GWC Water Site Updated On August 31st Mission: Stay Alive And Rack Up Points Description: Basically Another Firefight Map And Game Varaint. However, My Map Is Way Different And Not On Sandbox. That's Right No Sandbox. The Horror. No I'm Kiddin. It's On Ghost Town. Yup, Ghost Town. Don't Worry It Has Mergeing. It Was Called GW Water Site. But Then It Would Make More Sense To Call It GWC Water Site. Now This Is Very Different. Why? Heres Of List Of Items That I Haven't Seen In Very Many Firefight Maps. - Health Packs - A Covenent Spawn Area Where Humans Can't Spawn Kill Them. - A Fair Fight - Weapons With A Very Good Spawning Time - Teamwork - Broken Down Buildings - And Make Sense (Ghost Town Sign: Global Water Campaign) - Vechiles Now We've All Seen Cory021 And Many Other Forgers Make Dang Good Firefight Maps That May Have A Few Of These Things. But Mine Has All Of These Things. Lets Check Out The Weapon List For Humans And The Covenent. Humans: -Sniper -Rocket -Spartan Lazer -SMG's -Pistols -Shotgun -1x Turret -1x Mongoose -Assualt Rifle Covenent: -Beam Rifle -Gravity Hammer -Needler -Plasma Pistol -Plasma Rifle -Bruteshot -Fuel Rod -Plasma Cannon -Carbine -Spikers This Map Can Hold Up To Eight Humans And 4 Zombies. Max 12 Players. Okay Now On To Some Questions: (Q. What No Pictures?) A. Will Add When Haloscreenshots Comes Back On. Sorry I Can't Go On PhotoBucket. My Cpu Has A Virus. It Wont Let Me On. I Have pictures On Only Will Add When It Does. Please Don't Lock. (Q. Is There A Beta Test?) A. Yes, There Is. In The Comments Send Me Your Gamertag. (Max 8 Players) Send A Message To Lil Devil9597 When You Are On. Starts Tomorrow At 7pm GMT, 4pm EST, 5-6pm PST. Need Legendary Map Pack. (Q. How Long Did It Take?) A. 17 Hours To Fix, Block And Redo The Map. (Q. When Does It Release?) A. Unknown! (Q. Why Did You Make Another Firefight Map?) A. I Wanted To Make My Own. No Just Kiddin. You See Very Many People Have Made These Types Of Maps. Cory021 Has The Best One Yet. My Vote. Because He Had Lots Of Room, Vechiles, Beautiful Spawn Areas And Health Packs. Thats When I Came In For All Those People Whom Couldn't Get The Mythic Map Pack. (Q. Why On Ghost Town?) A. Because Ghost Town Had That Feel For Me. I Got Fustrated And Still Worked On. Ghost Town Has Broken Down Buildings, An Out Door Envirionment And Has Been Barely Used On This Site. (Q. Last One, What About The Mods?) A. Well, If Forgehubbers Can Find It In Their Hearts And Let A Noob Like Myself Hold This Thread Till Is Up. I Would Be Blessed. I'd Like To Thank Everyone How Inspired Me To Make This Map, The People Who Viewed This And All THe Forgehubbers For The Awesome Maps And Game Varaints. Mods Please Dont Lock This. I Will Update Everyday. Remember Tomorrow Beta Test. 7pm Gmt, 4pm Est, 5-6 Pst. :cry: Keep On Forging Forgehubbers. Thank-you Mods And Hubbers. Peace Out! There are honour Rules: No Infected Can Pick Up Human Weapons JUST ANNOUNCED! NEW BETA TEST DATES September 1st 2009 Also a Meet The Team Flaming Reconz Clan Dates: Play With The Team Flaming Reconz Clan In Firefight More Dates Coming In September: Also Coming Soon: New Firefight Levels: Longshore EDT Facilty (Unknown) Catch Map Pack: Fire Fight Maps: EDT Facilty GWC Water Site New Firefight Map
ok heres some photo bucket pics, sorry for the size thats just my photobucket, but least there pics: title? areas: spawn covie weaps: Hope this help to promote your map! it looks interesting from the thought of ghost town rather than boring sandbox =)
I can't really give my full fledged opinion until I see larger pics, but the fact that it's on GTown has me intrigued. And you do realize you don't have to capitalize the first letter of every word, right? You only have to capitalize the first letter of each sentence unless that sentence contains a proper noun like Forge Hub or Microsoft. For more information on the wonders of grammar visit
Just go to halopics or w/e is always on the fritz now a days and imageshack has a mutiple upload choice now so you can upload like 10 - 20 pics. Oh btw i read everything and it sounds really good, using g town is very ineteresting. I might be able to help test this idk yet.
