Sandbox Helix

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Ah dang you got a needle frenzy?? You should have sent me the clip so i could put it in the video! Maybe next time around though. Glad you like the map and thanks for testing with us!
  2. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    and i had though it was a lemon tree till u had to go crush my dreams.. good map tho 4/5
  3. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    This is a very impressive thread, I cant wait to give this map a try. I leave more feedback once Ive ran a few games on it, but I just had to say I'm impressed.
  4. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I think I played a test game on this at one point...
    Very well forged, pretty ascetics, and as balanced as a symmetrical map is going to get.
    I don't like the size because I never get enough players, but for popular people, this is the map for you.

    Higher Vocabulary Version:
    I estimate that I have partaken in a game which analyzed the pro's and con's of the creation, known commonly to my subordinates as a competitive map.
    Immensely and excellently forged, favorable ascetics, and not quite but entirely unlike a bad map are all degraded descriptions for this creation. Any other words and descriptions more ecstatic than approvable, and we may observe a rapid increase in chat language such as tl;dr, a favorite among my uneducated colleagues.
    My personal perspective and outlook on this particular species and vastness of maps may be not unlikely despised by you, considering my opinion is not the exhilarated forum posts others unlike myself have posted. However, others may not completely but nonetheless definately will probably not see this map as untasteful.

    The reason I have done this is because on my last English test, I did not write enough about my opinion on a certain matter because, like the above post, it could be summed up in a few sentences.
    5/5 on the map :D
  5. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    Well you have my download that's for sure. Very very unique in layout and it also reminds me a bit of narrows with its long and open sight paths. Someone above said that gameplay was not thought about during Forging I can see where they're coming from. It is a VERY OPEN map with little cover. This can be seen just from watching the videos you've posted. But the layout is unique enough to give you good gameplay with the right amount of people from what I've seen.

    I've qued it for DL tonight and I'll try and get back to my review tomorrow. It does seem a bit disheartening that everyone has said it looks better than it plays. I'll be the judge of that.

    Either way a 5/5 for uniqueness and cleanliness. Not too may big conquest maps like this either. Possible feature????
  6. Fruitbat7

    Fruitbat7 Ancient
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    i wouldn't be suprised if this map gets featured. it deserves it if you ask me. The exposed multi-level layout should make for some interesting games. Man that sucks the whole first draft of the map got deleted. I probably would have abbandened it at that point; had it been me. Its a good thing i wasn't the one forging the map! keep up the forging gunnergrunt
  7. Fiatluxmortem94

    Fiatluxmortem94 Ancient
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    Holy... Lord. This map is so beautiful. The angles are delicious, the lighting is great, the contrasting layers are just fantastic. I really like this map, and I cannot wait to try it out. I have to ask, though, did you Forge this using Save+Quit or by stacking the objects? The levels look just too flawless to be Floaters, but I could be wrong.

    Great map. Just a thumbs up to humanity. 11/10
  8. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Damn you beat me! :)

    This map is a great design but it really shines in its forging. I have no idea how you work so well and so quickly. All of your maps just blow me away, and you seem to forge twice as fast as I do.

    CTF is definitely it's best gametype, with slayer being a close second. I'm also rather disappointed there's no neutral bomb as I think it would play it well.

    The design is a little bottle necked and the battles tended to take place mostly on the top floor leaving the other routes somewhat neglected. The middle walkway had a very high risk with the only escape route to the lower walkway that was also high risk. This meant that running the flag tended to be safest through the top route, which really only had 1 access route from the base.

    The tube corner was an interesting choice. I understand you wanted to close that pathway a little but at the same time it creates a break in your map. Granted they're in the middle so you won't be able to grenade jump up there without taking gunfire so it's probably not a big deal.

    One thing I suggested to AZN was an addition of a jump from the middle pathway to the roof of the base. He might have mentioned it to you and it not been possible due to item/budget limit. I also would have like to have seen a drop down onto the flag from the roof, but that was just a personal thought.

