Hold the shield door on its side right where you want it, press "start", Save the map and quit out of Forge. All while holding the shield door where you want it. When you reload the map, it'll be right where you put it.
Isn't this already in one of our topics like "Advanced Floating?" Yes, yes it is. Not trying to sound rude, but it helps to read the topics in this forum before asking questions that have been answered. I think we need a FAQ somewhere within the F101 forum... --dc
A faq would solve the problem of having to sift through all the posts in all the threads on the f101's (over 800 posts in F101 alone). Not everyone has the patience to read them all (I am one of the few that have read the f101 posts in their entirety). Not all of posts are helpful or would contribute to the faq, but having a central location in which to address some of the simpler questions that people ask would likely be a tremendous help. Just think of how many meaningless posts we could avoid? --dc