Hi i need someone who know how to merge wall in the floor in Fondry . If you now how just send me message or just saying on the forum ! My GT is DANJESS99 .
I have no idea what you are trying to say. All I got out of that is that you merged a wall on some map called "Fondry"? Please try to be more literate when posting here.
If I had to guess I'd say he needs help on merging a wall on foundry. If so check out the tutorials below. Advanced Merging Techniques Advanced Interlocking and Merging Merging Immovable Objects with Map geometry
Welcome, I would advise to take effort in posting a thread so others can understand it and/or take it seriously. I gather you want to know how to merge a wall in foundry or how to merge into foundry wall. Both very simple when you know how to do them but be coursous that geomerging or also refered as geoglitching is not an ingame feature so it can be difficult at first and will not work 100% of the time. Before I get started I would suggest you go to our forging 101 section before posting a thread, it has everything you will need. Geomeging a wall can be tricky but here is how you do it. Take your foundry wall and place it where desired. Then (if merging into the floor) place teleporters surounding all sides, this is a must. The teleporters are used as braces to keep the object from flying off. Next, take two doors and place them onto the wall so it "sinks in" the doors are in upsidedown standing position. With me so far? great, next save just for safe measures. Then grab a part of the wall, save and quit/end the game. Reload and huzzah your wall is in the floor, rince and repeat to further geomerge. Hope all that helped, message me if you need further assisstance. -DRiSCOll This can have Lock now.