    The spawning was a little questionable as there were so few spawns and so few locations, it worked for the most part but I would have like to have seen more spawn points and better grouping.

    Overall this is an exceptional map that should be played by everyone.

    I'm looking forward to your future maps!
  9. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    I don't really know what to think about this map. I like it but, then I hate it. Its just me. Personally I don't like multi level maps, because the action always takes place up top(higher ground is always better right?) Its true, and in most games on this map, I would expect similar gameplay to that of construct. In games such as KOTH this map would kill. It would be awesome to have a hill on the bottom and have people jumping all over the place and all hectic like etc. I'm seeing a Mosh pit game = win. Leaving gameplay behind... your astytics are great. Somethings I just don't like such as the wall paths I would rather see blocks, but you only have so many blocks. But they were nice and merged together good. If you were to change one thing. I would make the center a better transistion point between all levels. I think it would be interesting to have it so the each level leading to the center meet in one point. Maybe make is so the bottom levels twist around a round column that holds up a center piece level with the top main level. Know what I'm saying. Well, anyway, if anything is changed, I would change the center. Other than that you've produced a great map here.
  10. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    Incredible; I've never seen a multi-level map look so fabulous. And while I'm blown away by the looks of this map, that game-play video really finished it off: Not only does it look kick-ass, it plays it to.

    Unique design, flawless execution, and high-caliber game-play. Well done!


    Senior Member

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    After going through it on forge I was blown away, and then I realised it was FLOATING! I mean that must have taken so long to do! The design is great and the shape is cool. When I first saw this I thought 'conquest' but a better look has shown me the potential this map has!

    Need any testing done or just want a few games on it? I really got to play this on a 6v6 - 8v8!
  12. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Map looks amazing :)
    A lot of work has clearly gone into and i'm going to download ;)
  13. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I didn't save any quit anything. All the forging was done by stacking items lol

    Well we wanted something to provide cover from the turret while going through the ribs and also block line of sight into the other set of ribs. The tube corner was the object AZN chose. I was a bit skeptical at first, but i spent about three games trying to find some sort of advantage to standing on the obelisks but never found any. That is the most exposed part of the map. It is actually disadvantageous to fight from up there. Plus, its very difficult to grenade jump up without dying.
    #33 Gunnergrunt, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  14. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    I have to say, I normally never download maps in these categories, but this map awesome. The layout and design is very original in my eyes. This is a for sure download. Great job!
  15. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    Truly this is an amazing map the presentation the videos are executed wonderfully, they show off the map very good. This map is the only one of it's kind I have ever seen it reminds me of a DNA strand in design. I love wat you've done with the obelisk I used something like and you did it just right great job. Another thing I like about this is the spiral stair-case well spiral ramp you choose the right pieces when creating it props to that. And last I like how the map has the layers so you are checking that motion tracker to see if someone is next to you or below. You are very creative my friend, AZN FTW should be proud this is a outstanding map. Feature oh and Azns are for the world they are so awesome.
  16. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    After running through this a few more times, I think it could really benefit from a grav lift or two on the map. The catwalks are so open; if you are caught on the low ground in the middle of a catwalk you are pretty much dead.
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Okay, I've got some comments and criticisms that are based off of a forgethrough and watching the two vids that were posted, so you can take what I'm about to say with that in mind. I do plan on running some games on here with some folks, but I wanted to give my initial impressions (for what it's worth).

    For a competitive map, this is far too linear for my tastes. The sight lines and the shooting angles are way too open (as the sniper domination in the video proves), leaving the upper portion very easy to lock down with a decent team. There's also no real strafing room on the lower levels, giving me even less incentive to want to travel down there.

    It looks cool and the forging is as excellent as I would expect from you, but the design doesn't really seem to work. Collaborations can be tough, especially if you're working with a design that isn't yours. Personally, I think you have a great talent at forging and I have really enjoyed your previous designs. I'd love to see the uppermost level done in a Conquest-style map (actually, when I play this I'll push for some Territories), but as it stands this map could really use a bit of revision.

