Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    No, you're not heavily outnumbered.

  2. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    I think he meant he's outnumbered on this forum in terms of people who will respond. I'm sure the overall population of forge hub will somewhat mirror your pie chart.
  3. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I have read books on memetics, and I can assure you that all of the information that I intended for you to read in that article was correct.

    @P3P5I and Eyeless Sid: Don't bother responding to Erico's Julius Caesar argument; he has used it at least three times in this thread and was never successful. There's no point in arguing it again.
  4. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    That's possible, but when you quote this:

    "but I'm not leaving religion, I'm happy with it", it seems to say much more than just Forge Hub, in fact it implies a global population.
  5. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you. I assumed that chart was a global representation of religious belief. I'm sure almost any sufficiently diverse population will mirror that data in someway.
  6. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I know ;)

    That is, if it is a diverse population.
  7. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Yeah. Forgehub isn't a good sample population because it is primarily English-speaking people that use the site. Several of those religions would have no following whatsoever here.
  8. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    We're not trying to make you leave it or totally be unhappy with religion we ,or at least me would like it if at least people would use common sense before claiming something is an act of God or that the morals and rules of a certain religion is the only right way to go about your life when in fact any life style is right as long as the person is happy. The only time I dislike others living styles ,whether it be religious ,not religious, or whatever is when it directly effects someone else s/mine in a negative way. Pushing of beliefs is one that I see commonly used and just because you think your right and that your helping that person by "informing" them of a certain belief doesn't mean you should. Religion has good teachings but its not the only way to become a happy good person.
    #2688 Eyeless Sid, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Just because you say he's an important figure in history who I've seen in a text book of some random... sort... DOES NOT mean you have proof. Absolute proof. Your guys' theory is that I don't have absolute proof that souls exist, and my argument is that you guys don't have absolute proof that Julius Caesar exists... Along with hundreds of other famous people in history.

    If you can't defend yourself, then don't talk at all.

    Jeez you're pissing me off. You aren't responding to me, and I've explained several times that souls exist, God exists, and I even gave you my experiences with him. Don't tell me to shut up, don't tell others not to listen to me, and don't be a wise ass. If you find this offensive, well you should, because I'm defending myself from a raging atheist who doesn't know the meaning of faith.

    I'm not going to keep quoting just so you guys can answer with red text. It's really inconvenient and it's rather irritating. So right now I'm going to respond in green text cuz it's just yea..... You get the idea.
    Okay, I'm about to go look at 20 pages of information, go look at some random category, and grab some text out of it AND I don't even know if It's reliable or not, because there's still a chance that some random kid put "Christians are lunatics".. Wikipedia is not a good source. It, my friend, is not. Trust me. Ask your parents, teachers, judges... anybody.

    When some random person can go on a site and put information onto it, it does not end well. It doesn't. Okay? There's no use putting that argument up at all.

    I already replied to Eyeless Sid's comment, which is basically the same as this. Go read it (It's above this).

    I also already replied to this idea (again, it's above this).
    #2689 Monolith, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  10. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Even more detailed:


    The population would pretty much have to be global, as religiosity fluctuates heavily based on region.
  11. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I think you are "losing faith" in part because you decided to not only believe in God, but all the beliefs attached to that particular deity. It's fine for you to believe in a religion, but it's good to remember that you can adapt and change whenever you've learned something new. If you've lost faith in one path, there are always a million other options. Beliefs really are unique from person to person, and that's the beauty of forming your own idea and running with it.
  12. goldenknight508

    goldenknight508 Ancient
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    Eons, you basically just won the thread. I think what you said about sums this entire thing up.

    I always thought of it that way, but was never fully able to put it into words.
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Erico is a immature kid that has no knowledge of History I don't even know how I should reply to his absolute stupidity. Julius Caesar was real because their are bones[physical evidence] of his fallen enemies and his own soldiers scattered over battle fields all over Europe you moron! Do you really think he wasn't real then explain to me "WHO RULED THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT THAT TIME" if it wasn't him. All empires have leaders and if it wasn't hime who was it? Honestly Ive studied so many history books and been to so many places in Europe that are in fact there because of him that I don't even understand why you can try to make this stupid argument that we have no proof he existed when its all right in front of you. Your too young to even understand.

    Why do I not see Jesus or god existing is that none of the people they came in contact with or any specific places they visited can be absolutely verified. Caesar was Roman that means he was in Rome and Rome has plenty of archeological evidence to prove that it and Caesar existed.

    Also your research is flawed because you used inside sources which are not reliable because they are biased. I was referring to the Bible being a bad source or reference because its authenticity is not solid.
    Two classes of world religion, going on three this year.
    -One class of Biblical Traditions
    Those are not out side sources they have religion and bible in the freakin name.
    You would be better off with the History channel or and encyclopedia than you would with those classes.

    Have you even taken any high school history classes or College classes yet? I have and I know that you need better research lol.You just saying something isn't going to do much for your argument but if you back it up with lets say sources with highly credited professors backing them hey I can look at it. Caesar's existence has never been in question ,he is not classified as a myth your argument would only work if we didn't know for a fact that he lived .

    If your saying well you don't have his body to prove his existence well heres what happened to it after Brutus assassinated him.
    Even if his body wasn't cremated it would have desinegrated by now .

    With Jesus his body just disapeared after 3 days [his rising from the dead]this is physically impossible.

