Eh? Eh? BTW, before I get started, I got this all from rifte gifle's posts from the Golden Hunter thread. Onto the classes: Hunter Normal blue Hunters. Everyone has seen and heard and been killed by these Hunters. Matter of fact, everyone thought it was the only Hunter. There had been speculations about new Hunters hidden in the coding, but everyone was denied. Anyways, this Hunter seems to be somewhat co-ordinated, but sometimes shoots it's own partner, due to whoever is fighting them moving behind the other one. It has blue armor, styled as before, and seems to be unchanged, other than graphic updates. It fires the same, steady stream of a Fuel Rod Beam. Not much to say, it's pretty much the same. Golden Hunter This Hunter has been confirmed, though not much is known about it, though some people have said it is a leader Hunter(s). It would make sense, since Gold is usually associated with leadership, Halo or otherwise. It probably fires a stronger beam, and maybe stronger armor. Again, not much is known other than pictures and a few probable, sensible predictions. Also, the picture is in clear sunlight, so there is a 99% chance it is real. Brown Hunter The Brown Hunter seems to be either ranked among the Normal Hunter or a Special class. As seen in the picture, this Hunter fires a single Fuel Rod shot, just like the Halo CE Hunter and a Fuel Rod Gun. It's armor MAY be stronger, or the cannon will almost certainly be stronger than a single beam, or equal to. The Hunter is Brown as it says in the title, but the classes have NOT been named yet. Okay, with that cleared up, you may ask, "why should we care? It's one enemy!" Wrong. As seen in many of the books and Graphic Novels of Halo, there are other classes of Brutes, Grunts, Jackals and Drones. One Drone has been confirmed in a video of Firefight, as this kind of Drone has shields. There is also Cart Grunts, with different methane masks, along with pushing carts around full of weapons, whatever the Covenant use for Health packs, and Covenant mechanics. The Brute class(es) have been revealed in Halo 2, Junior Minors, Junior Majors, and Honour Guards. The Brutes in Halo 2 are considered Juniors, as Juniors since Junior Brutes don't shave they're hair to get accepted into the Covenant. And Jackals also have close range and Ranger (space faring) Jackals. There is other classes left out of the games, but they are needless, as they are usually just costume changes. So, the classes ARE CONFIRMED IN ODST. I cannot stress that enough on those people, but LOOK AT THE FIRST PIC, PLEASE.
Meh, people weren't believing it. A few days ago I was talking about it and everyone was laughing at me. **** them for not being here to see this.
Halo 3: ODST Bungie Career Stats - Halo 3: ODST Bungie Stats | Image Gallery | Gear Live This one is from though.
oh thanks. Yeah i hope that this is legit having differant classes of hunters has been something i have been thinking would be cool for a while
The way I understand it, and based on the video I saw, the drone with the shields only had shields because there was an engineer near by. For those who don't know, the Engineer projects a shield to its friends. I don't think its a seperate class, just a result of an engineer. I could be wrong, that's just the way I understood it. As for the Hunters, I'm excited to see the fuel rod hunter back from Halo 1. I've always liked hunters so the more the better. I can see the golden Hunter but I'm not convinced on the brown being a different class. The hunter in the brown pic doesn't look any different then the golden one. Overall, I'm liking the news coming from the recent coverage. Though I'm kinda regretting looking at some of them.
No, if you look at my pic there are 2 types of drones. Normal and leader. The leader is most likely stronger or carries better weapons. The engineer, floats around giving overshields to ALL nearby units save the ODST.
It makes sense for their to be classes for all the covie, i mean their are classes for Elites, Brutes, Grunts, and yes Jackals, its explained form halo ce to now A jackle minor has no spines and carriers either a blue shield or no shield. A jackle major has a purple sheild and spines. then there is the sniper class. The hunters would have to have a class in my opinion. I mean don't you think a hunter that is very battle worn deserves new guns and better armor??
The thing is Hunters are just a colony of worms, deployed like equipment, not a unit. I remember hearing that somewhere...but I don't know where.
i dont think they can upgrade armor, can they? they are just like a ton of little worm like creatures that, together, form the hunter. just like a scarab. i thought they were more of like a tool or machine, like a scarab. their armor may just be physically part of them. but i dont know, thats just what i thought. also, you said that the "normal" blue hunter often killed each other. i didnt think they would ever do that. i remember reading in one of the books that its "bond brother" was the only thing it ever really cared about. i thought that when chief killed one, the other was like so enraged and upset that it just charged chief, hoping to die to join its bond brother, but also to kill chief in the process for revenge.
The armor doesn't come with them, the covenant fitted them with it. Without the suit of armor they would be a mass of worms. But yes they are bonded together if one dies the other goes berserk kinda like a brute but worse.
Yea, well I was meaning in the game, they usually stand right next to each other, no? So I based this off of gameplay, since that's the whole point of this. But the Brown Hunter just looks like that cause it's blurred from moving. I'll fix these changes, but I am TOTALLY sure that it is a Fuel Rod Rocket-whatever you call it. Okay, the second Brown Hunter pic is uploaded. You can tell that the armor is much deeper and darker than the Gold.
i don't see the difference between the brown and gold hunters, i think they are one and the same. also... the only way i can explain ranks for hunters is this: the bond brothers are created when the original hunter colony splits in half (because it got too large), i have not seen two golden hunters together, and they appear to be larger than the normal hunter. soooo.... i believe that golden hunters are the hunter colony before it needs to split in two.
Thats why it makes sense for them to have a class. But Dangerbeck has a good point that could be what it is. But then how do we explain brown ones? unless maybe a brown hunter is one that had its mate killed but didn't berserk but instead still fights?
In a Bungie Weekly Update, Frank O'Connor said: "Hunter society is complex and we have seen but the tiniest fraction of it. There are some fundamental facts about Hunter biology that mean the combat type is just the tip of the iceberg." This means, or at least implies, that there are other kinds of Hunters that simply have yet to be seen
Well that basically ends this discussion. Well we can speculate on what the classes are, or if any other covie have some kick as class. On the note of drones/buggers i think since there insectoid they would have a queen class? like just a big super strong bugger that maybe uses a plasma rifle instead of just the pistol or maybe big enough to carry a plasma turret?