  18. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Alrighty, first off, let me say that I'm rather impressed with your forging skills that you show in this map. I think you show much promise with the forge. Now, as for this map, it's more of what I would like to say a flop. Not really your fault, more so the person who came up with the layout (in this case AZN FTW).

    The main problems with the map is lines of sight. On the lower levels of the map there is very little cover from above and the people above have way too much cover. I think it would be a good for this map to basically flip-flop that concept and have cover more aimed on the lower parts than the higher ones. Another thing that is kind of a pain is the ramps that lead from the lowest level to the main floor in the bases. Those steep ramps can be a pain. I understand why they were used in this map, but in future maps try to keep clear of them. Other than that, there isn't much problems with the layout methinks.

    As for the weapons, I feel that it's a bit lacking and off. The gun turrets for one have to go. They pretty much raped anything and everything. You might want to try putting shotguns with zero clips on a 150 sec respawn in their place. The snipers weren't really that bad, but they didn't seem to go into play much. You may want to reduce their timer by 30 secs. Also, I feel that a bubble shield as a central power weapon is in all a bad idea. At the start of a match the player should usually rush for power weapons to get a better footing on the enemy ground. A bubble shield doesn't really help with that matter. The bubble shield is designed for defence purposes, not attacking/control ones. I think having either a rocket with a zero clip on a 150 sec spawn or possibly a Camo on a 150 sec spawn would be better than a bubble. Other than that, it seemed like the map was lacking good BR placement... that or there wasn't all that much. You want to make sure that you place your BR's in places obvious to players and easy to find. You also want to make sure to at least have two near each teams base and at least two else where in the map. That's more so depends on the size of the map though.

    When we played CTF the only problems I had was the placement of the flag and a few spawns. I think the flag would be better off in the central area of the bases and same as the return point. You could even use the space where the flags are now to put something like a regen or power drainer. Other than flag placement, when we tried to take the flag the backway we ran into the other team spawning downt there. So, when the flag's away it may be better to have the main spawn area around where you have the curved walls. That way it's even more less likely to run into the enemy... though it may still happen. I'm not all that great with spawns, but I can at least tell you about the ones that are problematic.

    Well, that's all I can really give you, hope it helps and I can't wait to see what you come out with next. :)
  19. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments Squid. I'm a big fan of Avarice. I hope that your games are more enjoyable than you predict!

    And thanks, Vorpal, for the lengthy review. The comments I have received for the map are strange. They are not at all consistent. For example, you don't think the weapons work while many other people think the weapon placement is great. But thats not true about the turret. Most people agree that the turrets don't work (I think they're fine lol). You suggest a rocket launcher for the central weapon, but that would only work if the bottom level had more cover. And the bottom level is left exposed because there is less traffic there.

    As for spawn points, AZN placed the minimun number of spawns required for all gametypes to work. I never noticed a problem with them even testing with 16 people. It is better for the players to spawn below and meet the flag carrier in the middle than just attack him from above. The hard part is getting the flag. Getting it back home is usually easier. The flags spawns and returns were placed where they are so players will have to cross the opening while taking or returning the flag.

    I appreciate the feedback, Vorpal, but i'm not sure why the map is getting such diverse reactions. So for now, all I can go off of is my own experience and the gameplay of others from the films they sent me. We tested the map enough and even testing some of your suggestions in the beggining, but this is what we ended up with. Hopefully I can get more comments like yours so I'll have something to work with.
    #39 Gunnergrunt, Aug 27, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  20. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Wow, a lot of reaction to this map!
    Looks great IMO.

    Very different and unique.
    I love all the jumps, demonstrated in the video, and the sheer originality of this map :]
    I love the hallways with the Tube Corners covering them!
    Not to mention, great post.

    I would DL this, but atm i have no xbox :[

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