    Also this link as well talks about how we know exactly what Caesar looked like and we knew the whole history of his life.We had "busts" of him that's the equivalent to molds of his body and face. There are no such thins for Jesus besides the Terran cloth which has recently be proven to be dated after jesus's death meaning it was not of him.

    Caesarwrote letters and books and has legal records when he was a lawyer this cant be said about Jesus.

    The Romans documented everything with thousands of written records. No historian doubts that Caesar lived and much is known of what he did during his lifetime.

    How likely is it that someone could perform the miracles that Jesus did -- heal the sick, raise the dead, and walk on water -- with no one at the time making note of it?

    He was a prolific writer and we have his own words and reflections on what he did.

    We have writings from people who knew him and interacted with him.

    He is on coins.

    There are letters written during his life that mention him.

    There are numerous accounts from historians who lived when he did.

    No group had a vested interest in making up a Roman leader.

    That's way more evidence than there is for Jesus. Why is your standard of proof for Jesus so low? At least my standard of proof is the same for everyone. I don't lower it for one individual.

    link to his writings>

    There is not irrefutable physical evidence that he existed. Get a new argument Erico you lost this one many times.I've taken college level history classes and have visited sites in Rome where Caesar resided I know what im talking about kid.
    #2693 Eyeless Sid, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  14. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    OMG Erico shut up. No one cares about whether you can prove Julius Caesar existed, as it has nothing to do with God. All you're doing is pissing people off with you're silly stubbornness. Next time you try to use that argument I'm reporting you for spamming whether it is or not, getting shut down for abusing the report system would actually do me some good.
  15. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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  16. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    ER1C0 believes Julius Cesear's existence can't be proven because of what he's done, but believes Jesus Christ exists because a book says so.
    Great logic bro!

    And Eons, ever since I started believing in what I want to believe in, I've became a much more happier person. There are some good morals in religion, but some of the restrictions and punishments are absolutely ridiculous.
  17. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    oooh, so the atheists are boiling up! but I've got to go to school right now. See ya in 9 hours!

    heh heh
  18. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    If you were in my History class you would be laughed at,and we are ALL are aggravated with your piss poor arguments, Both sides are.
    We actually have physical proof in my last post with about 3 legit sources that prove Caesars existence. Your own side of the argument [theists] has called you out as being wrong . You have less knowledge then both sides and all your doing is putting your opinion along with a ridiculous false statement and I agree with EL Diablo, that if you keep bringing up the Caesar argument that we'll report you for being off topic/spamming.We have debated over it and have proven you wrong multiple times so get something new or stop posting. I respect EL Diablo's,P3P5i,and aMoeba's arguments far more than yours which have no foundation compared to everyone's else s. Are you even In High school for crying out loud? If not then you haven't taken any legit History courses which I guarantee most users on this debate have. I'll say it again know your **** or do some well thought out research before trying to pull crap like you've given us again.

    Just in case you bring it up again proof of Caesars existence is in my above post in the statements made and in the links which talk about his full life documentation,busts [molds basically of his upper torso],legal records,money,artifacts,battle fields, buildings of importance,what happened to his body after his assassination, authentic eye witness accounts , his writings/letters, out side verification of his existence,ect.... Have fun actually doing some real research for once. Listen in school for now on you might learn something because you need it.
    #2698 Eyeless Sid, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  19. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Eyeless Sid, Jimbodawg, and other believers of Julius Caesar, let's put all posts away, so that you can read this one post.

    I set up a trap.

    I explained that Julius Caesar could not have existed, and many people came right back without physically undeniable proof that he did indeed exist. I now know that you have the capacity to believe in someone beyond what you have undeniable proof of. So, in this way, I can tell that you have corrupt thoughts about God's/Jesus' existence. Corrupt is the only word I can use, don't look at it badly. You can take this better if you keep reading with an opened mind. The moral of this test is that it's not that hard to believe in such existences. It's simply not that difficult.

    You fell in my trap, and there's no way going around this.

    Accept it in a good way..

    Enough said.
  20. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    I didn't fall into any trap. Truth be told a small child could (and did) see your "trap" several miles away. The claim itself was absurd to the point of disbelief. And giving absolute physical proof on anything that requires no intuition isn't at all feasible. If I fill a glass with water step 50 paces away from the source around a corner and you turn such a corner to find the glass empty and the floor dry the common assumption would be that I drank it correct? Someone as important to history as Julius Caesar has much physical evidence to facilitate a belief in his existence. Writings, standing architecture, battle sites, writings, etc that could all be dismissed using fancy words and quizzical logic. Giving absolute 100% physical undeniable proof of ANYBODY'S existence without the body is impossible. But from what we DO have. To many (and most mind you) from the commonman to the expert its enough for his existence to be considered much more then likely to be factual. Were not debating the existence of julius caesar anyways making the point mute. If what your alluding to is weather or not Jesus existed then we come to an completely different set of points. First of all as implied before this debate is about gods existence. Proving Jesus existence does not prove gods existence unless you can prove exactly what it is that Jesus did compared to what its claimed he did. If you can provide evidence from what is considered to be a factual source. (documents from the roman imperial library, historical accounts, etc.) That prove that Jesus did things that are outright impossible then you have an argument. Otherwise just drop it youve made a sharp point that won't go anywhere i'm afraid.
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