The Official Xbox Magazine has confirmed that the engineers, as seen in halo wars, are going to be included in Halo 3: ODST. Here is OXM's write up: Hopefully it's legal to quote a magazine, if not please let me know. And another interesting note, in the article's picture creature was carrying a recon helmet in it's tenticle. I don't think I'm allowed to scan the picture, so you'll have to take my word for it.
Sorry guys, scanning pictures is not allowed. The engineers look similar in shape to the pictures posted below, but they are covered in armour, and their head is not slouched.
This was revealed a long time ago when the leaked achievement list had 2 achievements saying 1: Play campaign without killing 1 engineer 2: Play campaign and kill at least 15 engineers The shield providing thing I did not know...
Im pretty sure that they are harmless especially due to the fact that the two achievements about engineers are related to karma (killing them has an evil picture, doing nothing has a good picture)
The article mentions "..these cute little guys are turned into floating bombs by the brutes.." but they didn't mention how they use the explosives, I think that they'll explode when dead. Regardless, a floating bomb is definatly not harmless, thats for sure.
Sweet. There's a part in the E3 video where they are driving in a mongoose, and you can see a red object floating above a bridge. Guess it was an engineer. Didn't know they looked like this though, much different then in Halo:CE.
I think that they serve the same purpose as trip mines- they wont attack you, but dont jump on them or run into them. Also Rifte- remember that picture is modded so maybe they look different now because Bungie didnt want to show them like that on Halo:CE (and someone found their design in the codes)
They could have definitely changed how they look but that is what they were gonna look like in Halo CE. That look was intended for CE but because it wasn't featured, they can do whatever they want with the look because they haven't been seen in any games yet. I'm definitely interested in finally seeing Engineers in the game. Ever since first reading about them, I've wanted to see them, even if just being in the background, in a game.
Well they are inflated with hydrogen, so im guessing the brutes make them hold, or attach a small charge then blow it up when they get close to a human. I bet its shown in and odst cut scene or something.
They looked like that in Halo wars. And that pic is how the engineers were intended to look in halo CE but got cut out. Also, if you have the halo 3 legendary bonus disc, it tells you about the different types of covenant and the engineer is in there looking exactly like that.
My guess is it's a floating kinda different version of the 'fat' flood forms the explode into the facefuckers.
Or... it could be a brute-edited version so instead of being a healer/scientist, it gives others in the vicinity overshields?
I saw a video of firefight gameplay, and someone killed one that was just kinda floating idle. Its exploded with a small amount of force. I have a feeling it'll just float around healing **** until you kill it, or get too close.
From what I read under one of those videos (on IGN I think) the engineers project shields onto all of the enemies. I kind of like that. If they didn't do something to everyone they would really be unnecessary. EDIT: Found it. Read this article:
The shield projection is something they added, it wasn't in the books at all. All those buggers did was disassemble **** rebuild it and figure out what i did. And well they fixed all the vehicles etc. They really helped the Covenant figure out Forerunner tech.
Here's a video for anyone who is too lazy to search Youtube. YouTube - Halo 3: ODST 'Engineer Revealed' Gameplay