Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I am firmly convinced, after reading scripture, that Jesus did not believe he was god and that god is a separate entity entirely from Jesus.
  2. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    yeah, ive always wondered why some christians call jesus god.

    is it because they believe that? or are they just to lazy to make a distiction between the two?

    perhaps someone could shed some light on the matter...
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Yes, thanks for backing yourself up also [/sarcasm]. You keep claiming I'm stubborn, yet you don't have ANY proof. lol. I find this very amusing.
    You're so.... incredibly.... corrupt. Who really cares if the Son of God existed on this Earth?! Who really cares? Wow, I'm speechless.

    Let's get this straight. God = Jesus. Jesus = man. So God can = man.

    Man wrote the Bible.

    ...and there is no physically undeniable proof that God wrote the Bible, but there isn't any physically undeniable proof that Julius Caesar existed...

    Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Radiant... Finally, someone fully understands it.
    Proof is proof. Nothing more, nothing less.
    MY claims are that they both need undeniable proof, and they both do not have undeniable proof. You believe in Julius, and not in Jesus. Jesus was a man too. They both were men. They both had bodies. They both have stories based off them. They both have drawings based off them. They both has many thing based off them. They both were very much real and you fail to realize your own faults. That's what I'm trying to do. Getting you to realize your own faults.
    AND you will need much more evidence to prove Julius Caesar existed. Evidence that doesn't exist, as well.

    There you have it. Either way, you must learn to accept certain things, RabidZergling, and it seems as if you're incapable.

    Please prove me you're capable. You can't act larger than yourself.
    Proof has been neutralized. Disabled. There's no more trying the "proof argument" anymore. Now back to ground zero.
    #2723 Monolith, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  4. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Man = imperfect. > Bible = imperfect.
    ... based on what you said.
  5. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Because Jesus existence would be proof of Jesus existence, not god's.

    If I claimed I used to own a teapot, and I was able to produce a picture of me holding said teapot, then it could be said pretty surely that I had one. If I claimed it granted wishes because it was given to me from unicorn-god, a picture is not going to cut it.

    They don't BOTH have undeniable proof. Only Julius Caesar does, so at least we agree on something.

    Erico, we're not trying to prove Julius Caesar existed, but you ARE trying to prove Jesus existed. You can't even prove "normal human" Jesus existed, let alone "son-of-god" Jesus. Stop trying to convince people you don't need proof to prove his existence, this "Julius Caesar" argument is getting old.
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Maybe you didn't read the God part... Yea, you didn't read the God part because your little "argument" doesn't even include God in it... So ummmmm...... that's not based off of what I said at all... Although, good job trying to use what I said against my own argument... cuz unlike some people, I have a thorough argument that isn't based off opinions.

    Uhhhh.... maybe you aren't familiar with us, Christians..... you see, we believe Jesus is God...... So.... yeaaa....
    Yes, you are correct, but you don't have a Kodak picture of Julius Caesar, you have an artists interpretation of Julius Caesar's face. Even if you did have the face, you still don't have undeniable proof it's his face.
    Um.... sorry to tell you this.... but the whole point of my argument is that they both have undeniable proof...... So no, Julius Caesar does not have physically undeniable proof........ So um...... yea..
    You can't even prove many people in history existed, yet you fail to understand any points of my argument. My point is that many people in history don't have physically undeniable evidence and Jesus is just one of those people. So there's no denying Jesus didn't exist, or else you're saying many people in history didn't exist... But Jesus being God is something different. I haven't even gotten to that point, so don't rush ahead... We've still got lotsa time.

    Everybody read this, if anything... because I'm getting tired of it:

    Tbh, I'm really getting sick of repeating my argument just because some random person replies with, "no, Julius Caesar existed because he has undeniable proof"... when A) you aren't backing up your argument... and B) I'm talking about many historical people as a whole. Julius Caesar was just one example. My teacher brought the case up that many people don't have actual proof to have existed, and used Julius Caesar as an example. And I've been seemingly "endlessly" defending this because I'd much rather believe a high school teacher than some random kids on a gaming website.

    So it's either you accept that your views on Jesus are corrupt, and we'll move on, OR you can be stubborn about it... In which case I will not reply to your post.

    (p.s. i'm highlighting my important parts because people don't seem to be reading all of my posts)
    #2726 Monolith, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  7. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Have any proof besides the bible (which isn't proof)?

