I haven't been very active around here lately. I visit quite a bit, but don't post much anymore. So here are some shots I've taken recently for (what I hope is) your viewing pleasure. =]
I liek 3 , 5 , 8 and 10. I think the colour tranisitions in 3 and 5 are awesome, and i like the colour of 8 10 just looks cool.
I like the 4 , 8 , 9 and 10 ! 4 because the ODST on the picture are the firts think we see ! 8 for the spirit under the spartan ! 9 and 10 for the Chief ! Good pic Taking !
78 are the best, the only other one that deserves honerable mention is 1. all in all its a great collection.
To me, the only ones that weren't 10/10 were #4, #6, and #10. The rest, gorgeous. Could you retake a few in normal view, so bsangel can blog em?
Lol. I probably could, but the only ones that would be really affected by the size cut would be the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 9th. Other than that, I think they'd look fine. Thanks for the feedback guys. It's appreciated. =]