The Moran Thanks For Helping. I Will Post Screenshots Soon. Okay So Here's A List Of The Players Joining: -UDie47X's -Kingjdomination -xSniperacex -meltyourtv -CaptnSTFU (Maybe) -rifte gifle -Krazy Kumquat -The Moran Yes, I Know But If This Is Locked I Will just Post The Map. Hope This Stays On Long Enough. Um The Map Isn't Finished. It May Need Fine Tuning. So No This Is Not Finished. I Mean The Pics Are Still Up From Moran But It's Very Close To Finishing. Also I Have A Habbit Of Type With Caps On Every Word Sorry!
So the beta test is in a few hours? I'll try to get on then, I'd like to try a firefight map on ghost town. I think you should geomerge some of those walls you used for doors, to add to the aesthetics of the map(like in pic 2). I can help you with this if you're still up for testing. GT:rifte gifle. That's a T in rifte, kay? Oh, and so you know map preview threads get locked when you tell a mod that you've finished it and it's up in the forums.
I'll join the test, it starts at 7:00 right? GT: Krazy Kumquat It's looks really good, I hope to have some fun on it
Round #1 Firefight On GWC Water Site With Team Flaming Reconz (Update) Name: -Kinjdomination Team Flaming Recon Member -Matthew616 Team Flaming Recon Member -Lil Devil9597 Team Flaming Recon Admin/Owner -Rifte Gifle -F3AR F1SH -Mike 286 -SilenceX73 Want Some Action Message Lil Devil9597 To Get Included Into Firefight. Round 2 Beggining!
Okay, this is what I thought could have changed with the map to maybe at least make it run smoother. Spawn killing. Although you placed the teleporters with random exit points, it can still be a problem. We've ran into this before. The teleporters shouldn't be in such open areas. The rocket launcher should be placed somewhere easier for the humans to get to. The first thing I do each round is go for the rockets(as the covenant) Make locations easier to get to(e.g shotgun spawn) I suck at jumping, and this isn't helping me at all. Put the custom powerups in better locations. More spread out, easier to see and get to locations. I often could not get to them. AESTHETICS. AESTHETICS. AESTHETICSSSS. The map itself feels very boring, not too much difference between this and normal ghost town. Some areas are really hard to get to, such as underneath the bridge where you made another bridge made out of fence walls. Geomerge some walls to make it look more interesting. The covenant weapons spawn. Neaten them up. Very bunched up together, especially as the round progresses making it difficult to choose the one you want. Get rid of the mongoose. It's completely useless Do something to make the game more exciting. I don't kknow, maybe have more people spawn as covenant. The rounds we played got boring, quickly. I'm pretty sure there was more than this, but I really recommend you at least look into the suggestions I've given you.
OMG Everything you listed that you said firefight maps don't have, I have practically all of that on my Map! I can't believe this. I wish I would get more downloads for my maps, barely anyone pays attention to them, and I have really good ideas. Its just how everything works, try reviewing my map: Hold Out.