    My point was, claiming Jesus existed is one thing, claiming he existed AND he was the son of god is another. The more scientifically unlikely the events that supposedly unfolded around him are, the more scientifically unlikely he existed.

    Well gosh, if your secondary school teacher says it it must be true. What would a bunch of random kids on a gaming website know, I sure feel stupid now. I'd love to hear your (History?) teacher's argument on whether she/he thinks Julius Caesar existed, because if she/he thought he didn't, that would obviously instantly and irrevocably prove that Jesus existed AND that he was the son of god.
  8. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    You said: God=Jesus. Jesus=man. So God=man.
    Then I said: Man=imperfect. Bible=imperfect, since man made the Bible.
    I did include God in the argument; that's why I quoted you.
    You know how I used what you said against you? That's me basing my argument off of what you said.
    #2728 EonsAgo, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  9. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Did anyone bother looking at any of my links showing why there is no body of Caesar?
    He was Creamated.
    His physical proof of existance includes the following=full life documentation.
    his own writings and ones from people he interacted with.
    busts/molds / of his image which don't change.Even HIS ENEMIES came up with the same image of him.

    The was no gain in making up a Roman leader for Roman enemies at this time.
    Who lead the Roman EMPIRE if it wasn't him.
    We have tons of proof Caesar existed with his influence still effecting our life styles even to today.
    Theres no way we would be here in my country at least with out his influence long ago.
    Jesus happened to not have as many of these traits to him and his whole life was shrouded in mystery and lack of evidence.
    For a son of god Id exspect more out of him not just some random miricles that only handfulls of people witnessed and then didn't write about : /. No one wrote about Jesus when he lived but only after he died.
    Caesar had people write about him when he live and after he died we even have his personal accounts.
    Jesus didn't exist or wasn't known until years after his death. This is due to the fact that all writings of him orriginated after his death.
    So even if we don't have a body for obvious reasons we have his image and multiple accounts of Julius Caesar's existance from many nations who would have no gain in making him up what so ever.
    I believe my college history professor over your highschool teacher anyday.

    On topic: Why I believe theres no god at least in our lives as of now.
    No one can prove that god is still alive and around us if he ever existed at all.
    We have not seen miracles as told in the bible in modern day.
    We ceate our own miracles not a god.
    There are no pictures or recordings of him trying to communicate with us .
    After Jesus claimed he was the son of god there has been a lack of godly acts on Earth.
    Why doesn't he send down anouther daughter or son to sacrifice?
    Why not send a prophet with powers proveing his existance?
    Either god is dead or does not care one bit about us .
    Why do we choose to follow a neglectful father who just lets us do what ever we want?
    I think its because hes not there or he doesn't care about this world anymore.
    #2729 Eyeless Sid, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  10. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Jesus has affected us until this day too, it's called Christianity...
    Something you don't take much into consideration is that his name actually made it 2,000 years into the modern times... Obviously he was no ordinary man if his name is still said by Millions each day. Julies had the same dilemma he was an important figure which is why his name is still said until now but he lived under the Romans, the most powerful army in the world, one of the few factions that took over Europe and large chunks of Africa and Asia, Jesus was just a man (Probably son of god) living in Israel who got Crucified... See the difference? So obviously what ever Jesus did must have been the equivalent if not more to what Julies did.

    Miracles happen all the time, you just count them as "Scientific Miracles" or "Good Fortune"

    Why, he only did that when the World was in Turmoil, so once the world is back to the way it was 2,000 years ago I'm sure he will come back down to do something.

    I'm positive that Jesus only came to Earth to be put on the Cross to turn the world around from internal damnation.
  11. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    So humans can't survive without divine intervention?
  12. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I never said that... I said some miracles are just "Luck" or whatever to an Atheist instead of divine intervention.
  13. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Tom sawyer has affected us to this day too I mean we have the adventures of tom sawyer don't we?. I mean his story was told 130 years ago and thousands of people say his name every day so he couldn't have been just an ordinary child. Important historical figures like malcolm x or harriet tubman have their names said thousands of times a day too. I mean what tom sawyer did HAS to be on par with them at least. I mean tom sawyer was just a kid who painted fences with a clever head. Theres no way we could have more evidence of his existence then we already do.
  14. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Why does something great have to be unexplainable except by magic or whatever? It's like that expression someone in this thread used...

    A garden is beautiful as is, why does it have to have fairies at the bottom?

