^ seconded. Choose wisely, and you can build an online identity. I hate having to keep track of people on my friends list who change their tag - it usually ends up with me removing them because I have no clue who they are any more. On top of that, if parents are funding OTT names changes then they're not really keeping tabs on their child's personal development and attitude towards money.
I agree that this is a colossal waste of money. This as well as dashboard themes, gamerpics, and avatar marketplace items. they serve no purpose. ive only ever changed my gamertag once and that was because my old GT identified me in a way i can no longer be identified and i wanted to rid myself of any reminder of what i was.
When you get reported for having an offensive gamertag, does it give you a free name change? I always hear kids asking for me to report their name, but i never know why...
Like Norlinsky stated, he's a D-bag. I wouldn't pick names that get banned, or change GTs because changing is equal to $10 dollars.
I've had one, as I realised that if I pick one, It would be what everyone knew me by, and that changing it would waste money and confuse people. People in my FL have changed god knows how many times though.
I have a friend whose gamertag was DarkChocoObama or something like that. He got reported so he changed his name to BA11SCRATCH3R.
Lolgamertagchanging. I still find it stupid people waste over $10 on digital credits to attain a different digital name. That's like using tickets to purchase a cooler name on an arcade's scoreboards instead of using them to get an actual product. I was J DawgMillenium, I am J DawgMillenium, and I always will be J DawgMillenium! (except I may change it in the future to take the correct spelling of "millennium" and/or something a bit less...stupid) Edit: I did not hear anything from Microsoft about the names converting over, so that means I have to think of an awesome name during the summer.
Necromancy ftw. Though, the only reason I would buy a new gt is because mine was justa randomly generated one since I couldnt think of anything good.
What is the ultimate goal of the whole thing? You make a name in a code that is designed to offend someone. Of course you know you'll have to change it and the money it will have to cost you. So, basically people are paying like 8-10 bucks to have a insulting name that only achieves it's goal on a almost mute level and nothing short of a childish act. Hehe, haha, you're so clever, you just gave Microsoft another $8 for nothing in return really. I'm sure Microsoft don't mind the mass incomes of gamertag changes everywhere b/c with that comes money but that **** has got to get annoying.
http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m314xfuS0j1r64qpao1_400.gif They are free, otherwise the poor neo **** would be stuck with the **** name.
Heck, atleast it's a good necrobump. I really like this thread. As much as I despise the name oscarvdhooft I'm not gonna spend 10 euros just to change it, I've got better things to do. It also causes lots of confusion and it's just my name, so I guess it's okay.
For real.. i've been through some weird tags myself and ended up getting into some freaky ****. Yolo.