes for the spartan laser... other than that the map looks well built and it look like you put a lot of time into it. but one last thing, you should seriously consider adding a roof of some sort to the bases if you decide to keep the banshees.
  4. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    By the way, that was the most constructive critique I have ever read here on Forge Hub, epic.


    All that aside, the glory of this map is rather minimal, the layout and design of the map don't really flaunt any kind of epic moments in battle. (from the pictures) What I mean by that, there really aren't many points in the design where you can surprise flank someone or get from one point to another with ease. You definetely need some alternative routes coming into play with this kind of game (in my opinion). This all could change though, I haven't givin it a download as I type this, but will momentarily. Note that I am not saying you have forged it badly, I'm just saying there is a better structural layout with the weapons and vehicles available.

    As for the vehicles, as said before, they basically add an element of of constant frusteration for those in the main area. Maybe with some more covered structures they would work out better.

    Overall, this map is more suited for the ground level of sandbox as mensioned by YoYo.

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