    And Jesus, if he existed, was far from the only person to be crucified. It was pretty common back then. None of those people probably at as much significance as Jesus does.
  15. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yes Jesus is still effecting "some" people today but Julius and the Roman influence still effects all of us today whether it be us traviling on a road, or using math ,or speaking english, or taking a daily shower/bath ,using a common currency ,and even military strategy which the romans helped put in stone in our society. Jesus gave us some good morals to follow and he was a good man but we don't know if he was the son of god or just a good guy. Was god a part of his life it doesn't seem like it when you compare the life of jesus to the life of Ceasar. Julius Caesar accomplished more great things in his life then Jesus's miracles and guidance did him.
    Crucifictions were a common roman execution funny how jesus died by something created by the greatest empire in the world at that time.
    Seems like the Romans had more divine power at the time.
    #2735 Eyeless Sid, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  16. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Ha, ha lolz thanks for proving my point. Those people you mentioned are only 130 years, Jesus is 2,000 years old and technology did not allow us to mass produce any books about him, there was no media to make be biased.

    his name made it 2,000 years into today because what he did was "beyond" of what anyone else has done.

    " " Because without fairies to "water" and "maintain" the garden the garden will die...

    If Jesus was an ordinary man then his name would have never made it 2,000 years until today.

    Romans had a massive empire. Almost everything is known about the Romans because they existed for I believe around 700 years (Please Correct) Jesus only lived for 20 or so years.

    Yes, Julies made impacts but so did Jesus so who cares about the Impacts what's important is how long the name lasted.

    Jesus 2,000 years with no huge empire to back him up, Julies for 1,700 years with Huge Empire to back him up.

    Please understand what I want to get across, what Julies did is known, Jesus is unknown. I know that.
  17. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I know both their names are still talked about today I was just saying that the Romans have a much greater influence on how we live today than Jesus did.
    Yes the empire is the main reason why we have all of the things I listed in my above post and we even follow similar laws as the Romans. Jesus gave us a right or wrong system that had already been made the only thing he added in it was heaven or hell. Jesus didn't establish roads ,or a common language or currency,military strategy, math system, cleanliness,or anything the Romans did so why should I hold him more valuable than any one roman with more accomplishments?
    The only difference between our society today and the day of the Romans is new knowledge / technology and that we don't have death arenas with christian burning specials on Fridays.
    Yes that's sick and twisted but that's how it was then.
    #2737 Eyeless Sid, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  18. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Ignore what they both gave us, that's not relevant. It's what they did, Jesus did "Nothing" like you said, and yet his name is still much, much more famous then Ceaser, everyone knows his name. So how can this be, you just stated that in order to be famous you must be like Ceaser, well obviously Jesus had to have somehow influenced people just like the Romans did for his name to last this long.

    Whatever he did may be unknown or uncertain, but we can guarantee that whatever it is he did had the everlasting impression of what Julies did, if not greater.
  19. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    If the driving force throughout history(The church, even back to the romans) decides that its going to endorse a dead poor man who was far wiser then his lifestyle would dictate and does so until they lose power and that mans name happens to be Jesus then whos name is everyone going to remember? The famous man who led rome. Or the famous man with a LOT of moral compass type story's attached to him that the church has cited for hundreds of years without evidence beyond claim until the modern day as justification for being at the top of the food chain? Id say the latter but you can give your own opinion on that one. (=
  20. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well its relevant that we know their accomplishments the reason Jesus became popular was in his claims and his mysterious life. People like stories and he also came along with a book to help tell it after he died. The stories helped people set up a moral standard they wanted to follow and teach their children. They needed to have questions answered that they couldn't answer them selves so they see something they don't understand and turn it into an act of god. So they used Jesus /god /and the bible to answer unexplainable problems because there was no other source at the time to do it. What he did was give people a scape goat at the time since they didn't have the knowledge to answer things themselves. It was the first teacher in a sense it says "well if you don't know how it happens then its an act of god or that its an act of the devil" if it had a negative affect.
    Julius Caesar not "Julies" and the roman empire is more important in my opinion than one man that the church has used to gain power and used to explain random occurrences.
    I think its the oldest con that many people get suckered into.
    I think people should be respecting the historical figures who actually changed the world to what it is now much more than a man who has been used to con and mislead people into believing that hes their savior.
    #2740 Eyeless Sid, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
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