Update: GWC Water Site Now I Know, The Map Isn't Up To Forgehub Standards. But When I Had To Redo The Map. I Did It In 1 Hour. Im Going To Merge More And Agree To Some Of Rifte Gifle's Idea and Problems. Water Site Will Have A New Update And A Brand-New Covenent Respawn. Teleporters Will Stay The Same. There Not Random. I Simply Put 1-2 Teleporters In All Five Areas. Human Spawn, Center Building, Generator Room, Tunnel And Closed Tunnel. Now This Map Has No Release Date Yet. I Will Try Posting The Map In Time. The Map Is Very Hard To Make. I Don't Have Alot Of Room Or Items To Place Or Work On. List Of What Adjustments Are Being Added: -No Mongoose -Turret Will Be Moved -Rockets Are Not Being Moved. (Easy To Get) -Shotgun Moved -New Vent Under Catwalk -Easy Jumping System -New Human Spawn -More Ar's -Equipment Moved -Covenent Weapons Moved, -2 More Teleporters -Another Catwalk To Roof Building -Tunnel Block Off -Camping Spots Removed -Human Will Be Split Up Into 2 Teams -New Varaints Like Team Slayer, V.I.P And New Varaint "Headquaters" -Better Weapon Spawn For Humans Now I Know Lots Of Changes But Hey Anything To Make This The Best Firefight Map Out There. I'd Like To Thank Everyone Who Help With This Beta Test. I Did Annouce A Map Pack: Catch. Which Includes 4 Firefight Maps. Release Date Has Been Rumored To September 16th. My Birthday. Yep. Now Other Than That 2 Maps Have Been Removed From The Catch Map Pack: Power Station And GWC Water Site 2. Why? I Dont Think GWC Water Site Desevers A Squel And Assembly Is Too Red vs. Blue Type. I Will Make 1 Map On Longshore. Other Than That I Done. The Map GWC Will Have All This Upgrades By Tomorrow Thanks For Viewing. New Beta Test Starts: August 30th 2009 & August 31st 2009
@Devil95 remember merging isnt everything, just allow smooth gameplay (which may include merging at some points) And update screenshots with your newer version when you can =) this map looks good. I'll be looking for the submission of the final one (which if you need a little help then add me to your game GT:The Moran) EDIT: btw I didnt realise you signed me up for testing, I never said I would because I was testing MLG Futile at the exact time. Also If you want you map testing rather than just on here try the testers guild.
Don't change your text colours, especially to stupidly bright colours. I'm using Old School theme and i can't see a thing. And how do you get a virus on your cpu.
Like Matty, I'm using a lighter theme and I have to highlight everything just to read it. For the real map post, just use the default color. Like I said before, AESTHETICS. They make your map look much better and more intriguing to the eye.
I Really Am Getting Sick Of This Don't Do This And Don't Do That Crap. The Moran I Will Invite You On Sunday. Okay Really Your Talk About How The Colours Are Stupid. I Highlight AnyThing Important In Red Or Yellow. THe Update Will Be Come On Soon.
This is what Matty and I see. nothing. Stick with normal colored text, especially when you decide to post the finished version in the forums.
Okay first Rifte, Matty How do you even read off that Second, The map seems to have a certain feel to it that I personally don't understand but in general being an Infection map it is not bad at all. My only suggestion is that you made it on a Mythic or Heroic map because some people (Practically 85% of people on my friends list) Don't have the Legendary map pack. Other than that detail and the other few good job.
Okay, I haven't played on this map, but I can already see problems with it (based on the pictures provided by The Moran. First, the Custom Powerups(Health packs) are in awkward locations. In my ODST maps (which I believe you used as your inspiration), the Health Packs are generally in open areas, where Covenant soldiers can attack from , but can't drop down right away after getting out of the teleporter. I would place HPs in these locations (sorry about the original Ghost ton weapons). Yellow dots are HPs and Green Xs are Covy teleporters. (The HP at the bottom is below the bridge, not on top of it. Also, I would recommend blocking off the tower where you have the turret, and using it as a Covy teleporter location.) If you have downloaded my most recent ODST gametypes, you'll notice that I took away ODSTs ability to drive, especially since the only vehicles you have are Mongeese ( I think) If I'm ever on while your testing, send me an invite.